Controlling Anger in Children and Classroom Observation Checklist

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Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children

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|amo ...........................................................................................................................................
|ato o b|th ............................................................................................................................
Schoo| .........................................................................................................................................
||oaso c|c|o tho oombo vh|ch yoo obsovat|oos soggost |s most appop|ato aod add aoy commoots that
yoo th|o| ao |mpotaot.
A|vays Usoa||y Somo-
|ovo Commoot
l. Comos to schoo|/c|ass happ||y l 2 : 4
2. Sott|os |o c|ass v|thoot oss l 2 : 4
:. Sott|os |o sma|| goops oas||y l 2 : 4
4. |o||ovs c|ass oot|oos l 2 : 4
S. Accopts toacho's d|oct|oos l 2 : 4
6. Accopts otho pop||s ta||og tho |oad l 2 : 4
/. Appoas popo|a v|th otho ch||doo l 2 : 4
8. |as at |oast ooo good |ood l 2 : 4
9. ||ays appop|ato|y v|th otho
l 2 : 4
l0. Copos vo|| v|th d|sappo|otmoot l 2 : 4
ll. Appoas coodoot l 2 : 4
l2. |oo|s good aboot thomso|vos l 2 : 4
l:. Coocootatos vo|| l 2 : 4
l4. Cooto|s aogo vhoo povo|od l 2 : 4
lS. |as |os|ght |oto ovo bohav|oo l 2 : 4
l6. |oaos om m|sta|os l 2 : 4
l/. |oops haods, oot objocts to
l 2 : 4
l8. |ots so| 4 : 2 l
l9. ||stacts otho ch||doo 4 : 2 l
20. |ots otho ch||doo 4 : 2 l

bost scoo = 20 vost scoo = 80

Comp|otod by .........................................................................................................................

|ato .............................................................................................................................................
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is available to order from
|ato yooso| aga|ost oach o tho o||ov|og statomoots oo a sca|o o 0 - l0
0 = oot voy moch/oovo. S = a mod|om amooot/somot|mos. l0 = a |ot/a|most a|vaysj.
|y |oov|odgo - vhat do l |oov aboot my aogo
l oodostaod vhy l got aogy.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
|ot voy moch a|most a|vays
l oodostaod vhy othos got aogy.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l |oov tho t|ggos that stat my aogo.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l |oov hov to stop my aogo osca|at|og.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l |oov vhat happoos to my body vhoo l got aogy.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l oodostaod tho pattoo o my aogy ootbosts.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l |oov that l cao copo vhoo otho stodoots got aogy.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l |oov that l cao copo vhoo ado|ts got aogy

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is available to order from

|y s||||s - |ov ao my s||||s oov
l cao th|o| aboot my bohav|oos aod vhy l d|d vhat l d|d.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao sot soos|b|o tagots o chaogo.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao p|ao ahoad.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l havo a systom to so|vo my pob|oms.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao oso so|-ca|m|og statog|os o.g. cooot|og, doop boath|og, o|axat|ooj.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao ta|| myso| dovo.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao oso t|mo oot popo|y.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao oso 'l' mossagos.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao pob|om so|vo v|th |oods.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is available to order from
l cao pob|om so|vo v|th ado|ts.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao maoago my stoss.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
l cao oodostaod hov othos ao oo||og aod chaogo my bohav|oos tovads thom | l th|o| thoy ao
gott|og aogy.

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0

vhat do yoo hopo to |oao oo th|s cooso




|ov do yoo oo| aboot yoo ab|||ty to maoago yoo oo||ogs aod bohav|oo
0 = oogat|vo. S = O|. l0 = pos|t|voj

0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0
oogat|vo pos|t|vo
|ov voo|d yoo |||o to oo| aboot yoo ab|||ty to maoago yoo oo||ogs aod bohav|oo |o tho otoo
0 l 2 : 4 S 6 / 8 9 l0

vhat do yoo th|o| ooods to chaogo |o odo o yoo to ma|o moo pogoss loc|odo th|ogs aboot
yooso|, othos aod yoo s|toat|oo.j
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is available to order from
|oa |aoots/Caos,
Yoo ch||d has booo so|octod to pat|c|pato |o a so|-maoagomoot pogammo ca||od Cooto|||og Aogo.
1ho ma|o poposo o th|s cooso |s to toach yoo ch||d a va|oty o s||||s aod statog|os to ooab|o thom to
oxposs aod cooto| tho| moo d|co|t oo||ogs |oc|od|og aogoj |o a moo pos|t|vo vay.
1hoo ao a tota| o too soss|oos |o tho cooso. |o|og oach soss|oo tho pop||s v||| oxam|oo a stoy
that dota||s hov a posoo acos tho coosogooocos o ao oocooto||od ootbost o phys|ca| o voba|
v|o|ooco. |op||s ao thoo oocooagod to aoa|yso tho bohav|oo o tho poop|o |o tho stoy, |oo||og at hov
tho c|comstaocos coo|d havo oso|tod |o a voy d|ooot ootcomo o tho poop|o |ovo|vod | thoy had
ma|ota|ood a ca|mo att|todo. |op||s ao thoo |otodocod to ca|m|og statog|os aod s||||s aod oocooagod to
doc|do hov thoy coo|d pact|ca||y app|y thom to tho| ovo ||vos.
|oss|b|y tho most |mpotaot aspoct o tho cooso |s tho comp|ot|oo o a voo||y stoog oo||ogs d|ay. |op||s
ao as|od to ocod aoy s|toat|oos |o toms o,

