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Name: .. PAPER 1

Class: . Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

This question paper consists of 50 questions. Answer all questions.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. Jawab semua soalan.

1. Table 1 shows the functions of four organelles.

Jadual menunjukkan fungsi empat organel.




Stores sugar and salt solutions

Menyimpan larutan gula dan garam


Has pigments that absorb light energy for photosynthesis

Mempunyai pigmen yang menyerap tenaga cahaya untuk fotosintesis


Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell

Mengawal pergerakan masuk dan keluar sebatian dari sel


Site of protein synthesis

Tapak sintesis protein

Which of the following represents organelles P, Q, R and S?

Antara berikut yang manakah mewakili organel P, Q, R dan S?

P A. Vacuole

Q Chlorophyll

R Plasma membrane
Membran plasma

S Mitochondrion

B. Mitochondrion


Plasma membrane
Membran plasma


C. Ribosome


Cell wall
Dinding sel


D. Vacuole


Plasma membrane
Membran plasma


2. A certain species of Amoeba in seawater was found to have no contractile vacuoles, while those in fresh water have contractile vacuoles. What is the reason for this difference?
Sesetengan spesis Amoeba di dalam air laut didapati tidak mempunyai vakuol kontraktil, manakala spesis air tawar mempunyainya. Apakah sebab perbezaan ini?

A. In fresh water, Amoeba needs its contractile vacuoles to get rid of the mineral salts
Dalam air tawar, Amoeba perlukan vakuol kontraktil untuk menyingkirkan garam mineral

B. In fresh water, Amoeba needs its contractile vacuoles to get rid of the excess water
Dalam air tawar, Amoeba perlukan vakuol kontraktil untuk menyingkirkan lebihan air

C. In fresh water, Amoeba is hypotonic towards water

Dalam air tawar, Amoeba adalah hipotonik terhadap air

D. In fresh water, Amoeba is isotonic towards water

Dalam air tawar, Amoeba adalah isotonic terhadap air

3. Which of the following tissues protects the outer parts of an organism?

Antara tisu berikut, yang manakah melindungi bahagian luar sesuatu organisma?

A. Muscles

C. Connective tissue
Tisu penghubung

B. Epidermis

D. Epithelium

4. Which organelle synthesizes enzymes?

Organel manakah yang mensintesis enzim?

A. Vacuole

C. Mitochondrion

B. Ribosome

D. Golgi apparatus
Jasad Golgi

5. The following statements are about organelle X.

Pernyataan berikut adalah mengenai organel X.

Contain hydrolytic acid

Mengandungi asid hidrolitik

Eliminate worn out mitochondrion

Memusnahkan mitikondrion sudah lesu

What is organelle X?
Apakah organel X?

A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Jalinan endoplasmik kasar

C. Lysosome

B. Golgi apparatus
Jasad Golgi

D. Ribosome

6. Diagram 1 shows the apparatus set up to investigate osmosis.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji osmosis.

Diagram 1
Rajah 1

Which of the following will be observed after 1 hour?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah dapat diperhatikan selepas 1 jam?

7. Diagram 2 shows the movement of molecules P through the plasma membrane.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan pergerakan molekul P melalui membrane plasma.

Diagram 2
Rajah 2

Which conclusion could be obtained from Diagram 2?

Kesimpulan manakah yang boleh diperoleh daripada Rajah 2?

A. Molecule P is soluble in lipid

Molekul P larut dalam lipid

B. Molecule P moves by osmosis

Molekul P bergerak secara osmosis

C. Molecule P moves by active transport

Molekul P bergerak secara pengangkutan aktif

D. Molecule P moves by facilitated diffusion

Molekul P bergerak secara resapan berbantu

8. Diagram 3 shows a plant cell in an isotonic solution.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan sel tumbuhan di dalam larutan isotonic.

Diagram 3
Rajah 3

Which diagram shows the cell after it has been immersed in a hypotonic solution?
Rajah manakah yang menunjukkan sel itu setelah direndam dalam larutan hipotonik?

