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SPCH COMM HCC Northwest Fall 2011

Todays Objective

Continue to explore the communication modeling process Connect our knowledge of roles and actions in the linear model to the transactional model Recognize and apply concepts of the transactional model to our own communication episodes

Pages 7-12 of your textbook. Model is Fig 2., page 9

Recall what we learned about the linear model of communication

Shannon and Weaver; 1949; scholarly dialogue in

business, communication, education, psychology & sociology.

Critique of S&Ws linear model

Process explained Highlights information transfer Identification of roles, roles are rigid Opens up process for questions about people
21 years later a more dynamic model emerged related

Dean C. Barnlund submitted this model in 1970

Barnlunds Transactional Model of Communication

The language of communication
Two-way, continuous transaction Communicator Environment Noise Meaning

In a transactional model . . .

We activate a dynamic, simultaneous process Participants are sending and receiving at all times Encoding and decoding can and will happen unconsciously

Communicators Communicators

give and get simultaneously

come into the episode with personal experiences, personalities and traits, cultural backgrounds and relational histories background details, along with the physical location, comprise the environment of the episode


Three types of noise impact communication in the transactional model External Noise: Auditory interference
Physiological Noise: Biological interference Psychological Noise: Internal noise , thought interference

In 1970 Barnlund put forth the Transactional Model of Communication, a two-way, communicator and meaning centered model Some concepts are revised from the linear model, including simultaneous roles, impact of channels, types of noise, communicator background and shared meaning. HANDS ON!

Grab a partner. Your team is making a visual metaphor.

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