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Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). Gullivers Travels (1726) was the first published. Mr. Lemuel Gulliver - his ancient and closed friend. Gulliver gave some papers to Swift. This story was a better entertainment to our young noblemen.

Main character Lemuel Gulliver, likes to travel.

After I had been at home for a while, I went to sea again, for I like to travel.

He had gone through two different worlds. place: Liliput Island where were a lot of tiny people.


I looked down as well as I could (for my hair was tied to the ground), and

saw a tiny man, less than six inches high, with a box and arrow in his hand.


place: He travelled in a giant world after he returned home for a while.

He called out in a voice which sounded to me like thunder, and seven other

giants like himself came towards him.

Used easy phrases for readers to understand.

At last he believed me. He said he would take me back to England with him,

and we set sail for home.

The author had an extraordinary imagination.

Can create the story become more interesting with details of explanation.

I later found out that it had taken five hundred carpenters and engineers to

make this platform, and no less than nine hundred men to put me onto it while I was still sleep.

Gulliver did not take a lesson from the first experience at Liliput.

After I had been at home for a while, I went to sea again, for I like to travel.

Gulliver was kindly help the people of Liliput Island to fight against their enemy.

I said I would help the people of Liliput in any way I could, for they had been

very kind to me.

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