9. Diagram 4 shows the initial and final stages of an experiment. Rajah 4 menunjukkan peringkat awal dan akhir suatu eksperimen.

Diagram 4/ Rajah 4 What causes the formation of sucrose solution in the cavity of the potato?
Apakah yang menyebabkan pembentukan larutan sukrosa di dalam lekukan pada kentang?

A. Sucrose molecules from the cavity moved into the potato by diffusion
Molekul sukrosa bergerak dari lekukan ke dalam kentang secara resapan

B. Sucrose solution from the potato moved into the cavity by diffusion
Larutan sukrosa bergerak dari kentang ke dalam lekukan secara resapan

C. Water molecules from the distilled water moved into the potato by osmosis
Molekul air bergerak dari air suling ke dalam kentang secara osmosis

D. Water molecules from the distilled water moved into the cavity by osmosis
Molekul air bergerak dari air suling ke dalam lekukan secara osmosis

10. Diagram 5 shows the movement of substances from blood capillary into a body cell.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan pergerakan bahan dari kapilari darah ke dalam satu sel badan.

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

Which factor causes the substances to move into the body cells?
Manakah factor yang menyebabkan bahan-bahan yang bergerak ke dalam sel badan?

A. Metabolic energy
Tenaga metabolisma

B. Concentration gradient
Kecerunan kepekatan

C. The presence of a cell membrane

Kehadiran sel membran

D. The presence of a permeable membrane

Kehadiran membrane telap

11. The following shows the formation of a sucrose molecule.

Yang berikut menunjukkan pembentukan molekul sucrose.

What is molecule R?
Apakah molekul R?

A. Glucose

C. Fructose

B. Lactose

D. Galactose

12. Diagram 6 shows the action of an enzyme.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan tindakan suatu enzim.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

What is shown by the diagram?

Apakah yang ditunjukkan melalui rajah ini?

A. Enzyme is a protein
Enzim ialah satu protein

B. Enzyme and substrate are specific

Enzim dan substrat adalah spesifik

C. Enzyme is denatured by temperature

Enzim ternyahasli oleh suhu

D. Enzyme speeds up the biochemical reaction

Enzim mempercepatkan tindakbalas kimia

13. The graph shows the optimum pH of an enzyme Y in its reaction.

Graf menunjukkan pH optimum satu enzim Y dalam tindakbalasnya.

Enzyme Y is
Enzim Y ialah

A. Salivary amylase
Amylase liur

C. Trypsin

B. Pepsin

D. Rennin

14. Diagram 7 shows the structure of a protein molecule.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan struktur molekul protein.

Diagram 7
Rajah 7

Which is the level of organization of this protein?

Apakah aras organisasi protein in?

A. Primary

C. Tertiary

B. Secondary

D. Quarternary

15. Which mineral is needed by a person suffering from goitre?

Apakah mineral yang diperlukan oleh seorang penghidap goiter? A. Zinc Zink

C. Iodine

B. Ferum

D. Calcium

16. Diagram 8 shows a cell cycle.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu kitar sel.

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

Which of the phases labelled A, B, C and D does the replication of DNA occur?
Yang manakah antara fasa-fasa berlabel A, B, C dan D berlakunya replikasi DNA?

17. Diagram 9 shows a stage of meiosis in a cell of an animal.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan satu peringkat meiosis dalam satu sel sejenis haiwan.

Diagram 9
Rajah 9

What is the diploid number of chromosomes in each somatic cell of the animal?
Apakah nombor diploid bagi kromosom di dalam setiap sel somatik haiwan itu?

A. 2 B. 4

C. 4 D. 16

18. Diagram 10 shows the phases in the cell cycle.

Rajah 10 menunjukkan fasa dalam kitar sel.

Prophase X Anaphase Y Diagram 10

Rajah 10

Which of the following statements is true about the chromosomes at stages X and Y?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang kromosom pada peringkat X dan Y?

