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Edwardian Era 1901-1910

a) Social and Political Context

Edward The Edwardian Era corresponds to the reign of King Edward VII

who ascended to the thron e at age 59 after the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, his mother.

Eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

Born in 1841

King Edward VII governed as King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions as well as Emperor of India from 22 January 1901 until his death in May 6, 1910.

The "Edwardian" style broadly encompasses the years of 1901 through 1919. One author described the Edwardian era in the following vein: "The end of the century brought the dawning of a new age and a new attitude toward life. It was an era when social differences dissipated and the mores, customs, and expectations of the citizenry came together." The Edwardian era was a historical moment of tremendous technological and social change.

King Edward dominated and controlled society. He was the leader of the highest social caste, referred to as high society and most people spent their time attempting to gain a place in his special group. It was more of a club than a caste and it was very expensive to be a member because they enjoyed throwing large, expensive parties. Many people who were part of high society could not actually afford to be. They were also large consumers of lovers. Affairs of married women and men were socially acceptable, but only if they were married. It was not acceptable for single ladies to be viewed as potential lovers. Much of their time and money was spent on food, entertainment and enjoying life and each other. It was an era of frivolity and excitement.


Woman 1900-1910 Revealed more then the woman of 1870s Men 1900-1910 Not a lot of changes Dark colours Gibson Girl: youthful and strong Alice Roosevelt Longworth: Smoker yet beautiful and outspoken Designer: Paul Poiret

Architecture Furniture

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