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Mission Critical. In an organization, nothing could be truerMissions define the reason for its existence. Missions set individual and organizational standards and create a guideline to enact those standards to the highest degree.

How do you define yourself and your mission?

Pinpointing the foundational elements of success, from an individual, team, and organizational level, is the heart of a mission. Integrating these concepts with a vision for action, a strategy for application, and a metric for effectiveness is the next step. This Power of WE module defines the core elements of what drives people, from a brain-based, Emergenetics perspective and aligns them to the inherent needs of effective and actionable missions.

Developing an effective mission enables an open, vibrant environment where different perspectives are considered, where high performance is the norm, and where results are measured. Using the Emergenetics Power of {WE} approach, individuals gain a more connected, informed perspective on where they stand within the organization. Crafting the right kind of mission starts with uncovering individual passions and perspectives to ensure that the overall direction is one in which all employees can identify.

Course Details
Results: Knowledge of the differences between effective and ineffective missions. Metrics-based approaches to ensure mission clarity in the context of all Emergenetics attributes. More purposeful, actionable missions that link to diverse thinking attributes and align with demonstrable behavioral tendencies. Improved individual engagement on a team and organizational level via increased connection to the organizations mission and vision. Deliverable mission statements and mission strategies tied to real work. Time: 4 hours Pre-Requisites: Emergenetics Profiles Key Insights: Engaging Fundamentals Enhancing Effectiveness Elevating Performance Strategic Planning Vision and Mission Employee Engagement Organizational Alignment Corporate Culture

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