X Y The chromosomes start to shorten and The chromosomes form chromatids thicken which move to the opposite poles of the Kromosom mula memendek dan menebal cell
Kromosom membentuk kromatid yang bergerak menuju ke kutub bertentangan sel

The chromosomes have replicated

Kromosom telah bereplikasi

The chromosomes start to elongate and not clearly visible

Kromosom mula memanjang dan tidak jelas kelihatan

The chromosomes are at the equator The chromosomes are at the opposite plane poles in the cell
Kromosom berada pada satah khatulistiwa Kromosom berada pada kutub bertentangan dalam sel

The chromosomes from twin chromatids

Kromosom membentuk kromatid berkembar

The homologous paired



Kromosom homolog berpasangan

19. Processes P, Q, R and S occur during mitosis in a cell.

Proses P, Q, R dan S berlaku semasa mitosis di dalam sel.

Which of the following shows the correct sequence for mitosis?

Antara berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan urutan yang betul untuk mitosis?

A. P Q R S B. S Q R P

C. P R Q S D. S Q P R

20. Diagram 11 shows a stage of oogenesis in a human.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan satu peringkat oogenesis dalam manusia.

Diagram 11
Rajah 11

What is the number of chromosomes in X, Y and Z?

Berapakah bilangan kromosom dalam X, Y dan Z?


X 46 46 23 46

Y 46 23 23 46

Z 46 23 23 23

21. Diagram 12 shows a unicellular organism.

Rajah 12 menunjukkan satu organisma unisel.

Diagram 12
Rajah 12

What type of nutrition is conducted by the organism?

Apakah jenis nutrisi yang dilakukan oleh organisma ini?

A. Autotroph nutrition
Nutrisi autotrof

C. Parasitic nutrition
Nutrisi parasit

B. Holozoic nutrition
Nutrisi holozoik

D. Saprophytic nutrition
Nutrisi saprofit

22. Which is the correct match of vitamin and its function?

Yang manakah padanan yang betul bagi vitamin dan fungsinya?

A. Vitamin A to prevent scurvy

Vitamin A untuk mencegah skurvi

B. Vitamin C to prevent pellagra

Vitamin C untuk mencegah pellagra

C. Vitamin D for formation of pigment in the retina

Vitamin D untuk pembentukan pigmen dalam retina

D. Vitamin B1 for formation of coenzyme needed in cellular respiration

Vitamin B1 untuk pembentukan koenzim yang diperlukan dalam respirasi sel

23. Diagram 13 shows a longitudinal section of a villus in human.

Rajah 13 menunjukkan keratin rentas satu vilus pada manusia.

Diagram 13
Rajah 13

Which of these compounds can be found in S?

Sebatian manakah yang boleh dijumpai dalam S?


A. Vitamin A
Vitamin A

C. Amino acids
Asid amino

B. Vitamin E
Vitamin E

D. Droplets of lipids
Titisan lipid

24. Table 2 shows the content of protein, fat and carbohydrate in 10g of rice and fish.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan kandungan protein, lemak dan karbohidrat dalam 10g nasi dan ikan.

Nutrient Nutrien Rice


Food Makanan Fish


Protein (g)
Protein (g)

0.6 0.01 8.7 Table 2

Jadual 2

1.6 0.004 0

Fat (g)
Lemak (g)

Carbohydrate (g)
Karbohidrat (g)

What are the main digestive products from this meal?

Apakah hasil pencernaan utama dari hidangan ini?

A. Amino acids and glycerol

Asid amino dan glicerol

C. Fatty acids and simple sugar

Asid lemak dan gula ringkas

B. Simple sugar and glycerol

Gula ringkas dan gliserol

D. Amino acids and simple sugar

Asid amino dan gula ringkas

25. Diagram 14 shows a part of the human digestive system.

Rajah 14 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pencernaan manusia.

Diagram 14
Rajah 14

Which process is affected when organ X fails to function?

Proses yang manakah akan terjejas apabila organ X gagal berfungsi?

