Recapitulation and The Toltec Path

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Recapitulation and The Toltec Path

Recapitulation is a procedure of self-healing that is done

by reliving the events of our past in such a way that we
are able to restore our own being from the damage that
many of those events left in us.

This damage is usually expressed as repetitive emotional

conflicts. The persistence of the routines of our
personality that drain our vital energy comes from this energetic damage as well.
Recapitulation is the medicine for that disease. In terms of energy it could be said
that recapitulation is the series of energetic procedures that restore our field of
energy from the damage received in the past.

The consequence of recapitulation is recovery of the state of completeness that we

had at the moment of our birth. In practical terms it implies recovering the freedom
of choosing how to be and how to live, instead of endlessly repeating the
exhausting internal routines established in our past.

The roots of recapitulation are lost in time. Legends and living practices amoung
indigenous peoples, descendants of the ancient Toltecs, speak about the enormity
of the knowledge developed by the ancient habitants of Tula and other Toltec
populations. Different recapitulation-like experiences are still practiced amoung
their descendants.

The Toltec Path was first brought pub lic by Carlos Castaneda. Since then, naguals
such as don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Four Agreements), Kristopher Raphael and
Theun Mares have further made the Toltec Path available to the average person.

The term recapitulation, associated with a systematic practice to heal ourselves

from the damages obtained in the past, was introduced for the first time by Carlos
Castaneda in his book The Eagle’s Gift in 1982.

The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing Your Past to Free Your Soul
Victor Sanchez

The Eagle's Gift

Carlos Castaneda

She said that the first stage is a brief recounting of all the incidents in our lives that
in an obvious manner stand out for examination.
The second stage is a more detailed recollection, which starts in the present and
could extend to the moment of birth.

Florinda explained that the key element in recapitulation was breathing. Breath for
her was magical, because it was a life-giving function. She said that recollecting was
easy if one could reduce the area of stimulation around the body. Breathing fosters
deeper and deeper memories.

Florinda said that her benefactor directed her to write down a list of the events to
be relived. He told her that the procedure starts with an initial breath. Stalkers begin
with their chin on the right shoulder and slowly inhale as they move their head over
a hundred and eighty degree arc. The breath terminates on the left shoulder. Once
the inhalation ends, the head goes back to a relaxed position. They exhale looking
straight ahead.

The stalker then takes the event at the top of the list and remains with it until all the
feelings expended in it have been recounted. As stalkers remember the feelings
they are invested in whaterver it is that they are remembering, they inhale slowly,
moving their heads from the right shoulder to the left. The function of this breathing
is to restore energy. Florinda claimed that the luminious body is constantly creating
cobweblike filaments, which are projected out of the luminous mass, propelled by
emotions of any sort. Therefore, every situation of interaction, or every situation
where feelings are involved, is potentially draining to the luminous body. By
breathing from right to left while remembering a feeling, stalkers, through the magic
of breathing, pick up the filaments they left behind. The next immediate breath is
from left to right and it is an exhalation. With it stalkers eject filaments left in them
by other luminous bodies involved in the event being recollected.

Recapitulation is a Toltec tool that is specifically designed to reclaim the energy you
have trapped in the past. All our lives our energy has been leaking out into our
attachments to the beliefs, events, and people we have interacted with. Everywhere
we have judged ourselves, felt victimized, or acted unconsciously in any way based
on our beliefs we have lost energy. Through the practice of recapitulation we can
reclaim that energy, freeing it up and bringing it into the present to be used to
manifest the intents that will serve us the best.

Recapitulation is a core Toltec technique used to heal emotional charges. On a

deeper level, it is used to reclaim energy and return it to self. Recapitulation was
first introduced into mass consciousness by Carlos Castaneda in his book, The
Eagles Gift, published in 1982.
Emotional charges cause one to misperceive the world around them and make it
impossible to perceive the Nagual with clarity. For example, if a young girl is
relentlessly teased about her curly hair by her father, she may become emotionally
charged. Later, when she is a adult, whenever someone compliments her,
particularly her hair, she becomes angry. She may not know why compliments
cause her to get angry as she doesn’t remember how her father used to tease her
as a young child. What is worse is that she misperceives another person’s good
intent, i.e. giving her a compliment, as teasing her about her looks. This
misperception causes upset both in her life and other people in it.

The average person is full of emotional charges, many that they are not aware of as
they were suppressed as painful memories during childhood. This causes the
average person to misperceive the world and the people in it. Systematic
recapitulation decharges emotions and frees one up to perceive the world clearly.
Recapitulation releases negative emotions that are trapped in one’s subconscious
freeing up their life. Many people have a habitually negative emotional state, or are
moody for reasons they do not know why. More times than not, the reason lies in the
suppressed emotional charges that lie in their subconscious.

On a deeper level, recapitulation is used to reclaim one’s energy. Everywhere one

has lived they leave an energetic piece of themselves. In every person you interact
with you live energetic cords or filaments that, unless reclaimed back to self drain
you of your vital energy. This is particularly true of sexual encounters. Through the
consistent use of recapitulation you restore the vital energy necessary to progress
on a spiritual path. Most do not realize how much energy is required to break free of
the Dream of the Planet. You need every ounce of energy you have. This is why
Toltecs place so much importance on the Recapitulation.

Classes on the recapitulation can be found at the Toltec Mystery School.

For Wikipedia

Recapitulation is a spiritual technique used by the Toltecs of Mesoamerica. The term

recapitulation was first introduced to the public by Carlos Castaneda in his book,
The Eagle’s Gift, published in 1982. According to Castaneda, recapitulation is a
Toltec tool that is designed to reclaim the energy you have trapped in the past.

According to Victor Sanchez, author of The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing

Your Past to Free Your Soul, recapitulation is a procedure of self-healing. It is done by
reliving the events on one’s past. The damage is caused by repetitive emotional
conflicts. When these conflicts persist, they drain one’s vital energy.
Repetitive emotional conflicts can lead to emotional charges. According to
Kristopher Raphael author of The Mastery of Awareness, Seeing Through the Eyes of
a Jaguar, emotional charges blind one from perceiving reality as it truly is.
Recapitulation is used to decharge one’s emotions so that they do not react and can
perceive clearly.

According to Carlos Castaneda, recapitulation often begins with a list of items to be

relived. One begins with the first item on the list and stays with it until all of the
emotions around the event have been felt. The recapitulation is done with the
breath. While recalling the event, one inhales slowly, moving their head from the
right shoulder to the left. The next breath is from left to right and it is an exhalation.
The purpose of the breath is to restore energy and release feelings that are
potentially draining to the individual.

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