ADS Layout Manual

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ADS Layout for ADS users

Student Manual

Agilent Technologies
Test & Measurement Education Services H7212A #224

ADS 1.5 Layout Training

ADS Layout Basics

Layout Window


Options > Layers Layer Information Drawn Shapes on Layers


Drawing Techniques
Drawing Features Edit > Modify Commands Edit > Vertex Commands Measuring Objects


Drawing Operations
Selection Filters Editing Commands Merging Boolean Logic Scaling Oversizing Ground Plane Clearance Positioning of objects


More Editing Commands Information Commands Design Rule Checker & custom DRC Custom DRC Custom DRC: Rule File Layout Rules Element Layers definition

Layout objects:Paths, Wires and Traces

Electrical/Physical Representation of Elements Paths, Wires and Traces Paths, Wires and Traces Trace and Path Attributes Easier Path/Trace Creation Electrical/Physical Representation of Elements Trace/Path/Wire Conversion Transmission Lines


Schematic/Layout Preferences
Options>Preferences Preferences Settings Preferences: Grid/Snap tab Preferences: Trace and Placement tabs Preferences: Entry/Edit tab


Preferences: Unit & Layout Units tabs Preferences Pin/Tee

Design synchronization
Design Representation Design Representation Condition Design Representation: Symbol ADS Layout Window Entry/Edit Settings Update Layout, Update Schematic


Synchronization Problems Synchronization Solutions

Variable Usage: parameterized component, parametric sub-network, hierarchy

Design File contents AEL File Design Definition Sub-networks Options > Variables Parametric sub-network


Creation and use of Fixed artwork

No Artwork Artwork


Fixed Artwork Custom Fixed Artwork packages Make it available for CUSTOM, site customization Custom Fixed Artwork packages Add it to the drop down list, with CUSTOM, site customization Custom Fixed Artwork packages Make it available for HOME, user customization Custom Fixed Artwork packages Add it to the drop down list, with HOME, user customization

Built-in AEL artwork macros

AEL macro artwork List of AEL macros SMT_Pad component How to use a built-in AEL artwork


Graphical Cell Compiler (GCC)

GCC: Introduction GCC: How to build a PAM GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 1 GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 2 GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 3 GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 4 GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 5&6


Using Momentum Simulator

What is Momentum? Momentum & Momentum RF Differences Major Benefits of Momentum Major Features of Momentum Momentum Process 1) Create a physical design 2) Momentum or Momentum RF mode 3) Define the substrate characteristics 4) Solve the substrate (Optional) 5) Assign port properties 7) Set up and generate mesh 7) Set up and generate a circuit mesh 8) Simulate the circuit 9) View the results Data conversion to .sNp file Using the .sNp file Momentum Optimization Momentum Optimization, 1. Create the design Mom Optimization, 2. Define parameter Momentum Optimization, 3. Define the goals


Momentum Optimization, 4. Run the simulation Momentum Optimization, 5.1 Viewing the results Momentum Optimization, 5.2 Viewing the results Momentum Optimization, 5.3 Viewing the results Momentum Optimization, 5.4 Viewing the results Momentum Optimization, 6. Improving the filter Other Features: Make bridge and via

Importing and Exporting Files

Layout Export consideration Available File Formats Importing a Layout Exporting a layout


Importing and Exporting Files: Drawing Exchange Format: DXF

Drawing Exchange Format: DXF Importing DXF (hierarchical) files Importing DXF (hierarchical) Options Importing DXF (hierarchical): Mapping DXF to ADS Exporting DXF (hierarchical) Options


Exporting DXF (hierarchical): Mapping ADS to DXF Exporting DXF (flattened) Files Exporting DXF (flattened) Exporting DXF (flattened) Options Exporting DXF (flattened): Mapping ADS to DXF Example of DXF format

Importing and Exporting Files: GDSII Stream File

GDSII Stream File GDSII Stream File: Mapping table Importing GDSII Stream File: Guidelines and considerations Importing GDSII Stream File: Importing GDSII: Options Exporting GDSII Guidelines and considerations Exporting GDSII: Options Example of GDSII format


Importing and Exporting Files: Gerber Artwork Translator

Gerber Artwork Translator & Gerber viewer Gerber Artwork Translator: Limitations and Considerations Exporting Gerber Files: Exporting Gerber Files: Gerber File options


Exporting Gerber Files: Translation Settings Exporting Gerber Files: Edit Apertures Exporting Gerber Files: Edit Apertures Exporting Gerber Files: Drill File Exporting Gerber Files: Export Gerber Options Exporting Gerber Files: Types of photo plotters Exporting Gerber Files: Consideration Example of Gerber format

Supplemental Layout Enhancement Info: ADS 2001

Content Easy Grid Settings Chop Command Extend Command Crop Command Split Command


Labs Lab 1: Layout Basics Lab 2: Layout objects, Paths Traces, etc Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization Lab 4: Variables Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork Appendis for Lab 5 Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro Lab 7: AEL Artwork Macro Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator Lab 10: Import and Export of Files 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 11-1 12-1

Appenis A: Theory and other Topics


Speaker Name Speaker Title 11 April, 2000

ADS Layout Basics

Layout Window
Toolbar Editing buttons Toolbar Viewing buttons

Drawing toolbar buttons

Activate & deactivate buttons

Menus Component Palette

Other buttons Snap toolbar buttons

Components available in palette

Selected object

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1-1 2001 Agilent Technologies

Layout Window

Name of project and design

Component history

Current layer

Simulated from schematic Absolute co-ordinates Prompt Name and color of current layer
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Relative co-ordinates

Layout units

Type of design
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ADS Layout Basics


1-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Options > Layers

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Layer Information
Everything is placed on a layer There are 39 default layers User may add new layers User may define color and pattern associated with layers Layers may be set to be visible/invisible - items on invisible layers are hidden from view Layers may be set to be selected/unselected - items on unselected layers may not be selected / edited / moved / deleted

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1-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Drawn Shapes on Layers

Drawn shapes may be on any layer - when drawing a shape it will be put on the current layer - the current layer is listed in the center bottom of the window and also in the entry list at the top of window

Use Insert > Entry Layer ( or the entry layer list ) -to set the current layer

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Drawn Shapes on Layers

Use Edit > Move > Move to Layer or double click on the shape - to move a drawn shape to another layer

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1-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Drawn Shapes on Layers

Edit > Advanced Copy/Paste > Copy To Layer -to create a copy of an object on another layer

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ADS Layout Basics

Drawing Techniques

1-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Drawing Features
Insert menu to draw different shapes - rectangle: polyline: - path: , circle: , text: , wire, arrow, , polygons: ,

, trace:

construction line, dimension line, arc Ensure snap preferences are set appropriately, - options > preferences, grid/snap setting Close Polygons automatically - using space bar
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Drawing Features
Undo vertex if a mistake is made during drawing operation - use RH mouse or <shift> Z Insert > coordinate entry - to define shape by vertex positions from keyboard - enable more precise position and sizing of object

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1-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edit > Modify Commands

Convert shape to polygon - circle becomes a polygon with n vertices

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Edit > Modify Commands

Circle Radius/Angle resolution - this can be edited

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1-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edit > Modify Commands

