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study of the path, 23, 7172, 172

82, 189, 233 34, 238; and Buddhist practice, 174 77; closure
through, 187 89, 191, 305; faith
development, 179 80, 182, 248;
insight into emptiness, 243,
332 33; texts, 133, 172 82.
See also Stages of the Path
suddenists, on closure, 188 89
summaries (General Meaning), 108,
124; Cha-bas, 138, 143, 367n77; in
commentary typology, 185; Ngoks,
137; S-nam-drak-bas, 162
Summa Theologica (Aquinas), 10, 11
Sum-pa Ken-po Ye-shay-bel-jor
(1702 1788), 321, 392n15
Sunni curriculum, 115
supplement, 183 94; complement or
displacement, 186 89; deconstructive, 183, 186 87, 193; as reinscribing original meaning, 186. See also
suspicion, hermeneutics of, 269 70,
324, 391n7
sutras, 18 19, 20, 89, 110, 174; curriculum, 107, 109, 110, 120, 128,
129, 132, 360 61n16; dened, 107;
Heart, 46, 89, 248 49; Hinayana,
18, 21, 25; interpretation of, 190;
Mahayana, 18 19, 21, 25, 107, 175,
190, 339n19. See also Perfection of
Wisdom sutra
Svatantrika, 238, 245, 282 83,
syllogism, 205, 206, 207, 378 79n24
symbolic capital, scholastic skills as,
164, 260
synthesis, in debate, 232 33
systematization: of canons, 2527; of
curriculum, 307 12
Talmuds, 11516, 193, 397n23
Tambiah, Stanley, 36 37, 344n15,
Ta-nak monastery, 146 47

tantras, 19 20, 24, 89, 174, 177, 330,

338n12; in curriculum, 11112,
118 20, 128, 129, 13132, 180 81;
deities, 47, 119, 298; exoteric,
361n20; Guhyagarbha, 131, 204;
Guhyasamaja, 11112, 118, 142;
gurus, 61; Heruka, 140; Hevajra,
23, 132; Hinayana, 22, 25; Mahayana, 2122, 25; practice, 19 22,
26, 118, 290 91, 339n16, 340n23,
361n17; prostration in practice of,
178; rituals, 45, 47, 118 20, 247,
348n47; Root, 118; secrecy, 118
20; spiritual lineages, 28 29; supramundane, 20, 298; yogic, 19 20,
22 23
tantric gurus, 61
tantric monasteries, 23, 89 90, 118;
Higher Lhasa, 64, 256 57, 361n18;
Lower Lhasa, 290, 361n18. See also
Ngak-pa monasteries
tantrikas, 21, 147, 337n18, 339n20
Tara deity, 46, 248 49, 388n43
Tar-gye monastery, 56
Ta-shi Go-mang monastery, 48, 124,
Ta-shi Lhun-po monastery, 48, 121,
126, 357n19, 383n3
taxes, 51, 345n26
teachers, 53, 54 75, 86; as debate authority, 25152; debate-teaching
practices, 23132; devotion to, 62
63, 273 74; exceptional, 275; as
Gen-la, 61; house, 50, 59; instructions by, 150, 15152; lineage
groupings of, 155; nonmonastic,
147; premodern, 83 84; religious
relation with, 61, 272 73, 351n20;
room/worldly, 5559; scholastic,
59 61; student relationships with,
59 63, 160 63, 272 81, 290, 295
96, 350n17, 351n20; students debating, 275, 392n15; text, 59 61;
transmission by, 85, 154 57, 273.
See also gurus; Lati Rin-po-che;
Lob-zang Gya-tso; Nyi-ma, Gen;

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