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This is the most satisfying, yet the most difficult part of the report, to present gratifying words, because most often we fail to convey the real influence, others have had on ones life or work.First and foremost, we stand grateful to Prof. P.V. Varkey, Head of Department of electrical & Electronics, for his valuable advice and motivation.We express our effective gratitude to group Tutor Ms. Bissy Babu Asst. Prof EEE for her helpful feedback and timely assistance.We also express our sincere thanks to all other Faculty Members for their help and encouragement. We thank all our friends who have helped us with their inspirations and co-operation.Last but not the least; we thank The Almighty who gave us the inner strength, recourses and ability to complete our work successfully, without which all our efforts would have been in vain.Once again we convey our gratitude to all those persons who had direct or indirect influence on our work.

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