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English 11 Vocabulary List #15

1. Abstruse: (adj) hard to understand 2. Auspicious: (adj) favorable; promising; pointing to a good result 3. Castigate: (v) to criticize severely; to chastise 4. Consecrate: (v) to make or declare sacred 5. Deference: (n) submission to anothers will; respect; courtesy [To show deference is to place that persons wishes ahead of your own.] 6. Egocentric: (adj) selfish; believing that one is the center of everything 7. Fidelity: (n) faithfulness; loyalty 8. Hierarchy: (n) an organization based on rank or degree; pecking order 9. Indignant: (adj) angry, especially as a result of something unjust or unworthy; insulted 10. Orthodox: (adj) conventional; adhering to established principles or doctrines, especially in religion; by the book 11. Paradigm: (n) model or example 12. Patent: (adj) obvious 13. Salient: (adj) (SAYL yunt) sticking out; conspicuous; leaping 14. Tenable: (adj) defensible, as in ones position in an argument; capable of be ing argued successfully; valid 15. Usurp: (v) to seize wrongfully [usually a position or title of authority]

English 11 Vocabulary List #16

1. Abysmal: (adj) extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless 2. Antithesis: (n) the direct opposite 3. Blithe: (adj) carefree; cheerful 4. Choleric: (adj) hot-tempered; quick to anger 5. Convivial: (adj) fond of partying; festive 6. Engender: (v) to bring into existence; to create; to cause 7. Fetter: (v) to restrain; to hamper 8. Idiosyncrasy: (n) a peculiarity; an eccentricity 9. Mendicant: (n) a beggar 10. Officious: (adj) annoyingly eager to help or advise 11. Paradox: (n) a true statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems to contradict itself; an untrue statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems logical 12. Patronize: (v) to treat as an inferior; to condescend to 13. Salutary: (adj) healthful; remedial; curative 14. Touchstone: (n) a standard; a test of authenticity or quality 15. Vilify: (v) to say vile things about; to defame

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