Modify arc resolution, and also layer:

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Edit > Modify Commands

Force To Grid - result in selected object being on grid

Join - joins selected polylines into a single polygon

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1-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edit > Modify Commands

Explode - single polyline is converted into several polylines (segments) - the polygon is converted into several polylines

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Edit > Modify Commands

Break - the starting/ending point of the polygon is broken to create a single polyline

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1-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edit > Vertex Commands

Add - vertices can be added to polyline/polygon/trace/path/wire - they can be selected individually or in groups - they can be moved

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Edit > Vertex Commands

To Arc - a vertex can be converted to an arc
Arc corner

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1 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edit > Vertex Commands

Miter - a vertex can be converted to a mitered corner
Arc corner

Mitered corner
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Measuring Objects
Dimensions can be measured: Just look at co-ordinate reading at bottom of window - left readout is absolute co-ordinate - right readout is relative, and is reset when mouse is clicked

Layout unit Absolute co-ordinate

Relative co-ordinate

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1 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Measuring Objects
Insert > Measure... or RH mouse menu - reset after mouse double-clicked > Measure...

- tells you cumulative distance and also angle

Angle: Relative to origin

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ADS Layout Basics

Drawing Operations

1 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Selection Filters
Options > Preferences > Select settings

Make sure necessary layers are not protected (Options > Layers...)
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Editing Commands
Some preferences apply to things not yet placed - Options/Preferences -Trace - Placement - Entry/Edit - Units/Scale Editing Menus for things already placed Edit>Copy (<ctrl>c), Edit>Paste (<ctrl>v) Edit>Advanced Copy/Paste menu, Copy Using Reference Point icon on toolbar: Edit>Advanced Rotate/Mirror menu, Rotate icon on toolbars: - rotation angle defined in Options>Preferences Entry/Edit menu
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1 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Merging takes selected shapes and combines them into one polygon All shapes to be merged must be on the same layer Merged items often simulate more efficiently in momentum Merged items avoid problems during mask file generation Select object to be merged - Edit > Merge

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Boolean Logic
Polygons are placed on a destination layer - the result of Boolean operation on objects on 2 source layers. Check source and destination layers are not protected Edit>Boolean Logical - select source and destination layers - select type of operation: - DIFF, AND, OR, XOR. - select shapes for comparison. - select whether original shapes need to be deleted.

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1 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Boolean Logic
Source layers

cond2 cond Destination layer





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Edit>Scale/Oversize>Scale - specify scale factor for X and Y - must be positive - factor of 1.0, no change in size - greater than 1.0, enlarges

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1 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edit>Scale/Oversize>Oversize - Specify sizing amount - positive number increase size of object - also specify cutoff angle - angles smaller than this will be mitered

Edit>Scale/Oversize>Copy And Oversize

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Ground Plane Clearance

A ground plane is modified to ensure a certain gap between it and the selected shapes

Edit>Create Clearance - select ground plane - select shape - enter desired clearance distance

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1 - 16 2001 Agilent Technologies

Ground Plane Clearance

Create ground plane (e.g. rectangle)

Edit>Create Clearance

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Positioning of objects
Objects ought to be on grid Toggle Grid Snap Mode icon: - set units before starting drawing - changing units might result in objects being off-grid Edit>Modify>Force To Grid - objects when moved will snap onto the grid Edit>Modify>Set Origin - will reset origin to be at specified point
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to draw objects on grid

1 - 17 2001 Agilent Technologies

More Editing Commands

Edit > Component > Flatten - removes all hierarchy on the top level design - required for some drawing packages

Sub-circuit sub01

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More Editing Commands

Edit > Component > Create Hierarchy - select part of an existing layout - command will create a subnetwork with defined name

Sub-circuit double_TEE
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1 - 18 2001 Agilent Technologies

Information Commands
Options > Identify (Also available in schematic) - shows information related to selected item

Name of component


Information about pins

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Information Commands
Options > Info - Shows information on design Options > Check Representation - Check for wires in layout, overlaid components mis-matches between layout and schematic etc.

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1 - 19 2001 Agilent Technologies

Design Rule Checker & custom DRC

Verify > DRC (Design Rule Checker) - checks design rules, e.g. minimum width, spacing angle - also custom DRC

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Custom DRC
Definition Rule file

Name of Rule file

Job name
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1 - 20 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom DRC

Load Result of pwramp_drc

Use Summary to review the results

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Custom DRC
First error selected Error identified with a different color ( : turquoise)

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1 - 21 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom DRC: Rule File

Layer section (extract)

Rule section (extract)

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Layout Rules
Rules apply during direct entry of layout and also during design synchronization: - Elements should have physical representation (artwork) - Stand alone element in schematic can be positioned as desired in layout - Positioning of connected elements is determined by previously placed connecting elements - Elements cannot overlap physically - Wires indicate a problem with positioning elements (do not use wires when you create your layout directly)

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1 - 22 2001 Agilent Technologies

Element Layers definition

Library elements are mapped to certain layers - defined in MSUB element or similar - may be changed in MSUB definition Drawn shapes are drawn to current layer - To set current layer: - use Insert > Entry Layer or the entry layer list at the top of window: To move an object to another layer: - use Edit > Move > Move To layer click on the object.
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or double

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ADS Layout Basics

Layout objects: Paths, Wires and Traces

1 - 23 2001 Agilent Technologies

Electrical/Physical Representation of Elements

Electrical Component Wires Traces Paths Shapes
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Physical Some (e.g. MLIN) No (but can be used in

layout window)

Yes Yes Yes (after synchronization

to schematic)

Yes Yes Yes

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No No

Paths, Wires and Traces




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1 - 24 2001 Agilent Technologies

Paths, Wires and Traces

Wire indicate an electrical short circuit - starting and ending points must be component pins - they have no physical dimensions Paths are a special type of shape - they have width, length and corner type - they have no electrical model Traces indicate an electrical short circuit - starting and ending must be component pins - they can converted to MLIN for example
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Paths, Wires and Traces

Drawing Paths, Wires and Traces: - will be drawn to current layer - use Insert menu - or icons on toolbars:


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1 - 25 2001 Agilent Technologies

Trace and Path Attributes

Both traces and paths have physical attributes - width, corner type, layer, and also lengths Existing paths/traces can have attributes modified - use Edit > Path/Trace > Edit Path/Trace - or double click on the Path or Trace

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Easier Path/Trace Creation

Have orthogonal entry mode on - set in Options > Preferences > Entry/Edit tab Use a coarser grid with snap-to-grid enabled - use Options > Preferences > Grid/Snap - or icons on toolbars:

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1 - 26 2001 Agilent Technologies

Easier Path/Trace Creation

Improve positioning of corners - draw with square corners, then edit path/trace corner type to be mitered/curved as required

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Electrical/Physical Representation of Elements

Electrical Component Wires Traces Paths Shapes
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Physical Some (e.g. MLIN) No (but can be used in

layout window)

Yes Yes Yes (after synchronization

to schematic)

