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T HE P OLISH ALPHABET aabccdefghijklmnooprsEtuwyze Digraphs (letter-combinations representing single sounds) include ch, cz, dz, de, d , rz, sz.

The combinations bi, ci, fi, gi, ki, mi, ni, pi, si, wi, zi plus a following vowel, representing b (bj), c, f (fj), g , k , m (mj), , p (pj), E, w (wj), e, respectively, may also be considered digraphs. The combination dzi plus a following vowel, representing de (as in dziadek grandfather), is a trigraph. Di- and trigraphs are alphabetized the same as any other letter-combinations. The Polish alphabet does not ordinarily make use of Q (= k), V (= w) or X (= ks), although these letters, especially v, may be found in renderings of foreign words, names, and phrases as in Quo vadis whither goest thou? (title of novel), video video, Pan X iks Mr. X.

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