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Bipolar Junction Transistor and Transistor Circuits

1) Example

What will be the output if the voltage Vin is varied from 0 to 7.8V? Assume Vbe at 0.7V.

2) Example

Describe the output if the potentiometer is moved from 0V going up to V+. Assume Vbe =0.7V.

3) Example

Describe the output if the Vin is varied from 0V to -10V. What is the operation mode of the BJT? Will it change as the Vin is varied?

4) Example

Describe the output if the potentiometer is varied from 0V to V+.

5) Example

Calculate the potentiometer Vbias required to maintain the transistor right at the threshold between cutoff and active mode. Then calculate the input voltage required to drive the transistor right at the threshold between active and saturation. Assume ideal transistor with HFE of 100.

6) Transistor Characteristic Curve

Find the gain at Vce =5V @ Ib = 40uA. At Vce = 0.5V @ Ib = 40uA. What is Operation mkode for each condition? What can change the operation mode of The BJT?

7) Determine VBB such that this BJT operates in a) active at Vce = 5V and at the b) edge of saturation. Assume Vbe = 0.7V and Hfe = 50.

8) Find Ic, Ib & Ie assuming Hfe = 30.

Transistor Basic Parameters

Ic max Vceo Vcbo Vebo Vbesat VCEsat Hfe Ts Td Tf Tr

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