A. Digestion of sucrose
Pencernaan sukrosa

C. Secretion of enzyme pepsin

Perembesan enzim pepsin

B. Emulsification of lipids
Pengemulsian lipid

D. Conversion of glycogen to glucose

Penukaran glikogen kepada glukosa


26. Diagram 15 shows the graph of volume of carbon dioxide taken in or released by a plant in a forest at different light intensities.
Rajah 15 menunjukkan graf isipadu karbon dioksida yang diambil atau dibebaskan oleh tumbuhan dalam sebuah hutan mengikut keamatan cahaya yang berbeza.

Diagram 15
Rajah 15

Which of the following is true about the information obtained from the graph?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar tentang maklumat daripada graf itu?

A. At point W, the quantity of carbon dioxide released is zero

Pada titik W, kuantiti pembebasan karbon dioksida adalah sifar

B. At point X, the quantity of the intake and release of carbon dioxide are equal
Pada titik X, kuantiti pengambilan karbon dioksida sama dengan kuantiti pembebasannya

C. At point W, the quantity of carbon dioxide released is maximum

Pada titik W, kuantiti pembebasan karbon dioksida adalah maksimum

D. At point Z, the quantity of the intake and the release of carbon dioxide are equal
Pada titik Z, kuantiti pengambilan karbon dioksida sama dengan kuantiti pembebasannya.

27. How does fish maximize the efficiency of gaseous exchange?

Bagaimanakah ikan memaksimakan kecekapan pertukaran gas?

A. The closing of mouth and operculum

Penutupan mulut dan operkulum

B. The opening of mouth and operculum

Pembukaan mulut dan operkulum

C. The opposite direction of water and blood flow through the gills
Arah pengaliran air dan darah yang bertentangan melalui insang

D. The same direction of water and blood flow through the gills
Arah pengaliran air dan darah yang sama melalui insang

28. Which of the following are the products of anaerobic respiration in yeast?
Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan produk respirasi anaerob dalam yis?

A. Lactic acid and water

Asid laktik dan air

C. Glucose and carbon dioxide

Glukosa dan karbon dioksida

B. Ethanol and carbon dioxide

Etanol dan karbon dioksida

D. Lactic acid and carbon dioxide

Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida


29. Which are correct about aerobic respiration as compared to anaerobic respiration?
Yang manakah betul bagi respirasi aerobik berbanding respirasi anaerobic?


Occurs in cytoplasm
Berlaku dalam sitoplasma

Complete oxidation of glucose

Pengoksidaan glukosa lengkap

High energy released per glucose molecule

Tenaga yang dihasilkan per molekul glukosa tinggi

Products of respiration are lactic acids and energy

Hasil respirasi ialah asid laktik dan tenaga

A. I and II only
I dan II sahaja

C. I and IV only
I dan IV sahaja

B. II and III only

Ii dan III sahaja

D. III and IV only

III dan IV sahaja

30. Diagram 16 shows a respiratory structure of an organism.

Rajah 16 menunjukkan struktur respirasi satu organisma.

Diagram 16/ Rajah 16 Which organism has this respiratory structure?

Organisma yang manakah mempunyai struktur respirasi ini? A. Frog Katak

C. Lizard

B. Fish

D. Grasshopper

31. Which of the following is the effect of eutrophication in a river?

Yang manakah antara berikut kesan eutrofikasi di sebatang sungai?

A. The dissolves oxygen level increases

Aras oksigen terlarut meningkat

B. The dissolved oxygen level decreases

Aras oksigen terlarut menurun

C. The dissolved carbon dioxide level decreases

Aras karbon dioksida terlarut menurun

D. The dissolved carbon dioxide level does not change

Aras karbon dioksida terlarut tidak berubah


32. Diagram 17 show a food web in grassland.

Rajah 17 menunjukkan siratan makanan di padang rumput.

Diagram 17
Rajah 17

Which of the following statements is true about the food web?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang siratan makanan tersebut?

