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Pablo the Penguin Embarks on a Musical Journey Once upon a time, in the cold, snowy land of Antarctica, a little

penguin was born. This penguin, named Pablo, was a bit more colorful than the white lands that surrounded him. His parents, Penny and Patrick Penguin, loved their little son dearly. However, they quickly realized that there was something special about young Pablo. Pablo wasnt content to swim in the ocean or trot around in the snow. He didnt like to sit and still and be quiet. While he had lots of penguin friends and enjoyed playing with them, he always felt like something was missing. Pablo was always singing, humming, whistling, tapping his feet, and generally making music however he could. The young penguin was filled with questions, always asking why and how his world was the way it was. What were Penny and Patrick to do with their enthusiastic, musical son? They could try to tell him to be like everyone else, but that would break his joyful spirits. No, they would never do that to their precious son. They could venture out of Antarctica to explore the world of Pablos questions. No, Penny and Patrick couldnt leave their jobs in the Antarctic penguin colony. Pablos parents wanted to support their sons individuality and keep his creative juices flowing. But how could they accomplish that? Just as his parents were starting to get frustrated, they heard a knock on the door. Opening it, they saw Pablo, proudly carrying what looked like an oddly shaped stick. Whatever could it be? Pablo grinned up at his parents proudly, and proceeded to move the stick across the vertical markings on his white chest. Much to his parents surprise, a beautiful melody filled the air! What in the name of all icebergs are you doing? asked Patrick Penguin in amazement. Its a magic music-making machine! exclaimed Pablo. Its called a cello, and this stick is called a bow! Where did you find such a thing? asked his mother, Penny, with a mixture of concern and wonder. It was sitting outside of the Penguin Elementary, explained Pablo. Everybody thought it was just a stick, but I thought it looked like fun. I was asking everybody I saw about it all day long, but nobody knew. Finally, I went to music class, and Miss Piccolo told me what it was! Penny and Patrick Penguin were amazed. They were thankful that their son had found this magnificent talent. They had been right about young Pablo after all! Yet, at the same time, they were worried. Pablo was so talented, but there was no place for him to use his musical gifts in Antarctica. They couldnt take him somewhere else, as they didnt know how to go anywhere else. All night long, Pablo played symphonies, concertos, sonatas, cadenzas, and everything imaginable on his newfound cello. He was so engaged that he even forgot to eat his favorite fish and chips for dinner! The next morning, Pablo woke up early and hurried to school. He was so excited to show his penguin friends what he could do! However, when he arrived at Penguin Elementary, he was in for a surprise. All of his friends were gathered in a huddle, looking nervously at the school.

Whats going on? Pablo asked his friend Penelope. Theres a human! Weve never seen one of those before, explained Penelope in a nervous whisper. Pablo, always adventurous, peeked around the cluster of young penguins to see a tall human man in a tuxedo. He was looking around in the snow at his feet, as if hunting for something he had lost. Instead of being nervous, Pablo was concerned. He wanted to help this man find what he was searching for. The young penguin made his way up to the man, slowly at first and increasingly quickly as he gained confidence. When he saw Pablo, the mans face lit up into a welcoming smile. Hello! he said. It looks like youve found my bow, young man. Y-yes, stammered Pablo, suddenly concerned. It would make him so sad if this man took away the musical fun he had just discovered! Have you learned its magic secrets? asked the man with a wink. Excited, Pablo once again felt joyful. He put the bow on the strings and began to play the happiest, most beautiful melody he could imagine. As he played, the man watched with increasing interest. When Pablo finished, he began clapping for him enthusiastically. My name is Mr. Tim, said the man. I conduct an orchestra in a faraway land called Iowa. You play very well, young man. Thank you, sir, said Pablo. But what is an orchestra? Oh, an orchestra is a wonderful, magical thing! exclaimed Mr. Tim. There are all sorts of people playing instruments just like you! Lots of other cellos? asked Pablo. Yes, there are cellos. There are violins, violas and basses too, explained Mr. Tim. There are also instruments that use air to make sound, like trumpets and horns, clarinets and flutes. And they all play together? Pablo asked, his face lighting up with excitement. Yes! What is your name, young man? asked Mr. Tim. Pablo, replied the little penguin, suddenly very excited about the wide world of music that existed in this faraway land. Ill tell you what Pablo, said Mr. Tim, how would you like to come back to Iowa with me? Pablos heart felt like it was going to burst right out of his chest. A chance to experience a real orchestra, with so much music! It was all he had been dreaming of in his short life. But, there was a problem. He would have to leave all of his friends and family in Antarctica! Would he ever see them again?

I think I would like that very much, said Pablo hesitantly. But, could I still come back and visit my friends and family sometimes? Absolutely, said Mr. Tim with a smile. Its important to visit those who love you! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! shouted Pablo, jumping up and down. Mr. Tim and Pablo left the school and made their way back to Pablos igloo, where his parents were still home. He burst in the door and explained what had happened, as well as the adventure he was about to embark on. Although Penny and Patrick Penguin would miss their son, they were excited that he would finally have a chance to learn about the music that he loved. After hugs all around, Pablo and Mr. Tim got on an airplane bound for the magical, musical, faraway land of Iowa. Who can tell what wonderful adventures await them there?

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