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a noble fixed deposit investment in
Healthcare:Life Saving Medical Equipments

The Indian Healthcare sector is growing. The sector offers immense potential to investors
as theawareness on healthcare and demand for quality healthcare services is growing and the country witnesses a rise
in the lifestyle and career-related stress and other health risks.
 A steady rise in the income level and a growing younger generation are also pushing for
better healthcare facilities in the country.
 The developing Indian economy, the expanding rural and semi-urban areas has
beenattracting huge investments from domestic players, financial investors and private equity firms.

A Growing Industry: Indian Healthcare

 US$ 35billion industry in India

 Expected to reach over US$ 75billion by 2012 and
 US$ 150billion by 2017

The government has allocated US$ 2.42 billion for National Rural

Health Mission (NRHM), in the 2009 interim budget. NRHM was launched by the government in 2005. It aims to
provide quality healthcarefor all and increase the expenditure on healthcare from 0.9 per cent of GDP to 2-3 per
cent of GDP by 2012.

NOBLE-INVEST  3year Fixed Deposit

 Flexible investment options
 Nomination facility available

Noble-Invest is an initiative of A-L to raise the capital for expansion of its current healthcare business, through Noble-
Invest fixed deposit offers.Offers are open to the friends and relatives of the staff of A-L and promoter of A-L who have
been extended the offer to invest. Application for the Noble-Invest fixed deposit isaccepted through an introducer. Any
staff of A-L or anyone invested in the Noble-Invest fixed deposit can be an intoducer.
A-L, Aerosys-Lisa a healthcare: life saving medical equipments firm. The business involves activities as promotion of Life
Saving Medical Equipment Respirators, also called as ventilators, demonstration of respirators and presentations through
seminars and workshops on Mechanical Ventilation to the medical professionals like doctors and nurses in the I.C.U and
other departments of the hospitals. A-L concentrates in the semi-urban and rural areas. 75% of India still resides in semi-
urban and rural areas.
The nursing staff is important part of the life saving critical care team. So as to expand further the awareness of ventilators
among the students of nursing , A-L has started extending above demonstrations and workshops to the nursing schools in
the semi-urban and rural areas.This would help the students update their knowledge about ventilators and even as they
prepare themselves working in the emergency,trauma or intensive care units. The need for trained nurses is increasing as
more and more hospitals either expand or planto start I.C.U.
A well equipped hospital or I.C.U with life saving equipments as ventilators can assist the doctors and nursing staff in an
emergency, trauma, accident or any critical situation.
It could save a life in an emergency in the remote areas.
In view of the growing economy, increasing demand in the quality healthcare services, developing infrastucture as
roadways and fast expanding market in the semi-urban and rural area A-L planned to expand it’s business interests. The
returns on the investments is expected to be fairly better in the current market. The advantage is the longtime presence of
the proprietor of A-L in the same field of ventilators and having a strong market and rapport with customers of nearly two
Noble-Invest through the fixed deposit at A-L has been designed to raise the investment capital required for
business expansion plan of A-L. The projected returns on investments are good.

Noble-Invest Fixed Deposit Plan of Investment and Returns on Investment

Minimum period of investment is 3years for all plans.

Option 1 means : Returns will be paid after 1st, 2nd and 3rd year.
Option 2 means : Returns will be paid only after 2nd and 3rd year.
Option 3 means : Returns will be paid only after 3rd year.

An application of request to invest is subject to acceptance and confirmation by A-L. Issue of the Noble-Invest certificate
by A-L duly signed and sealed confirms acceptance of the application.


Investment End of 1st yr End of 2nd yr End 3rd yr Total PLAN:
Returns on
Amount Returns Amount Amount Investment) (Invested Principal
Amount+Returns on
Options (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (1st + 2nd + Investment)
3rd yr)

OPTION 1 12% 15% 23% 50%

5,000/= 600/= 750/= 1150/= 2500/= 7,500/=

Returns on
Investment paid
20% 25% 60%
after 1st, 2nd “& 3rd 2,000/= 2,500/= 6,000/=
year 10,000/= 16,000/=

35% 40% 75%

5,000/= → 1,750/= 2,000/= 3,750/= 8,750/=

10,000/= → 3,500/= 4,000/= 7,500/= 17,500/=

Returns on 26,250/=
Investment paid only 15,000/= → 5,250/= 6,000/= 11,250/=
after 2nd “& 3rd year

OPTION 3 100% 100%

5,000/= → → 5,000/= 5,000/= 10,000/=

Returns on 10,000/= → → 10,000/= 10,000/= 20,000/=

Investment paid only
after 3rd year 15,000/= → → 15,000/= 15,000/= 30,000/=

25,000/= → → 25,000/= 25,000/= 50,000/=


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