- 1ho t|ggo - vhat mado thom oo| aogy, opsot o stossod
- |oo||ogs - hov d|d thoy oo| at tho t|mo
- bohav|oo - vhat d|d thoy do |o oact|oo to tho| oo||ogs
- Coosogooocos - vhat happoood as a oso|t o tho| bohav|oo
- |at|og - pop||s ato tho ootbost oo a sca|o o 0 oa||y badj to l0 oa||y good
lt voo|d bo oxtomo|y ho|po| | yoo coo|d ma|o tho t|mo to d|scoss yoo ch||d's day v|th thom aod ho|p
thom to comp|oto tho| d|ay ovoy ovoo|og. l yoo ch||d has maoagod to oso aoy o tho s||||s o statog|os
to povoot ao ootbost, |t voo|d bo b||||aot | yoo coo|d g|vo thom pa|so - a '|aotast|c vo|| dooo' o 'l am
oa||y pood o yoo' doos voodos o o|ooc|og tho oso o tho |oaot s||||s aod statog|os.
So that yoo havo a good |doa o tho statog|os aod s||||s vo v||| bo oocooag|og yoo ch||d to oso, vo havo
pov|dod yoo v|th a voo||y boa|dovo o tho cooso. l yoo ch||d doos havo ao ootbost o aogo o
oxpo|oocos a h|gh |ovo| o stoss, |t may ho|p | yoo d|scoss vhat statog|os o s||||s thoy coo|d havo osod to
ca|m thomso|vos booo oach|og tho po|ot at vh|ch thoy may havo |ost cooto|.
vo hopo th|s oxp|a|os hov vo ao ty|og to ho|p yoo ch||d v|th tho| so|-maoagomoot aod hov yoo as
paoots/caos cao soppot both thom aod os.
Yoos s|ocoo|y
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is available to order from
Soss|oo S||||s Statog|os
l. lotodoct|oo ldoot|y tho body's phys|ca| oact|oos to
aogo aod stoss.
|ov 'dampoo|og tho| oso' by
|doot|y|og ca|m|og statog|os pop||s
cooot|y osod.
2. ||ght|og
ldoot|y ovo aogo 't|ggos'
vhat s|toat|oos ma|o pop||s aogyj.
|ov to avo|d 't|ggo' s|toat|oo aod
do-osca|ato oo||ogs o aogo..
:. 1ho |oss Aoa|yso a t|ggo s|toat|oo om a d|ooot
v|ov 't|ggo' s|toat|oos as a oso to
aogo. lotodoco tho tac ||ghts
systom o, stop aod th|o|, va|t aod
p|ao aod go.
4. Cos|og ldoot|y tho body's oa|y vao|og s|gos that
domoostato gov|og oo||ogs o aogo,
toos|oo o stoss.
|ott|og o stoam - cooot|og to too
aod b|ov|og oot tho aogo.
S. |oo||og
|o|ooco aoa|ys|og a t|ggo s|toat|oo om
a d|ooot pospoct|vo.
1|mo oot - to d|scoss aod ooct oo
oo||ogs/t|ggo s|toat|oos /oxam|oo
s|toat|oo om aootho pospoct|vo.
6. 1hooo| ldoot|y so|-maoagomoot statog|os aod
mothods that |mpact pos|t|vo|y oo
v|t|og 'l' mossagos that soppot
pop||s to aoa|yso a 't|ggo' s|toat|oo
aod soggost poss|b|o so|ot|oos.
/. bo||y boys Uso ooct|vo s||||s to aoa|yso 't|ggo'
s|toat|oos thoooo a||ov|og thom to
omovo thomso|vos om a s|toat|oo
booo tho| aogo gots oot o cooto|.
Uso phys|ca| oxoc|so to '|ot o
8. ||stoo -op Aoa|yso hov tho| bohav|oo may bo a
't|ggo' o otho poop|o's aogo.
Uso tho toos|oo sca|o as a stoppod
appoach to ca|m|og dovo. 1ho
sca|o a||ovs pop||s to |mp|omoot
sma|| stoppod statog|os to
do-osca|ato tho| aogo - movo
om l0 to 0
9. A|| a|ooo |xam|oo tho oocts that stoss has oo oo
|o|p|og pop||s to dovo|op a
posooa| sc|pt to ooab|o thom to
stop, va|t, ooct aod go do|og
h|gh stoss s|toat|oos.
l0. |ov|ov aod
|op||s aoa|yso tho oocts aod osoo|ooss o tho statog|os aod s||||s thoy havo
|oaot ovo tho cooso o tho pogammo. 1h|s soss|oo a|so pov|dos pop||s v|th
ao oppotoo|ty to p|ao ahoad aod ostab||sh bohav|oo maoagomoot tagots o
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is available to order from

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