Management Philosophy Final

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Management Philosophy

Sam Everett

My personal beliefs reflect highly on situational leadership and Maslows hierarchy of needs. I also believe that people want to work.

Management can be thought of as a process of working with individuals to achieve organizational goals.

I believe it is not only important to achieve these goals, but to also maintain the integrity of the organization in your procedures and instill a sense of ownership in my employees.
Edgington et al, P. 104-116

Managers do things right, leaders do the right thing.Bennis and Nanus

In a sense, a manager is the beta version of a leader. Managers strive to achieve the goals of an organization, but may not have the skills, human, technical and conceptual, to do so in their own fashion. As a result, they follow a template or blueprint of how the organization wishes to achieve its goals.
Edgington et al, P. 104-116

Katz Model
Management Levels Manager



Technical and conceptual skills ought to be required for all managerial positions to ensure efficiency is continually increasing.
Edgington et al, P. 11-18

Situational Leadership: importance of task and importance of relationship impact the type of leadership a manager uses

Being flexible allows me to lead more appropriately depending on the situation. Flexibility includes the ability to transfer both forward and backward through the model.

Edgington et al, P. 104-116

Organizational structure, design, and culture work together to define the grouping of jobs, division of responsibilities, levels of authority within an organization, and formal reporting procedures.

I think choosing the model for your organizational structure depends highly on the industry you are in, the company you see yourself as, and the type of employees that are available to hire.

Hurd et al, P. 95-100

While the Hierarchy of Needs details how people are aroused, the ERG theory allows for transference in both directions.

I believe that these arousals are impacted by external and internal variables that are situational. Leaders must adapt to truly motivate others.

Arnold et al, P. 111-118

Motivation: To provide with motive

Each person is motivated in distinct and unique ways. Only by knowing who those people truly are will I be able to motivate them successfully.

Arnold et al, P. 111-118

Theory Y: People like to work, are creative and imaginative, and seek independence and responsibility.

I believe that people thrive off their abilities to solve problems. When appropriately place, people enjoy their responsibilities in the work place.

Arnold et al, P. 111-118

Affirmative Action: proactive steps taken to achieve and maintain a diverse workforce.

At one time affirmative action may have been necessary, but now I feel its application does not meet its original intent. A person should be evaluated based on their work alone. By reserving limited positions for a group because of their characteristics creates the same problem. This practice merely tips the scales in the opposite direction. There is no justice in the act. If justice is blind, then so should an organizations selection processes.
Arnold et al, P. 75-79;87;99-105

Informal corrective action should not be mistaken as away for supervisors to be soft on discipline. To the contrary, it is a positive disciplinary approach that allows supervisors to engage employees in discussion for the purpose of establishing an understanding of the issues, exchanging relevant information, and communicating job expectations.

Informal corrective action can be more powerful than formal corrective action. It allows the employee to know that he or she has behaved in an unacceptable way and the action will no longer be tolerated. This can create a better relationship between an manager and employee. This casual correction of behavior can be administered where relationship has high importance.
Arnold et al, P. 186-199

Personal Values and Further Beliefs

Honesty Accountability Loyalty

People want to be lead. They are inspired by true leadership to develop into leaders themselves. As a leader you are always seen. Your actions ought to exhibit the behavior you expect from your employees. Be the leader you would want to follow.

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