A. K is a decomposer
K ialah pengurai

C. F may be grasshopper
F mungkin ialah belalang

B. E is a tertiary consumer
E ialah pengguna tertier

D. Q is a carnivorous animal
Q ialah haiwan karnivor

33. Diagram 18 shows the energy flow in an ecosystem.

Rajah 18 menunjukkan aliran tenaga dalam suatu ekosistem.

Diagram 18
Rajah 18

What is the amount of energy received by the secondary consumer?

Berapakah jumlah tenaga yang diterima oleh pengguna sekunder?

A. 50 kJ B. 500 kJ

C. 5000 kJ D. 50 000 kJ


34. Table 3 shows the results of an experiment to study the population of garden snails in a vegetable farm.
Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen untuk mengkaji populasi siput babi di dalam kebun sayur.


Number of garden snails captured

Bilangan siput babi yang ditangkap


100 were marked

100 ditandakan


40 marked
40 bertanda

80 unmarked
80 tidak bertanda

Table 3
Jadual 3

What is the approximate population of the snails in the farm?

Apakah anggaran populasi siput di dalam kebun?

A. 20 B. 300

C. 150 D. 520

35. Which of the following gases causes acid rain?

Di antara berikut, gas yang manakah menyebabkan hujan asid?

A. Oxygen gases
Gas oksigen

C. Sulphur dioxide
Sulfur dioksida

B. Nitrogen gases
Gas nitrogen

D. Carbon monoxide
Karbon monoksida

36. The following information is on the impact of a phenomenon.

Maklumat berikut ialah berkenaan impak satu fenomena.

Excessive ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer in humans, reducing the rate of photosynthesis in plants and disrupt the food chain. Sinaran ultraungu berlebihan mengakibatkan kanser kulit pada manusia, merendahkan kadar fotosintesis tumbuhan serta mengganggu rantai makanan.

Which of the following is the phenomenon?

Yang manakah antara berikut fenomena tersebut?

A. Thermal pollution
Pencemaran termal

C. Greenhouse effect
Kesan rumah hijau

B. Global warming
Pemanasan global

D. Thinning of the ozone layer

Penipisan lapisan ozon


37. Diagram 19 shows a step to ensure a balance nature.

Rajah 19 menunjukkan satu langkah memastikan alam semulajadi seimbang.

Diagram 19 Rajah 19

What is the name of this method?

Apakah nama kaedah ini?

A. Recycle
Kitar semula

C. Reprocess
Proses semula

B. Replanting
Tanam semula

D. Reduce paper usage

Kurangkan penggunaan kertas

38. In an experiment, a sample of lake water was found to have a high B.O.D value.
Dalam satu eksperimen, satu sampel air tasik didapati mempunyai nilai B.O.D yang tinggi.

Which of the following is the conclusion for the experiment?

Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan kesimpulan eksperimen ini?

A. Low pollution level of the lake water

Kadar pencemaran air tasik sangat rendah

B. Photosynthesis process has occurred rapidly

Proses fotosintesis berlaku dengan pantas

C. The lake water has a high oxygen content

Air tasik mempunyai kandungan oksigen yang tinggi

D. Abundant of microorganisms are present in the lake water

Terdapat banyak mikroorganisma di dalam air tasik tersebut

39. Diagram 20 shows a blood circulatory system.

Rajah 20 menunjukkan satu sistem peredaran darah.

Diagram 20
Rajah 20


What is the type of the blood circulatory system?

Apakah jenis sistem peredaran darah ini?

A. Open circulatory system

Sistem peredaran terbuka

B. Double circulatory system

Sistem peredaran darah ganda dua

C. Single, closed and complete circulatory system

Sistem peredaran tunggal, tertutup dan lengkap

D. Double, closed and incomplete circulatory system

Sistem peredaran tunggal, tertutup dan tak lengkap

40. A person who has recovered from measles has obtained

Seseorang yang baru sembuh daripada demam campak memperolehi

A. Natural active immunity

Keimunan aktif semulajadi

B. Acquired active immunity

Keimunan aktif buatan

C. Natural passive immunity

Keimunan pasif semulajadi

D. Acquired passive immunity

Keimunan pasif buatan

41. Diagram 21 shows capillaries, tissues and vessel X.

Rajah 21 menunjukkan kapilari darah, tisu dan salur darah X.