Yes Yes Yes

Page 54

No No

1 - 27 2001 Agilent Technologies

Trace/Path/Wire Conversion
Paths can be converted to traces - Edit > Path/Trace > Convert Path To Trace

Traces can be converted to paths - Edit > Path/Trace > Convert Trace To Path Traces can be converted to transmission line elements - by using Edit > Path/Trace > Convert Traces... command - also when you Generate/Update Schematic Schematic > Generate/Update Schematic > Trace Control
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Transmission Lines
Split - use Edit > Transmission Line > Split Transmission Line - line will be split in 2 lines, at point where cursor is clicked

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1 - 28 2001 Agilent Technologies

Transmission Lines
Tap - use Edit > Transmission Line > Tap Transmission Line - line will be split in 2 TLs and a TEE at point where cursor is clicked

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Transmission Lines
Stretch - using Edit > Transmission Line > Stretch - connected elements will be moved (if not fixed by Schematic > Fix Component Position) - use Schematic > Show fixed Components to verify status
Fixed component

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1 - 29 2001 Agilent Technologies

ADS Layout Basics

Schematic/Layout Preferences


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1 - 30 2001 Agilent Technologies

Options > Preferences

Preferences which apply to things not yet placed: - Trace - Placement - Entry/Edit - Units/Scale - Component Text - Text

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Options > Preferences

Preferences which apply to things placed: - Select - Grid/Snap - Pin/Tee - Display - Layout units

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1 - 31 2001 Agilent Technologies

Preferences Settings
Preferences for schematic and layout window are set separately Preferences Setting are saved to file in project layout.prf and schematic.prf Preferences files from other projects may be read in - Options > Preferences Read... button

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Preferences: Grid/Snap tab

The grid will help you to check dimensions

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1 - 32 2001 Agilent Technologies

Preferences: Trace and Placement tabs

Useful when you Generate/Update Schematic

Choose your Representation/Synchronization (Same preferences in Schematic window)

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Preferences: Entry/Edit tab

These preferences will help you to design your circuit
Used for drawing polygon, trace ...

Possible to intersect edge Adjacent angles are maintained

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Enable/disable layer binding (used for port connection)

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1 - 33 2001 Agilent Technologies

Preferences: Unit & Layout Units tabs

Choose your Layout units before starting drawing!

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Preferences Pin/Tee
Will help you to check whether pins are connected or not, etc...

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1 - 34 2001 Agilent Technologies

ADS Layout Basics

Design synchronization

Design Representation
Each design created has 3 representations - Schematic, used by circuit/system simulators

- Symbol, used to represent design when placed as a subnetwork in a top-level design - Layout, physical properties of design -used to generate mask file & for momentum simulation

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1 - 35 2001 Agilent Technologies

Design Representation

Schematic Symbol sub01 placed as a sub-network


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Design Representation Condition

Not all representations need to be defined Design may be created in either schematic or layout representation Layout representation has certain rules Design synchronization is possible - layout may be generated from schematic, - or vice versa Symbol is only generated from schematic
Symbol Schematic Layout

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1 - 36 2001 Agilent Technologies

Design Representation: Symbol

You can find two sorts of symbols: Circuit symbols: - $HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/symbols Component Library symbols: - $HPEESOF_DIR/ComponenLibs/symbols

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ADS Layout Window

Available default palette items...

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1 - 37 2001 Agilent Technologies

Entry/Edit Settings
Options > Preferences > Placement Single representation - design can be input either into schematic, or into layout Dual representation - items placed in one representation are also placed in the other - deleted/edited items are unchanged in the other representation Always Design Synchronize - items placed in one representation are also placed in the other. At the same time any modified/replaced elements are updated
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Update Layout,
Schematic window Layout > Generate/Update Layout

Update Schematic
Layout window Schematic > Generate/Update Schematic

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1 - 38 2001 Agilent Technologies

Synchronization Problems
Elements with no physical representation are depicted in the layout by placeholder elements

Overlapping items - are moved and connected by wire

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Synchronization Solutions
Options > Check Representation Move components so that placeholder gap is correct size for component without footprint/artwork Manually place unplaced items - using Layout > Place Component From Schematic To Layout

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1 - 39 2001 Agilent Technologies

ADS Layout Basics

Variable Usage: parameterized component, parametric subnetwork, hierarchy

Design File contents

Each design created contains 3 sections - schematic containing circuit model description and simulation controls etc - layout, containing circuit physical description - symbol, containing custom drawn symbol Some/all of the section may be empty File has .dsn ending

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1 - 40 2001 Agilent Technologies

AEL File
In general, you can use AEL for these tasks: - Organizing libraries and palettes of components. - Defining the interface to new user-defined components. - Creating new components with layout artwork. - Defining custom layout artwork functions. - Defining the interface to discrete-valued simulation components. - Creating custom utility functions, such as parts list generators and bill of materials. - Automating routine tasks, such as repetitive command sequences, batch analysis, or optimizations.

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AEL File
Ael Files contain information about - simulator definition (set_simulator_type()) - component definition (create_item()) - current type of design for group definitions (set_design_type()) - Definition of new library group that is composed of the listed components (library_group()) - definition of parameter (create_parm())

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1 - 41 2001 Agilent Technologies

Design Definition

Same window in both schematic and layout

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Design Definition
Description - The Description field displays the current design name by default. Component Instance Name: - The Component Instance Name default is X. The text in this field is used as a prefix in building a unique name (ID) for every item. Symbol Name: - Points by default to a design (.dsn), file names starting with SYM_*.dsn - Select symbol from drop down list or type in name of design file containing artwork
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1 - 42 2001 Agilent Technologies

Design Definition
Library Name: - In the Library Name field, specify the name of the library in which you want the sub-network stored. Optional: - Allow only one Instance - Include in BOM: - Layout object - Simulate from Layout (Simlay)

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Design Definition
Simulation: select the appropriate Simulation method

Artwork: select the appropriate artwork Type

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1 - 43 2001 Agilent Technologies

Each design created may be placed as sub-network in another design - from library window book icon in toolbar - or Insert > Component > Component Library

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Every time placed has same performance: Fixed sub-network Symbol is seen in top-level design Push down command takes user into sub-network schematic or layout definition

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1 - 44 2001 Agilent Technologies

Options > Variables

Use this if you are specifying parameters with var_eqns such as length and width for simulation. If not specified with a path ( with Options > variable ), definition of variable is looked for in top-level schematic. Same window in both schematic and layout representation
File that defines the variable

Name of the variable

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Options > Variables

Main circuit: filter Sub-circuit: sub02

Sub-circuit: sub03

Sub-circuit: sub01

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1 - 45 2001 Agilent Technologies

Options > Variables

Main circuit: filter

Sub-circuit: sub02

Sub-circuit: sub03

Sub-circuit: sub01



100 mil

100 mil

30 mil


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Parametric sub-network

Define the variable as a Design Parameter...

