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I wanted to be apolitical as much as possible but the political current in the Arab world especially in the Gate way
of the Arab world that is Egypt compelled me to write, about how I feel about the events in Egypt. The events unfolding in Egypt are of tremendous importance to every global citizen who believes in Democracy in any way or form. We saw the birth of the Egyptian democracy last year and were truly happy to see democracy taking roots in the Arab world, irrespective of our Ideological backgrounds and who won in the elections, second thing we rejoiced about was the subduing of the Egyptian Army and being controlled by the Civil Egyptian government led by a capable technocrat Dr. Muhammad Morsi who belonged to the All popular Muslim Brotherhood , the only party then and now having real support within the Egyptian masses which is predominantly religious and largely rural. Defending the Accused: There had been accusations and conspiracy theories against the Muslim brotherhood and other Islamist parties in Egypt and elsewhere in the world about what they actually intend to do when they are in power. The list of these things is too long to discuss in this concise article, but I will point out some of the main accusations against them. 1. Undemocratic nature of Islamic Parties or Incompatibility of Islam with Democracy : Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, AK party in Turkey, Hamas (supposedly a militant org.) in Gaza, Annada (anNida) party in Tunisia came to power through popular mandate and all clearly demonstrate their Islamic nature and background in different ways which in turn is a evidence that the general trend in the Muslim countries in not secular but religious and these parties have not duped the general masses into believing that they are voting for a secular party . 2. Under the same head of undemocratic nature of Islamic parties, the other accusation is that the Islamic parties want to use democratic process in nascent democracies to comes to power and ones in power they would try to impose a kind of system which continuously keeps them in power. This baseless accusation which the opposition have try to impose upon Islamic parties and movements throughout the world has been proven so wrong in so many part of the world that anyone buying this argument is truly ignorant of the dynamics in the Muslim world. Jamaat e Islami won many times in local elections in Pakistan but when unable to prove itself, people voted them out and Jamaat e Islami left power as any other party would have left. In Turkey the AK party has not tried in any way or form to make Turkish democracy into a form of one party system or Theocracy, on the contrary AK party is working on delivering a new constitution to the Turkish people which would further liberalize the Turkish society unshackling it from its military past.

3. Islamic parties have a covered agenda of Islamizing the system in unconstitutional ways : To this accusation it would be worth noticing the statement of the Turkish Prime Minister Erdegon which he made on his visit to Egypt in which he clearly asked the People and leaders of Egypt to make Egypts Constitution Secular. In my opinion this one statement and the Turkish society by and large is evidence the fifteen years of rule by an Islamic party didnt try to do anything against the will of the people. Just a sub note to the above mentioned point. (Any party weather Islamic or Secular or leftist, tries to spread the Ideology in the general Masses). To this we have as evidence the secular indoctrination of the

Turkish, Syrian and Egyptian people for more than half a century. So if now Islamic parties are in power and try to increase their Ideological base through educational and other legal means, I dont think there is anything wrong with it, because believing or even thinking otherwise would amount to hypocrisy. 4. The biggest and the final accusation I would like to counter here is that if an Islamic party comes to power, it would trample the rights of the minorities in the country. The history of Islam in itself is enough of a evidence to show as to how an Islamic state treat its minority citizens (for more details in this regard please visit and read political system of Islam by Maulana Maududi ) , Leaving the history and books behind , lets analyze this accusation in the real world. The Islamic AK party in Turkey has been more tolerant to all the minorities in turkey than any of it Secular counterparts had ever been in their eighty years of Ata-Turkist styled secular rule. AK party has made by far more progress in their talks with the Kurdish minorities than any secular party made in eight long years of their rule. The Alewis and Christians are more empowered in the Turkey then its neighboring strictly Secular/baath Syria.

The blood of the martyrs needs answers x The secular parties in particular and secularists generally accuse the Islamists of dictatorial behavior and undemocratic nature, the question I have is , why In Egypt did the secular parties joined forces with the Egyptian Army to topple a democratic government in Egypt ? Is it that their hatred for Islamic parties is more than their hatred for Marshal Law and Army playing the shots like in the Mubarak era? Have those people(Muslim Brotherhood) who have struggled for a non Military Just society for more than eighty years no say in a society where they got a democratic mandate just a year back. Why military acted so swiftly (within three days) to remove Muhammad Morsi, while when the same kind of Demonstrations were talking place against Hosni Mubarak, the Army took months toevenreact? Will we now, ever see a free and fair election in Egypt and a truly democratic Egypt? Has the 2011 Revolution and the blood of its martyrs got wasted? x IS THE PHARAOH RESURRECTED YET AGAIN?

x x

Anam saeed A concerned global Citizen

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