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Module II: Lesson: Approaches to Curriculum The six (6) Features of Curriculum: CEEJAY CHIO - Reporter 1. Who teaches?

The Teacher Good teachers are needed to sort out the knowledge from the information ut even more important, excellent teachers are needed to sort the wisdom from the knowledge. 2. Who do the teachers teach? The Learners Their needs should be addressed and be met thats why teachers are to provide learning opportunities and varied experiences. 3. What do the teachers teach? Knowledge, Skills and Values To help the learners cope with rapid changes to understand and to succeed in the new work in the workplace, we must design a curriculum oriented to tomorrow. 4. How do teachers teach? Strategies and Methods Teachers must use appropriate methodologies, approaches and strategies capped with compassionate and winsome nature. 5. How much of the teaching was learned? Performance Learning outcomes are the product performance of the learners as a result of teaching. 6. With whom do we teach? Community Partners? Teachers must establish relationship with parents, NGOs, and their stakeholders. Module II: Lesson: Approaches to Curriculum The six (6) Features of Curriculum: CEEJAY CHIO - Reporter 1. Who teaches? The Teacher Good teachers are needed to sort out the knowledge from the information ut even more important, excellent teachers are needed to sort the wisdom from the knowledge. 2. Who do the teachers teach? The Learners Their needs should be addressed and be met thats why teachers are to provide learning opportunities and varied experiences. 3. What do the teachers teach? Knowledge, Skills and Values To help the learners cope with rapid changes to understand and to succeed in the new work in the workplace, we must design a curriculum oriented to tomorrow. 4. How do teachers teach? Strategies and Methods Teachers must use appropriate methodologies, approaches and strategies capped with compassionate and winsome nature. 5. How much of the teaching was learned? Performance Learning outcomes are the product performance of the learners as a result of teaching. 6. With whom do we teach? Community Partners? Teachers must establish relationship with parents, NGOs, and their stakeholders.

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