Application, Thinking and Communication Rubrics For Mathematics

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Application, Thinking and Communication Rubrics for Mathematics

Rubric for Application - selection of a mathematical tool to solve a problem

Level R (0-49)
The student: - shows no work or work shown is irrelevant to the problem.

Level 1 (50-59)
- selects an incorrect mathematical tool to solve the problem and has errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures

Level 2 (60-69)
- selects an incorrect mathematical tool to solve the problem and has minor errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures

Level 3 (70-79)
- selects an appropriate mathematical tool to solve the problem and has errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures

Level 4 (80-100)
- selects the most appropriate mathematical tool to solve the problem and has minor errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures

Rubric for Thinking - devising a plan and carrying out the plan to solve multi-step problems
Level R (0-49)
The student: - shows no work or work shown is irrelevant to the problem.

Level 1 (50-59)
- uses planning and processing skills with limited effectiveness

Level 2 (60-69)
- uses planning and processing skills with some effectiveness

Level 3 (70-79)
- uses planning and processing skills with considerable effectiveness

Level 4 (80-100)
- uses planning and processing skills thoroughly and effectively

Rubric for Communication - use of mathem atical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions
Level R (0-49)
The student: - shows no work or work shown is irrelevant to the problem.

Level 1 (50-59)
- infrequently uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions correctly

Level 2 (60-69)
- uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions correctly some of the time

Level 3 (70-79)
- uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions correctly most of the time

Level 4 (80-100)
- routinely uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions correctly and efficiently

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