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1 - 46 2001 Agilent Technologies

Parametric sub network

File > Design Parameters Set definitions: - Parameter Name (should not exceed 8 characters) - Value Type: Choose from the drop-down list the appropriate type of your value: e.g. real for the parameter M_MLIN - Default Value: value automatically associated to the parameter when it is inserted - Parameter Type: Choose from the list the appropriate type of your parameter: e.g. Length for L_MLIN - Parameter Description: Optional. Type a parameter description
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Parametric sub network

Advanced setting (optional) - Display parameter on schematic: select this option to display, on a schematic, the parameter being defined - Optimizable: Select this option to allow the parameter to be optimized - Allow statistical distribution: Select this option to allow a tolerance to be assigned to this parameter during yield analysis

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1 - 47 2001 Agilent Technologies

Parametric sub network

Advanced setting (optional) - Not edited: Select this option to prevent this parameter from appearing in the Component Parameter Dialog box for editing and always use the default value assigned here instead. - Not Netlisted: Select this option to prevent a parameter from being considered during simulation, but still recognized for generation of artwork

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Parametric sub network

Value of variable is chosen when component is inserted

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1 - 48 2001 Agilent Technologies

Parametric sub network

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ADS Layout Basics

Creation and use of Fixed artwork

1 - 49 2001 Agilent Technologies

No Artwork
Package TSFP_4:

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Artwork Type None: - No artwork, only a schematic and symbol representation. Layout Object - Defines the design as a layout object. Layout objects have no parameters and are used to create artworks. Layout objects are then used by other designs as their footprints
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1 - 50 2001 Agilent Technologies

Fixed Artwork
Creation of a transistor using TSFP_4 package as an Artwork

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Fixed Artwork
Artwork Type: - Fixed if the layout contains no parameterized elements.

- In the Name field: Select the name of the built-in shapes to be associated with this sub-network

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1 - 51 2001 Agilent Technologies

Fixed Artwork
Bfp620f: Fixed Artwork associated with TSFP_4

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for CUSTOM, site customization
Custom fixed artwork packages are only available in the project directory where you create them Otherwise, you have to modify the search path of a particular variable in a configuration file.

$HPEESOF_DIR/custom/ComponentLibs/packages $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/ComponentLibs/packages $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config/de_sim.cfg Create directory


Copy "packages".dsn into this directory Create and/or set SYSTEM_COMPONENTLIBS_PACKAGES

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1 - 52 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for CUSTOM, site customization
1. Create a directory $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/ComponentLibs/packages 2. Copy the fixed artwork package design files *.dsn in to this directory. - Keep in mind to have unique symbol names, to avoid conflict with the ADS build in fixed artwork package designs. 3. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for CUSTOM, site customization
4. Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable SYSTEM_COMPONENTLIBS_PACKAGES= {$HPEESOF_DIR}/ComponentLibs/packages/: {$HPEESOF_DIR}/custom/ComponentLibs/packages/ The fixed artwork package files saved in $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/Componentlibs/packages are now site wide available by typing in the correct name in the Fixed Artwork Name field of the Design/Parameters of the design.

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1 - 53 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Add it to the drop down list, with CUSTOM, site customization 1. Be sure to have completed previous step 1. to 4. 2. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ael

$HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ael/geminidsndef.ael $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael/geminidsndef.ael $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config/de_sim.cfg

Copy to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael Edit File Create and/or set SITE_AEL

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Add it to the drop down list, with CUSTOM, site customization 3. Copy the file geminidsndef.ael into $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael Create these folders if they dont exist Open the file with a text editor and go to the header

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1 - 54 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Add it to the drop down list, with CUSTOM, site customization 4. Add (or delete) the wanted (or unwanted) fixed artwork packages available in $HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ComponentLibs/packages to the list. E.g. Adding fixed artwork packages: MySOT23 and MySOT323

The number defines the place in the drop down list

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Add it to the drop down list, with CUSTOM, site customization 5. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config 6. Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable SITE_AEL={$HPEESOF_DIR}/custom/circuit/ael 7. Restart ADS, the new fixed artwork should be available in the drop down list site wide.

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1 - 55 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for HOME, user customization
The default path to place your custom fixed artwork packages for HOME, user customization is $HOME/hpeesof/ComponentLibs/packages. This path is already set in the configuration file $HPEESOF_DIR/config/de_sim.cfg by the variable: HOME_COMPONENTLIBS_PACKAGES={$HOME}\hpeesof\{%PR OJECT4}\packages with PROJECT4 = ComponentLibs

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for HOME, user customization
So it's not necessary to redefine this variable in $HOME/hpeesof/config/de_sim.cfg unless you want to place the packages in an other directory than the default one: $HOME/hpeesof/ComponentLibs/packages Procedure to place fixed artwork packages in a different directory: e.g.: $HOME/hpeesof/ComponentLibs/SMTpackages

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1 - 56 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for HOME, user customization
$HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ael/geminidsndef.ael $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael/geminidsndef.ael $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config/de_sim.cfg

Copy to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael Edit File Create and/or set SITE_AEL

1. Create a directory $HOME/ComponentLibs/SMTpackages 2. Copy the fixed artwork package design files *.dsn in to this direcotry. Keep in mind to have unique symbols names, to avoid conflict with the ADS build in fixed artwork package designs

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for HOME, user customization
3. Go to $HOME/hpeesof/config 4. Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable HOME_COMPONENTLIBS_PACKAGES= {$HOME}/hpeesof/ComponentLibs/packages: {$HOME}/hpeesof/ComponentLibs/SMTpackages The fixed artwork package files saved in $HOME/hpeesof/Componentlibs/packages and $HOME/hpeesof/Componentlibs/SMTpackages are available for the user by typing in the correct name in the Fixed Artwork Name field of the Design/Parameters of the design.

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1 - 57 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Make it available for HOME, user customization
$HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ael/geminidsndef.ael $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael/geminidsndef.ael $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config/de_sim.cfg

Copy to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael Edit File Create and/or set SITE_AEL

1. Be sure to have completed step 1. to 4., Appendix 5-N 2. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ael 3. Copy the file geminidsndef.ael into $HOME/hpeesof/circuit/ael Open the file with a text editor and go to the header

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Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Add it to the drop down list, with HOME, user customization

1. Add (or delete) the wanted (or unwanted) fixed artwork packages available in $HOME/hpeesof/circuit/ComponentLibs/packages (or other assigned directory) to the list. E.g. Adding fixed artwork packages: MySOT23 and MySOT323

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1 - 58 2001 Agilent Technologies

Custom Fixed Artwork packages

Add it to the drop down list, with HOME, user customization

The number defines the place in the drop down list. 5. Go to $HOME/hpeesof/config 6. Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable USER_AEL={$HOME}/hpeesof/circuit/ael 7. Restart ADS, the new fixed artwork should be available in the drop down list for the user.

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ADS Layout Basics

Built-in AEL artwork macros

1 - 59 2001 Agilent Technologies

AEL macro artwork

Use the built-in AEL macro's as artwork for a schematic Needed when the package and/or the foot print dimensions are not fixed The AEL macro's can be assigned to a schematic design using the File > Design Parameters... dialogue box.

