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Lesson objectives:

Be familiar with the definition of psychology Understand why psychology is a science Be familiar with the historical roots of psychology, both in the west and in the Philippines Understand the different perspectives in psychology Understand the different research methods Become familiar with the different fields of psychology Know the importance of studying psychology

Frequently asked questions:

Why can some people lift a very object single-handedly during times of emergency? Are ghosts real? Why do we not forget how to swim/drive? Why are emotions so powerful? Is homosexuality inborn or acquired? Why do relationships fail? What makes a person beautiful?

Definition of Pyschology

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

History of Psychology
Interest on the human mind began with the Greeks (philosophers like Heraclitus, Socrates, Aristotle and Plato, including poets like Homer, Hesiod and Pindar)

From the Greeks to the Middle Ages

Homer, for example, did not have a single word for the soul or the mind. Some of the words he used include psyche, thymos or noos. During the Middle Ages, human psyche is subsumed under rational psychology or theology. St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the pioneers who studied human soul and human passion. The human psyche was identified either with ratio or anima.

From the Middle Ages to Modern Period

In the 17th century, the philosopher Rene Descartes, following St. Augustine, posited the theory that the human mind contains what he termed as innate ideas. Psychology would identify this theory of Descartes with the nativist view. Another philosopher, in the person of the English John Locke, would correct this perception of Rene Descartes by saying that ideas come to us through sensory perceptions and our interaction with the world. Lockes theory is identified by psychology with the empiricist view. The tension between the Cartesian and Lockean theories is at the heart of what we call now as the nature vs. nurture debate.

The Birth of Modern Psychology

Psychology would achieve its identity as a distinct academic and scientific discipline by 18th century when the German Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Wundt is credited as the father of modern psychology.

The Birth of Psychology in the US

The beginning of psychology in America, where most of the early Filipino pioneers in psychology trained and studied, psychology was popularly identified with William James and his theory of functionalism. Functionalists ask the questions what do people do and why do they do it?

Psychology in the Philippines

In the Philippines, psychology is believed to have been taught as early as the 17th century in the University of Santo Tomas and University of San Carlos in Cebu.

UST is also believed to be the first school in the Philippines to offer undergraduate, masteral and doctoral degrees in psychology.
The first Department of Psychology ever established in the Philippines was in University of the Philippines in 1926, under the headship of Agustin Alonzo, who received his doctorate in experimental psychology from the University of Chicago.

Pioneers of Psychology in the Philippines

University of Michigan, 1928
Iowa State University, 1933 University of the Philippines Far Eastern University National University Philippine Womens University University of the Philippines Caltex Philippines Ateneo de Manila

Sinforoso Padilla Jesus Perpian Elias Bumatay

Estefania Aldaba Lim

Alfredo Lagmay Mariano Obias Jaime Bulatao, SJ

University of Texas, 1944 University of Michigan Harvard University, 1955 Stanford University, 1955 Fordham University, 1961

Filipino Psychology
Virgilio Enriquez of the University of the Philippines founded the Samahan sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino in 1975 and was the leading proponent of Filipino psychology.

Perspectives in Psychology
Psychodynamic Approach (Sigmund Freud) our behavior stems from unconscious processes, conflict between biological instincts and societys demands Behavioral Approach (John B. Watson) activities that people do Cognitive Approach mental processes Biological or behavioral neuroscience approach how the brain and nervous system underlie behavior and mental processes Phenomenological or Humanistic Approach (Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers) focuses on the personal or subjective experience of events Sociocultural Approach how social and cultural approach influence behavior Evolutionary Psychology Approach adaptation, reproduction and survival of the fittest in explaining behavior

Research Methods of Psychology

Experimental Method to discover the effect of an independent variable (the variable manipulated) on a dependent variable (the variable being measured) Quasi-experimental Method similar to the experimental method except that random assignment of participants is not possible

Correlational Method determines whether two or more variables are associated or related to each other
Naturalistic Observation Method observation of phenomenon of interest as it occurs naturally Survey Method employs written questionnaire or interview Standardized Tests requires respondents to answer series of questions in a standardized test Case Studies descriptive record of an individuals experiences or behavior Archival Research Method traces written records, statistical archives and physical traces of the subjects of research Indigenous Research Method pagmamasid, pakikiramdam, pagtatanong-tanong, pagsubok, pagdalawdalaw, pakikisangkot

Fields in Psychology
Clinical Psychology Counseling Psychology Industrial-organizational Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Experimental Psychology School and Educational Psychology Nueropsychology Peace Psychology Personality Psychology Physiological Psychology Political Psychology Psychology of Women Sports Psychology Cognitive Psychology Consumer Psychology Cross-cultural Psychology Engineering Psychology Enviromental Psychology Forensic Psychology Health Psychology

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