Diagram 21
Rajah 21

What is the fluid that flows into X?

Apakah bendalir yang memasuki X?

A. Blood

C. Lymph
Bendalir limfa

B. Plasma

D. Interstitial fluid
Cecair interstis


42. Diagram 22 shows gills of a fish. Rajah 22 menunjukkan insang ikan.

Diagram 22 Rajah 22

Which part A, B, C or D has the highest rate of gaseous exchange?

Bahagian manakah antara A, B, C atau D yang mempunyai kadar pertukaran gas yang tertinggi?

43. Table 4 shows the characteristics of blood in blood vessel X of human.

Jadual 4 menunjukkan ciri-ciri darah di dalam salur darah X di dalam manusia.


Oxygen concentration
Kepekatan oksigen

Carbon dioxide concentration

Kepekatan karbon dioksida




Table 4
Jadual 4

What is blood vessel X?

Apakah salur darah X?

A. Aorta

C. Pulmonary vein
Vena pulmonary

B. Vena cava
Vena kava

D. Pulmonary artery
Arteri pulmonary

44. Diagram 23 shows a human vertebra

Rajah 23 menunjukkan satu tulang vertebra manusia

Diagram 23
Rajah 23

What is structure Y?
Apakah struktur Y?


A. Centrum

C. Transverse process
Cuaran melintang

B. Spinous process
Cuaran spina

D. Transverse foramen
Foramen melintang

45. Diagram 24 shows human elbow joint.

Rajah 24 menunjukkan sendi siku manusia.

Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D absorbs shocks during a movement?

Yang manakah antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D menyerap hentakan semasa bergerak?

46. Diagram 25 shows the flight muscles in a bird.

Rajah 25 menunjukkan otot penerbangan seekor burung.

Diagram 25
Rajah 25

What are the actions of muscles P and Q in a downstroke movement of the wings?
Apakah tindakan otot-otot P dan Q dalam pergerakan libasan sayap ke bawah?


P Relax

Q Relax








47. Which of the following is true about aerenchyma cell?

Di antara yang berikut yang mana adalah benar mengenai sel aerenkima?

A. Contains a large vacuole

Mengandungi vakuol yang besar

B. Provides mechanical support for plants

Memberikan sokongan mekanikal kepada tumbuhan

C. Has large air spaces between the cells

Mempunyai ruang udara yang besar antara sel

D. Has thickened walls and is always turgid

Mempunyai dinding yang tebal dan sentiasa segah

48. Which of the following statements is true concerning the humerus?

Di antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah adalah benar berkaitan humerus?

A. One of the tendons of the biceps muscles are attached to it

Salah satu tendon dari otot bisep melekat

B. It forms a hinge joint with the scapula

Memberikan sokongan mekanikal kepada tumbuhan

C. The joint between the humerus and ulna is a ball and socket joint
Sendi di antara humerus dan ulna adalah sendi lesung

D. It is the longest bone in the body

Ia merupakan tulang terpanjang di dalam badan

49. Diagram 26 shows the structure of human brain.

Rajah 26 menunjukkan struktur otak manusia.

Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D functions in controlling body balance?

Yang manakah antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D berfungsi dalam pengawalan keseimbangan badan?


50. Diagram 27 shows a reflex arc.

Rajah 27 menunjukkan satu arka refleks.

Diagram 27
Rajah 27

Which of the following is true about the reflex arc?

Yang manakah antara berikut benar tentang arka refleks?

A. The reflex arc involves two types of neurone

Arka reflek ini melibatkan dua jenis neuron

B. The coordination centre is medulla oblongata

Pusat kawalan ialah medulla oblongata

C. Muscle X contracts while muscle Y relaxes

Otot X mengecut manakala otot Y mengendur

D. The pain is felt before the hand is pulled away from the bee
Kesakitan dirasa sebelum tangan ditarik daripada lebah




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