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List of AEL macros

The list starts with ael macro's used by ADS built-in components like macro's used by e.g.: MLIN and MCURVE. Followed by a collection of:
Ceramic Flat Pack (CFP) packages: (smtart_CFP24 CFP40-20) Chip and MELF packages: (smtart_0402 smtart_SOD87) SOT, DPAK, D2PAK packages: (smtart_23 smtart_D2PAK Plastick Flat Pack (PFP) packages: (smtart_PFP16 smtart_PFP20) Quad Flat Pack (QFP) packages: (smtart_QFP32A smtart_QFP94) Plastick Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC): (smtart_PLCC18AAPLCC44SQ) Small Outline IC (SOIC): (smtart_SO8N smtart_32L).

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1 - 60 2001 Agilent Technologies

SMT_Pad component
AEL macro's starting with smtart_ use a SMT_Pad component (Lumped with Artwork palette) in the schematic to define the pad properties.

Pad Width Pad Length Pad Layer Solder Mask Overlap Solder Mask Layer Pad Offset from Connection Pin


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How to use a built-in AEL artwork

Create your design in the schematic window

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1 - 61 2001 Agilent Technologies

How to use a built-in AEL artwork

Define your design parameters: - File > DesignParameters Choose AEL Macro for Artwork Type Choose from the dropdown list the macro you want to associate with your schematic design

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How to use a built-in AEL artwork

Define Parameter(s) if the schematic or the AEL artwork needs them.

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1 - 62 2001 Agilent Technologies

How to use a built-in AEL artwork

BFG33_5V_15mA: AEL Macro associated with smtart_sot143A

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ADS Layout Basics

Graphical Cell Compiler (GCC)

1 - 63 2001 Agilent Technologies

GCC: Introduction
Purpose: - adding parameterized artwork Macros (PAM) Advantages: - simpler than coding in AEL - getting started very quickly - create a special model quickly, without the need to know AEL

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GCC: How to build a PAM

1) Define the artwork graphically in a Layout window 2) Define parameters to control the artwork dimensions 3) Compile the macro 4) Set the parameter default values and save the macro 5) Insert the new component (macro) in a layout 6) Edit the parameters for each instance of the new component

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1 - 64 2001 Agilent Technologies

GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 1

Define the artwork graphically in a Layout window - the first step is to design your artwork macro

This artwork will be used as an element and will be able to be - stretched in length - stretched in width - rotated - repeated
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GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 2

Define parameters to effect the artwork Macro > Stretch Macro > Repeat... Macro > Width Macro > Rotate/Mirror Macro > Polar Macro > User-Defined...

- before defining parameters, draw construction lines - use the Macro toolbar to define parameters

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1 - 65 2001 Agilent Technologies

GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 2

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GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 3

Compile the macro - Macro>Compile - the macro will be saved as <design_name>_art.ael - the model name is the name used to select the artwork from the libary

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1 - 66 2001 Agilent Technologies

GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 4

Set the parameter default values and save the macro: Macro > Compile File > Design/Parameters

- In the General tab : - define the characteristics of the sub-network

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GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 4

In the Parameter tab : - set the default values - default values are used when the PAM is placed

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1 - 67 2001 Agilent Technologies

GCC: How to build a PAM, Step 5&6

Insert the new component (macro) in a layout Edit the parameters for that instance of the new component - parameters can be edited when the PAM is inserted or later

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ADS Layout Basics

Using Momentum Simulator

1 - 68 2001 Agilent Technologies

What is Momentum?
Momentum is a planar electromagnetic (EM) simulator: - Enables RF and microwave modes Real-world coupling and parasitic effects are taken into account Momentum: - Analyze multi-layer arbitrary shapes - Compute S-, Y- and Z-parameters - Generate EM models that are used directly in ADS - Overcomes the limitations of circuit simulators

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Momentum & Momentum RF Differences

Momentum RF Mode: - designed to increase simulation speed and reduce computer memory requirements - especially well adapted to structures under a half wavelength Momentum (microwave) and Momentum RF modes use different Method of Moments technologies - to produce S-, Y- and Z-parameter models for layout-based, physical designs

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1 - 69 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum & Momentum RF Differences

Both modes generate a mesh in preparation for simulation of the circuit However, Momentum RF uses a mesh-reduction technology to eliminates low-quality slivery cells and electromagnetically redundant interactions Momentum RF uses star-loop technology to - eliminate low-frequency breakdown of numerical solutions - give stable solutions down to DC

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Momentum & Momentum RF Differences

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1 - 70 2001 Agilent Technologies

Major Benefits of Momentum

Momentum enables you to: - Simulate when a circuit model range is exceeded or the model does not exist - Identify parasitic coupling between components - Go beyond simple analysis and verification to design automation of circuit performance - Visualize current flow - 3-dimensional displays of far-field radiation (not Momentum RF)
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Major Features of Momentum

Key features of Momentum include: - An 2.5D electromagnetic simulator based on the Method of Moments - Adaptive frequency sampling for fast, accurate, simulation results - Optimization tools that alter geometric dimensions of a design to achieve performance specifications - Comprehensive data display tools for viewing results - Equation and expression capability for performing calculations on simulated data
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1 - 71 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum Process
1) Create a physical design 2) Choose Momentum or Momentum RF mode 3) Define the substrate characteristics 4) Solve the substrate (optional) 5) Assign port properties 6) Add a box or a waveguide (optional) 7) Set up and generate a circuit mesh 8) Simulate the circuit
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1) Create a physical design

Physical design created in schematic window: mom_filter

Layout representation

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2) Momentum or Momentum RF mode

Momentum Momentum RF

Click here to switch the mode

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3) Define the substrate characteristics

Properties of the selected layer

Set substrate Layers here

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3) Define the substrate characteristics

Set Metallization layers here

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4) Solve the substrate (Optional)

Optional because the substrate will be computed during the simulation if not previously computed Choose the frequency range for a Momentum simulation Not Needed for a Momentum RF simulation

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5) Assign port properties

5 types of ports: - Single - Internal - Differential - Common mode - Ground reference

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7) Set up and generate mesh

Set the value of the mesh frequency to the highest frequency that will be simulated The Number of Cells per Wavelength will be used to determine the density of the mesh Any curved areas in the circuit will be meshed using facets. In the Arc Facet Angle field, enter the number of degrees that will be included in a single facet

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1 - 75 2001 Agilent Technologies

7) Set up and generate mesh

Enable Edge Mesh to add a relatively dense mesh along the object edges Enable Transmission Line Mesh to specify the number of cells across the width of a geometry. It is most useful for circuits with straight-line geometry. Enable Thin layer overlap extraction in order to extract objects in the following situation: - Two objects on different layers overlap - The objects are separated by a thin substrate layer

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7) Set up and generate a circuit mesh

Enter the frequency you want to use for pre-computation of the mesh The wavelength of this frequency will, in part, determine the number of cells in the mesh
Notice the mesh generated

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1 - 76 2001 Agilent Technologies

8) Simulate the circuit

Choose Range and Type of Frequency Plans

1. Select the Sweep Type and the frequency range

2. Click on Add to Frequency Plan List 3. Click on apply then on Simulate

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9) View the results

Notice the name: Momentum_mom_filter

_a in mom_filter_a means the results are taken from the adaptive simulation

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9) View the results

Another possibility is to view the results using the Post-Processing menu

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9) View the results

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1 - 78 2001 Agilent Technologies

