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KARKIDAKA VAVU In Kerala people are familiar with Malayalam Calendar also like CE calendar.

It is much popular among Hindus since dates of many festivals are determined using that calendar It is known as ' Kolla Varsham'. Like the CE calendar the year is divided in to twelve months and weeks are of seven days. Months are Chingam, Kanni,Thulam,Vrichikam,Dhanu,Makaram, Kumbham, Meenam, Medam, Idavam, Midhunam and Karkidakam. Months are according to the zodiac signs of constellations such as Aries,Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and pisces. The month Chingam is Leo,Kanni is Virgo,Thulam is Libra,Vrichikam is Scorpio and Karkidakam is Cancer. Week days are Njayar,Thinkal,Chovva,Budhan,Vyazham,Velli,Sani(Njayar is Sunday and Sani is Saturday).Every day denotes a particular star and twenty seven stars are taken in to account and they are Aswathy,Bharani ,Karthika,Rohini,Makayiram,Thiruvathira,Punartham,Pooyam,Aayilyam,Makam,Pooram,Uthram,Atham, Chithira,Chothi,Visakham,Anisham,Thrikketta,Moolam,Pooradam,Uthradam,Thiruonam,Avittam,Chatha yam,Pooruruttathi,Uthrittathi,Revathy.Every day is divided in to 60parts known as 'nazhikas' and astrologers calculates which star will be on a particular day when they prepare the calendar. The annual temple festival is also determined using the star of the day.This means that if the festival started on 5th Chingam this year, it may be starting on 7th Chingam next year.Hindus celebrate their birthday also according to the star.If the birthday is on 15th this year it may be on 14th next year which happens because of the time difference which occurs because of the movements of the respective star The climatic changes are also much familiar with the Malayalam Calendar for the Kerala People. The main rainy seasons are known as Idavappathy(Rainy season from the mid of Idavam month) and Thula varsham(rain of month Thulam). Kumbha Bharani,Dhanu Thiruvathira,Vishu,Makara Samkranti etc are some festivals calculated using Malayalam calendar other than annual festivals of all temples in Kerala. The present year of Malayalam Calendar is 1186 and present month is Karkidakam, the 12th month.Next one is 'Chingam' first month of the New year 1187 which starts on August 17th. Karkidakam has several special features.In olden days it was the most feared month of the year.People were depending on agriculture then and unexpected rainfall caused heavy loss to the paddy cultivation because of floods.The almost ripen rice plants would be destroyed if it is immersed in water for more than three or four days.Thus the farmers would be praying to God for avoiding such calamities.The paddy fields harvest were done in Chingam and Kanni months.If nothing happened wrong, everybody would be happy and the festival ONAM would be celebrated splendidly in the first month of Chingam. In Karkidakam many epidemics and diseases like flu and cholera were also in common and some times fatal too. Now, the things have changed a lot.Agriculture is not the main source of income and many diseases are under control.But still now Kerala people follow some of the old practices in Karkidakam.Ayurvedic physicians claim that Karkidakam is the most suitable month for 'Pancha Karma Treatments' which many people who are able to spend money and time utilizes. 'Marunnu Kanji'(Rice soup made from rice and several herbs) taken as a meal for one time in a day for the full month is also good and believes that it will keep us healthy during the whole year. Moreover the holy epic book 'Ramayanam'(Adhyathma Ramayanam written by Thunchath Ezhuthachan) is recited everyday in most of the Hindu homes.It starts from 1st of Karkidakam and reads 30 to 40 pages a day and finishes by the end of the month.So Karkidakam is also known as 'Ramayana Masam'(Month of Ramayanam). The most auspicious 'Karkidaka vavu' is in this month.It is the remembrance day for the departed relatives.People do 'Bali' on this day for the ancestors and dead relatives.Bali is the solemn offerings to the departed souls.On the 'KarkidakaVavu' day which is the no moon day of Karkidaka month people do this homage.It can be done in our house or at places near river or sea.Many temples adjacent to river and sea makes arrangements to perform this ritual annually.It is believed that the celestial beings(Devas) has one day equal to our one year.The same case is for the souls also who live with the Gods.We need to give

food to them once in a year only.It is believed that they visit us on Karkidaka vavu day.We prepare rice and offer to them. Only a very small quantity of rice is needed which is taken from the temple or prepared outside the house in the lawn, after taking bath and wearing a clean white dhoti.Mostly men perform this ritual but women and children are also allowed to do it.After wearing a ring made of 'Darfa'(A type of holy grass) on the third finger of right hand,three darfa pieces are kept on a banana leaf.The souls of the departed relatives and fore-fathers are requested to come.Offerings of rice,water,milk,sesame seeds,sandalwood paste,Cheroola(a herb which is considered as a flower also) and obviously some flowers, etc are placed in small quantities on the leaf.A piece of thread taken from the Dhoti is placed as a symbol of offering them dress also.In one sense we can understand that this is all symbolic to express our love and affection towards the departed souls.Afterwards the leaf containing these items will be thrown to the river or sea and the performer has to dip in the water and take bath. Karkidaka Vavu day is on 30th July this year.There will be millions of people gathering in places like Thiruvallam temple in Thiruvananthapuram,Sanghum mugham beach in Thiruvananthapuram,Varkala Papanasam beach, Thirumullavaram temple Beach in Kollam,Thirunavaya,Aluva,Thirunelli temple,Thirumantham kunnu temple etc. 'Vavada' is a sweet item made in homes to offer the 'Devas' for Karkidaka vavu(and ofcourse for ourselves also).Rice flour made in to a thick dough is spread on to plantain leaf pieces in round shape.Scraped coconut mixed with jaggery is spread over it.Beaten rice(rice flakes) can also be added with the coconut mixture if necessary.The leaf is folded side to side and the corners are folded in.This is steamed to cook.This may be prepared several times in our homes in an year and known as 'ada' but for 'Karkidaka vavu' this is an unavoidable item and termed as 'Vavada' On Karkidaka vavu day this sweet item as well as 'Payasam' and a feast is made for the family members to create an impression to our departed souls that we are living happily and are contented.We do not want them to mourn for us.Let them be happy where they are is our intention.Even though the sweets and a feast is made on that day; due to the intensified remembering and diversified thoughts about our loved departed relatives makes us gloomy on that day.

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