Ellis Greene STA 3024, Summer 2013 UFID: 3114-4179 Assignment 2

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Ellis Greene UFID: 3114-4179

STA 3024, Summer 2013 Assignment 2

Scatterplot of FF vs Age
2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 11 12 13 14 Age 15 16 17
Gender 0 1

Regression Analysis: FF versus Gender, Age

The regression equation is FF = 1350 + 117 Gender - 28.2 Age Predictor Constant Gender Age Coef 1349.7 116.7 -28.19 SE Coef 508.2 113.0 35.58 T 2.66 1.03 -0.79 P 0.012 0.310 0.434

S = 326.398


R-Sq = 5.4%

R-Sq(adj) = 0.0%

Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total DF 2 32 34 SS 196151 3409133 3605285 MS 98076 106535 F 0.92 P 0.409

Response Variable: Number of Facebook friends

Predictor Variables: Gender and Age at which Facebook account was created (Coded as F=0, M=1) Sample Size: 35 observations Fitted Equation: FF = 1350 + 117 Gender - 28.2 Age

ANOVA Test: Since the p-value was recorded as 0.409, it is to be concluded that neither of the predictor variables (Age at which Facebook account was created and Gender) are not good predictors of number of Facebook friends. Individual Variable t tests: Age at which Facebook account was created has a p-value of 0.434 which is not significant at any alpha level. Gender has a p-value of 0.310, which is not significant at any alpha level.

As a result, we conclude that neither of these variables is a good predictor for number of Facebook friends. R2: 5.4% of the variability in number of Facebook friends is explained by Age at which Facebook account was created and Gender. Predicted Facebook friends for Age at which Facebook account created= 15 Female: Number of Facebook Friends=927 Male: Number of Facebook Friends= 1044 Interpreting the Coefficients: Age at which Facebook account was created: Number of Facebook friends decreases by 28.2 on average, for each year later in life a person creates their Facebook account (keeping gender constant). This effect is not significant at any usual alpha level. Gender: Number of Facebook friends for Males is, on average, 117 more than Females at the same age of Facebook account creation. This effect is not significant at any usual alpha level.

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