Data conversion to .sNp file

2. Choose Write 3. Choose Write To File 1. Click on Start The Instrument Server button

4. Choose Touchstone for the File Format

5. Write a name and add a .s2p extension to indicate a 2 Port, SParameter file

6. Choose the simulation results

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Using the .sNp file

S2P component using SParameters from the s2p file

Simulation results similar to the Momentum simulation

NOTE. It is possible to use the dataset directly

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1 - 79 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum Optimization
3 steps are needed to optimize some parameters: - Define the parameter(s) to be optimized - Define the Goal(s) - Set up the optimization - Run the optimization

Then you can see the summary

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Momentum Optimization, 1. Create the design

First, design a filter with paths that have these dimensions - Length: 200 mils - Width: 25 mils - Space between lines: 5 mils

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1 - 80 2001 Agilent Technologies

Mom Optimization, 2. Define parameter

Momentum>Optimize>Parameter Parameter defined: width

4. A new design is opened automatically. Reduce the width of all lines to 5 mils to have the perturbed value

3. Click on Add and see the new parameter definition

2. Select Allowed to vary

1. Fill the Parameter Definition field

5. Click OK to close the width definition

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Momentum Optimization, 3. Define the goals

Momentum>Optimize>Goals... The goals are defined for a 10GHz bandpass filter 3 goals are defined - 2 for the stop-bands - 1 for the pass-band
S21 (dB) -3

-20 9.5
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F (GHz)
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1 - 81 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum Optimization, 4. Run the simulation

Momentum>Optimize>Run Optimization Type: Minimax Interpolation Type: Linear Interpolation Maximum number of iteration: 10 Stop as soon as the specs are met selected Click Apply then Start

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Momentum Optimization, 5.1 Viewing the results

After the simulation is finished, reopen the optimization Parameter box to visualize the Optimal value: - in this case, this is 12.87 mils

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1 - 82 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum Optimization, 5.2 Viewing the results

From the Momentum Optimization window, choose Display>Rectangular (Default setting display S21 and Goals)



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Momentum Optimization, 5.3 Viewing the results

Momentum>Optimize>Summary Notice the Error doesnt decrease very much in the last iterations, so the filter cannot be improved significantly with this geometry

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1 - 83 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum Optimization, 5.4 Viewing the results

For more accurate results, simulate the optimized circuit from the second layout window, which is created automatically.

- Add an adaptive frequency sweep from 8 to 13 GHz and simulate

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Momentum Optimization, 6. Improving the filter

For an improved design, you can: - Increase the number of iterations - Redefine the Goals with more accuracy - Add more Goals - Attribute some value to the weight of Goals - Increase the number of points - Change the geometry of the filter - Add more parameters to be optimized
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1 - 84 2001 Agilent Technologies

Other Features: Make bridge and via

The layout consists: - coplanar waveguide slots - bridges that span the two slots - via tha directly connect the bridges to the slots

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Other Features: Make bridge and via

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1 - 85 2001 Agilent Technologies

Other Features: Make bridge and via

Momentum>Substrate>Create/Modify... In metalization Layers, use Strip, Slot and via buttons to create bridge, via and slot.

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ADS Layout Basics

Import and Export Files

1 - 86 2001 Agilent Technologies

Layout Export consideration

Consider how the final output could affect the layout process. Different output formats impose different restrictions. Consider layout units and data base precision. Usually no problems are associated with translating units However, round-off errors can occur when translating from metricto-English units or vice versa. No problem is associated with translating a less precise data base resolution in the program to a more precise output resolution. However, the reverse process (such as, 0.001 Layout to 0.01 GDSII) can result in loss of data.

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Available File Formats

Available Formats and Import/Export Options

3 more important formats

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1 - 87 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing a Layout
In Advanced Design System, you can import files in these formats: - DXF (hierarchical) - EGS Archive Format - EGS Generate Format - GDSII Stream Format - HPGL/2 - IFF - IGES - Mask File (.msk)

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Importing a Layout
1. In the layout window, choose File > Import to open the Import dialog box. 2. Select the file type you want to import

You can also define the layers

3. Click More Options to invoke this window 4. Click Browse or enter the full path of the source file

6. Click OK to start the import process

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5. Click Browse or enter the full path of the Layer file

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1 - 88 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting a layout
In Advanced Design System, you can export files in these formats:

- DXF - EGS Archive Format - EGS Generate Format - GDSII Stream Format - Gerber

- HPGL/2 - IFF - IGES - Mask File (.msk) - MGC/PCB

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Exporting a Layout
Before exporting your design, it is better to do: - Generate the artwork: - File>Generate Artwork - Merge all shapes that are on the same layer - Select all shapes - Edit>Merge You can now start the export process

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1 - 89 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting a layout
1. In the layout window, choose File > Export to open the Export dialog box.

You can also define the layers

2. Select the file type you want to export

3. Click More Options to invoke this window 5. Click OK to start the export process 4. Click Browse or enter the full path of the destination file
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ADS Layout Basics

Import and Export Files: Drawing Exchange Format: DXF

1 - 90 2001 Agilent Technologies

Drawing Exchange Format: DXF

The Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) - was developed by Autodesk for its AutoCAD product - is widely used to transfer geometric data between systems. - provides a simple geometric representation of data. DXF files can be transferred between PC-based or UNIX-based systems. ADS supports import from and export to AutoCAD versions 12, 14, and 2000.

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Drawing Exchange Format: DXF

ADS provides two different DXF translators - a hierarchical translator and - a flattened translator. The DXF hierarchical translator is a bidirectional translator that supports both full hierarchy and all layer separation. The DXF flattened translator supports only export.

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1 - 91 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing DXF (hierarchical) files

egs archive format is needed to import to and export from DXF format DXF (hierarchical) Block Diagram : Importing and Exporting

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Importing DXF (hierarchical) Options

Unit Conversion: - The AutoCAD Units (DXF file) and ADS Units (EGS Archive file) drop-down menu selections display the available units The Auto Scale attribute is used to automatically scale each length in the DXF file to the specified ADS units. The Link Zero-Width Elements attribute is used to merge adjacent line segments into polygons. (Useful when sending data to Momentum, because Momentum can only mesh and simulate bounded elements.)

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1 - 92 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing DXF (hierarchical) Options

The Arc Extrapolation section enables you to optimize arcs for a particular application. - The Arc Resolution defines the arc segment in degrees. The lower the value of the Arc Resolution, the smoother the arc. - The Arc Sag helps to compensate for the triangle flat caused by each of the arc segments. By working with the dimension between the flat and the peak of the arc, the arc becomes gradually smoother. The units for Arc Sag distance are defined in the Unit Conversion section.

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Importing DXF (hierarchical) Options

When importing large DXF files, you can save valuable computation time by including only specific layers. The following fields enable you to select particular layers that you want to include in your import.

