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First we DEFINED SYSTEM Established what systems in general are comprised of Reflected on how systems might function Reflected

ted on how the world functions in terms of system interaction

Our use of the DIMENSION of LEARNING 4 ~ Systems Analysis Approach ~

Step 3 Analysed the interplay between key components THROUGHOUT relevant systems including and underpinning assessment Analysed the relationships between systems via an examination of how isolated components affect one another

In Step 2, we

Applied our understanding of the components, boundaries, functions and connections WITHIN systems pertaining directly to the context of assessment, and the broader context of student success

Steps 4 & 5 Used a graphic organiser to represent information and generate and in-depth overview of relevant components, boundaries, relationships and issues relating to assessment and student success Engaged in the process through adherence to the structure and focus of the set task

This organiser utilises a basic concept map structure which is congruent with the purpose and processes of the Systems Analysis approach, in conjunction with relevant Higherorder Thinking processes itemised by Blooms taxonomy (including understanding, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation).

(Frangenheim, 1995, pp.100-101; Marzano & Pickering, 2006, pp.247-252).

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