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Thomas H.

Kean May 10, 2004


Lee H. Hamilton
Mary Jo White, Esquire
Richard Ben-Veniste Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
919 Third Avenue
Fred F. Fielding
New^oric,NY. 10022-3904
Jamie S. Gorelick fit *
Slade Gorton

Bob Kerrey
This will confirm our telephone conversation of Friday arranging for your
interview by staff of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the
John F. Lehman United States. We appreciate very much your cooperation with us in this
important investigation.
Timothy J. Roemer

James R. Thompson The interview will take place on Monday, May 17, 2004, at 12 p.m. at your
office space in New York. We anticipate that it will last about three hours.
Barbara Grewe, Senior Counsel on our staff, who is leading our investigation
Philip D. Zelikow
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of FISA "wall" issues, will be the lead interviewer, accompanied by me and
one additional staff member. It is the general policy of the Commission to
record these interviews.

The interview will cover several significant topics, including your description,
analysis, and assessment of:

• The rules governing the sharing of intelligence with criminal

prosecutors, including the creation of the Attorney General's
July 1995 procedures for information sharing between the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Division and
modifications to such procedures.

• The relationship between the United States Attorney's Office

for the Southern District of New York and the FBI and Main
Justice on counterterrorism issues.

• The capabilities and performance of FBI personnel on

counterterrorism matters.

• The interaction between the United States Attorney's Office for

the Southern District of New York and other agencies in the
intelligence community.

301 7 th Street SW, Room 5125 26 Federal Plaza

Washington, DC 20407 Suite 13-100
T 202.331.4060 F 202.296.5545 New York, NY 10278 T 212.264.1505 F 212.264.1595
Mary Jo White, Esquire
May 10, 2004
Page 2

We are, of course, interested in any other issues you deem relevant to the
Commission's understanding of 9-11 specifically and counterterrorism
generally, as well as your thoughts on policy recommendations for the future.

Please contact Barbara Grewe at (202) 331-8923 or me at (202) 331-4065 if

you have additional questions. I look forward to seeing you, and we thank
you in advance for your contribution to the Commission's work.

Daniel Marcus
General Counsel

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