Click on Search for Layers to view the layers

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1 - 93 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing DXF (hierarchical): Mapping DXF to ADS

Mapping of DXF File Shapes to ADS File Shapes

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Exporting DXF (hierarchical) Options

All Filled transfers all data as filled. Auto Merge: all shapes for every mask layer that intersect or overlap are merged. Flatten All, removes automatically all levels of hierarchy and exports a single flat design Flatten Components: all parameterized components are flattened. Generate R14 Output, generates an AutoCAD version R14 database

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1 - 94 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting DXF (hierarchical) Options

Paths As Polygons: the design paths or traces are exported as polygons. This should be selected for the following conditions: - Paths or traces have mitered or curved corners that need to be preserved in the translation. - The EGS Archive file has paths with endpoint types other than embed that need to be preserved in the program database.

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Exporting DXF (hierarchical) Options

Holes As Polygons selected, holes are converted into polygons. Holes As Polygons not selected, polygons with holes are translated as singlesegment polygons, the false edge segment becoming part of the polygon. Some systems may not be able to tolerate this type of complex polygon. For these systems, make certain that Holes As Polygons is selected. Holes As Cutlines selected, holes are converted into cutlines.

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1 - 95 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting DXF (hierarchical): Mapping ADS to DXF

Hierarchical DXF Output

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Exporting DXF (flattened) Files

When exporting files using the DXF (flattened) translator, the program first creates an intermediate mask file. This file is then translated into DXF format as shown below:

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1 - 96 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting DXF (flattened)

1. In the layout window, choose File > Export to open the Export dialog box. And choose DXF (flatened) 2. Click on More Option to set them as you want

4. Clik OK to start the export process 3. Click OK to dismiss this window

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Exporting DXF (flattened)

5.Select the Mask file and the DXF file you want to export 6. Choose between Polyline and Line 8. To invoke the Gerber Viewer and view the mask file, click View Mask 7. Set the scale factor 9. Click Translate to export the DXF file

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1 - 97 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting DXF (flattened) Options

These are the units that the DXF file will be written in. You may select from the following options: same, mil, inch, um, mm, cm. Scale X, Scale Y - The DXF output can be multiplied by a scale factor. Define Layers - Clicking this button invokes the Layer Editor. - Layers Include and Layers Exclude buttons enable you to specify layers to either include or exclude.

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Exporting DXF (flattened) Options

Auto Merge: all shapes for every mask layer that intersect or overlap are merged. Arcs As Polygons exports arcs as line segments (polygons). Hole Format section enables you to define how the translator deals with holes in a design. - Holes As Polygons - Holes As Cutlines - Holes As Polygons not selected, polygons with holes are translated as single-segment polygons, the false edge segment becoming part of the polygon.

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1 - 98 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting DXF (flattened) Options

The etch factor applies a global over/under size amount to each shape translated. This is meant to compensate for etch effect during processing. We recommend that you retain the default setting of 0. Miter Angle is the angle cutoff used with the etch factor. The miter angle controls acute angle edge over-extension. Any angle below the miter angle amount is mitered. The default value is 90.0.

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Exporting DXF (flattened): Mapping ADS to DXF

Hierarchical DXF Output

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1 - 99 2001 Agilent Technologies

Example of DXF format

Polygon with a hole Exporting as DXF

Hole format: Holes as Cutlines

DXF viewer

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Polygon with a hole Exporting as DXF

Hole format: Holes as Polygon

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format


Path as Polygon unselected

Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format


Path as Polygon selected

Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Circle Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Rectangle Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Polygon Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Polyline Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Text Exporting as DXF

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Trace with ports

Exporting as DXF

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Example of DXF format

Importing as DXF

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Example of DXF format

2 polygons overlapped Exporting as DXF

Auto Merger and Flatten All selected

Importing as DXF

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1 - 105 2001 Agilent Technologies

ADS Layout Basics

Import and Export Files: GDSII Stream File

GDSII Stream File

The GDSII Stream File Translator is a bi-directional graphics file translator. - It can create files in GDSII Stream file format from ADS layouts - it can translate graphics files from GDSII Stream file format into ADS layouts. GDSII has some limitations that may affect your layout, including: - No support for arcs or circles - Limit of 200 vertices per shape - No support for holes or empty regions - 32 character name limitation - Limit of 255 mask layers
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1 - 106 2001 Agilent Technologies

GDSII Stream File: Mapping table

Mapping table for GDSII elements and their ADS layout equivalents.

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Importing GDSII Stream File: Guidelines and considerations

When transferring a GDSII file via FTP, you must specify the binary option. When transferring a file via tape, the 2048 block size must be preserved. To write fixed-block sized tapes for transfer to other systems, refer to your computer system documentation.

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1 - 107 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing GDSII Stream File: Guidelines and considerations

Reading a GDSII file may also fail if the file is the wrong version or has been corrupted. Because the GDSII stream is a blockstructured binary file, it can easily be corrupted when transferring the file from one system to another. Filenames Versus Instance Names: - When importing a GDSII file into the Advanced Design System, the design name on the Layout title bar may differ from the GDSII filename. Otherwise, you have to close the design that will be overwritten by the imported one.

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Importing GDSII Stream File:

1. In the layout window, choose File > Import to open the Import dialog box. And choose GDSII Stream Format

4. Choose the Import File Name and the Layer file Name

2. Click on More Option to set them as you want

5. Click OK to start the import process

3. Click OK to dismiss this window

Page 216

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1 - 108 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing GDSII: Options

Selecting Data Type Property enables import of GDSII files that use the Data Type record in GDSII and retain the information in a property attached to the corresponding ADS data structure.
Exported, then Imported with Data Type Property selected


The data type for all objects is set to 0.

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Importing GDSII: Options

When enabled, any Data Type records encountered on Boundary or Path structures while importing a GDSII file cause a property named Data Type to be created and attached to the resulting data group in the Advanced Design System. The value of the property is set to the integer value found in the GDSII record. In the reverse manner, Data Type records are created in the GDSII file when enabled for data groups that have a Data Type property with integer value.

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1 - 109 2001 Agilent Technologies

Importing GDSII: Options

Selecting Plex Property enables import of GDSII files that use the PLEX record in GDSII and retain the information in a property attached to the corresponding ADS data structure. When enabled, any PLEX records encountered on Boundary, Path, SREF, AREF, and TEXT structures while importing a GDSII file cause a property named PLEX to be created and attached to the resulting structure in the ADS. The value of the property is set to the integer value found in the GDSII record. In the reverse manner, PLEX records are created in the GDSII file when enabled for structures that have a PLEX property with integer value.

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Exporting GDSII : Guidelines and considerations

You can create a bidirectional GDSII file from the current design file. Translated GDSII files appear in layout representation only. Although no electrical connectivity information is included, hierarchy and mask layer information is preserved. ADS writes the layout representation of a hierarchical design into GDSII stream format using the current layout units and precision. The GDSII file created is of fixed-block size (2048 bytes), and is a proper subset of the stream format. Valid GDSII layer numbers are from 0 to 255. The data type for all objects is set to 0.

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1 - 110 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting GDSII: Guidelines and considerations

Note that only some object attributes are translated: - When paths are converted, the endpoint type is ignored and the type 0 is applied (square-ended at digitized point). - Holes in the program are translated as filled polygons, or as a single polygon with the hole joined to other polygons by a new edge. - Circles are converted to polygons and arcs are converted to several polylines.

