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When and where did the convention take place and what was it like?

Why was there a rule of secrecy? Was this necessary?

Why was George Washington the best choice for President of the convention and what did he lend to the proceedings?

What did delegates for a strong national government believe?

How many delegates attended and who were they (collectively)?

What did delegates for a stronger state government (weaker national government) believe?

Who is the Father of the Constitution and why is he called that?

What were the ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they impact the convention?

Why werent John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Sam Adams at the convention?

What one belief did both groups of delegates (stronger national govt/stronger state govt) share?

Which state didnt come to the convention and what was their reason?

What experience did the states have with constitutions and republics and how did that affect the convention?

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