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Topic Suggestions

With a User-centric approach

For leveraging user engagement and growth the following topics could be looked at: Big Data Immense growth in demand for data scientists and visualizers across industries across the world. Cloud Computing According to this study ( ) cloud computing leads in job creation and economic growth. Mobile Apps with growth in smartphones booming and iOS, Android, Bada, Windows Phone platform growing with apps to cater to users, mobile apps are seeing explosive growth. Telecom with growth in telecom sector IT firms managing and running telecom networks and applications are also seeing huge growth. Storage as cloud computing grows storage and virtualization and management of data centers become skills that large tech firms are scrambling to find. Biz Apps As traditional ERPs and SaaS applications converge, business applications that seamlessly merge across desktops, tablets and mobiles become more and more useful. Demand is booming both for programming as well as talent that can integrate often disparate systems together. Security As more and more devices get connected and online, businesses need IT security professionals to keep their systems and customer data safe and secure. Web Tech The growth in consumer facing internet and changing programming languages like HTML5, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby-on-Rails are seeing great demand.

How the Topic Community could be structured to make it engagement oriented and get repeat users.

Topic: abc

Project and Puzzles



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Topics by Industry focused for Technology Professionals to be valued by Enterprises

These are the main industries in which technology, outsourcing and consulting professionals build their expertise to rise up the value chain. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. BFSI Retail Governance, Risk and Compliance Supply Chain Management Telecom Infrastructure E-Governance

Industry Topic: XYZ

Papers and Slides



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