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First Year 1 Semester College Algebra English Plus Filipino I P.E 1 NSTP 1 Christian Formation General Psychology General Chemistry Information Technology

2nd Semester Plane Trigonometry Christian Ethics Child and Adolescences Psychology English 1 General Biology P.E 2 Set Theory Solid Geometry Filipino 2 NSTP 2

Second Year 1 Semester Ed. Tech 1 Principles of Teaching 1 Developmental Reading 1 P.E 3 Math of Investment Differential Calculus English 2 Differential Equation The Teaching Profession Analytical Geometry

2nd Semester Principles of Teaching 2 Integral Calculus Mathematical Research Facilitating Learning Effective Communication for Teacher Discrete Mathematics Linear Equation Ed. Tech 2 Mathematical Statistics

Third Year 1 Semester Linear Programming Analytic Calculus Assessment of Learning 1 Special Topic 1, 2, 3 Topology Discourse for Teachers Philippine Government w/ NC Principles of Economics w/ LRT Symbolic Logic

2nd Semester Curriculum Development Field Study 1,2,3 Theory of Numbers Logic Abstract Algebra Information Technology 2 Numerical Analysis Modern Geometry Assessment of Learning 2

Fourth Year 1 Semester Advance Algebra World Literature Field Study 4,5,6 Philippine History Rizal Social Dimension Humanities for Teacher Methods of Educational Research

2nd Semester General Sociology w/ FS Practice Teaching

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