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Chapter 2 -- 1

William Richard Watkins

This is the only photograph I found of the generation of my great grandparents. Doug Hood
lent me the original.

William Richard Watkins: Born 4 Aug

1828, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent,
England. I do not have a death date. We
do know that the picture at left was taken
in 1906 when William was 78.
Occupation: Farmer near Brenchley, a
village . about 5 miles ENE of Royal
Tunbridge Wells, a spa town about 25
miles SE of London.
Wife: Ann (Waghorn) Watkins [I have
no birth and death dates for Ann.]
Edwin Watkins 16 Jan 1866 - 9 Oct 1932
William Watkins, London policeman
Rose (Watkins) Thrift
Other sons names unknown

As you see we know little of my great

grandfather. However we do know
something of the circumstances of the
picture and we can guess at his feelings
William Watkins at 78
Taken at Woodford Green 1906 when this picture was taken.
To understand the solemn expression on
William’s face consider this: The picture was taken in 1906 at Woodford Green, a London
suburb, by a professional photographer who likely was commissioned by William’s son Edwin.

photographer’s main job was to photograph the family of Edwin Watkins. Flip ahead and look
at that photograph and you will see Edwin and Jane Watkins and their four children and my
Great Grandfather William. Edwin, a head gardener [one assistant] to the affluent Spicer
sisters, was not well off. However the occasion was a special one. The Edwin Watkins family
Chapter 2 -- 2
would soon travel to Portland, Oregon in far away America. William would never see his
beloved son and grandchildren again nor they him. I’m sure that they all knew it and that it
tempered their anticipation of the great adventure with a note of sadness. William, then 78
years old, must have felt it most keenly of all. I wish I could tell you more of Ann (Waghorn)
Watkins or William’s other children but I cannot. We owe great thanks to Douglas MacBeth
Hood who learned much of the above from his mother and grandmother and passed it on to us..

Doug tells me that William had been a farmer at Brenchley, a village about five miles ENE of
Royal Tunbridge Wells, a spa town about 25 miles SE of London.

Royal Tunbridge Wells, Brenchley, environs.

30 Miles SE of London.

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