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Exporting GDSII: Guidelines and considerations

Note that only some object attributes are translated: - Text is translated with a bottom left justification. A scale factor showing magnification of the text height over one user unit and an optional rotation angle are also translated. - Data groups with more than 200 vertices are not translated (GDSII 200 vertex limit).

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1 - 111 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting GDSII: Guidelines and considerations

When you attempt to translate shapes with more than 200 vertices, a warning message is printed to an error log. Error and warning messages generated during translation are also printed to the log file. After the translation, this file can be viewed. Precision and unit information is stored differently in the GDSII Stream format than in ADS, but no information is lost in translation. A database-unit to user-unit size appears in the GDSII format; this is equivalent to the ADSs data base precision. This measurement specifies the smallest dimension obtainable in a design. In the ADS, this is established as a power of ten. For example, a precision of 3 indicates that .001 is the smallest dimension achievable in the design. Since GDSII format contains database to user units, a 3 precision in the ADS becomes 1000 database to user units in GDSII.

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Exporting GDSII: Guidelines and considerations

- GDSII dB/user unit = 10 | dB precision | GDSII further employs user units in terms of number of user units to a meter. Since ADS units can be inches, microns, mils, etc., the GDSII number of user units to meters is equal to the program dB unit converted to meters. When reading a new GDSII file, the program precision and units should be set to match those that are in the GDSII file, otherwise information may be lost (especially if the program's database precision is less than that of the GDSII Stream file).

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1 - 112 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting GDSII: Options

Paths As Polygons exports the program paths or traces as polygons and GDSII paths are imported as polygons. This should be selected for the following conditions: - Paths or traces have mitered or curved corners that need to be preserved in the GDSII translation. - The GDSII file has paths with endpoint types other than embed that need to be preserved in the program database.

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Exporting GDSII: Options

Hole as polygons selected: holes are converted to polygons. GDSII has no concept of holes. Holes As Polygons not selected: polygons with holes are translated as single-segment polygons, the false edge segment becoming part of the polygon. Some systems may not be able to tolerate this type of complex polygon. For these systems, select Holes As Polygons. Flatten removes automatically all levels of hierarchy and a single flat design is translated.

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1 - 113 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting GDSII: Options

Auto Merge selected: the program outputs shapes and forms with data from simulator elements (mlins, slins) and performs an or operation on each layer before outputting. The original dataset is not modified.

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Exporting GDSII: Options

Maximum Number of Vertices enables you to define the maximum number of vertices allowed for one polygon. Valid values are 1 - 32766 inclusive. The default value for this option is 32766. Layers To Exclude enables you to exclude one or more layers from the output file by specifying the layer numbers to exclude, separated by commas. Text Size in layout units, is set for the text in the exported design.

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Example of GDSII format

Polygon with a hole

Holes as Polygon Unselected

Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format

Polygon with a hole

Holes as Polygon Selected

Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format


Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format


Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format


Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format


Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format


Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format

Trace with ports

Exporting as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format

Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format

2 polygons overlapped

Auto Merge and Flatten selected

Exporting as GDSII & Importing as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format

Ports, MLINs and C_pad1

Exporting as GDSII

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Example of GDSII format

Importing as GDSII

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1 - 120 2001 Agilent Technologies

ADS Layout Basics

Import and Export Files: Gerber Artwork Translator

Gerber Artwork Translator & Gerber viewer

Gerber Artwork Translator: - It can translate artwork directly from circuit layouts created with ADS into Gerber format. - It exports ADS layouts into ASCII files that control Gerber photoplotting equipment. - The program supports various types of Gerber output via mask files to either the Gerber or DXF translator. Gerber Viewer: - is used for viewing artwork on a computer monitor and for printing it to a graphics printer before creating artwork on the Gerber photoplotter. - It is also used for generating drill data and tooling reports.

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1 - 121 2001 Agilent Technologies

Gerber Artwork Translator: Limitations and Considerations

You should extensively consider these following points before beginning your layout design: - How you want to use the Gerber output - Including layer numbering, use of holes, and polygon shapes Setting up the proper layout rules can save a lot of time in generating acceptable Gerber output. For specific considerations or limitations, particularly in relation to apertures and film wheels, consult with your photoplotter vendor.

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Exporting Gerber Files:

1. In the layout window, choose File > Export to open the Import dialog box. And choose Gerber Translator 2. Click on More Option to set them as you want

4. Choose the new File Name 5. Click OK to start the import process

3. Click OK to dismiss this window

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1 - 122 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files:

6. This window appears. This is a way for you to check the information concerning your design.

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Exporting Gerber Files:

The Mask Files field displays the mask file created in the Export dialog box. This is the file that the Gerber translator converts into Gerber format. The Aperture/Config File field displays the configuration file used to hold all of the translation parameters and Gerber apertures. 7. set the Mask Files and Aperture File paths

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Exporting Gerber Files:

8. set the Gerber File Option

9. Set the Translation Settings

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Exporting Gerber Files:

10. Specify apertures setting with Edit Apertures

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Exporting Gerber Files:

11. Click on View Mask to invoke the Gerber viewer for DXF and Gerber Translations

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Exporting Gerber Files:

12. Click Translate to select the layers you want to translate the Gerber file .

13. After selecting the layers, click OK to complete the translation. A window appears briefly, indicating that the files are being converted to Gerber format.
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1 - 125 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files:

14. Click on View Gerber to invoke the Gerber viewer for Gerber Translations only

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Exporting Gerber Files: Gerber File options

Gerber Unit. Available units are INCH or MM. Format. The number of integers placed before and after the decimal point. If chosen incorrectly, Gerber data resolution can be poor. Zero Suppress. Available settings are Leading and None. Leading removes all leading zeros in the coordinate data, making the Gerber file smaller. If the setting is inappropriate, the Gerber data display is nonsensical. Data Mode. The program always writes out absolute coordinates.

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1 - 126 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files: Gerber File options

Circular. Available settings are 360 or Off. When Off is selected, arcs are fractured. When 360 is selected, arcs are written by means of GO2/GO3 with 360 interpolation.

Arc (clockwise)



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Exporting Gerber Files: Gerber File options

EOB Character Sets the character that denotes the end of a Gerber data block. Currently set as an asterisk (*). EOJ String. This string, inserted at the end of the Gerber file, indicates that the plot is complete. Currently set as MO2. CR/LF. Available settings are Include or Suppress. Some Gerber files include a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) at the end of each command. When the CR/LF is suppressed, the file size is reduced by twenty percent and the translation is completed more quickly. Suppressing the CR/LF does not effect your ability to view the Gerber data in the Gerber Viewer. Suppress is selected as the default.

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1 - 127 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files: Translation Settings

Global Parameters: - Line DCode. Open figures output to this D-code. - Scale Factor. Output data is scaled up or down according to this factor - ArcRes. Value, in degrees, by which arcs are broken up. - APT Out. Drop-down list for selecting aperture output from popular CAM software.

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Exporting Gerber Files: Translation Settings

Outline/Fill: - Outline or Fill. Each closed area is either outlined or filled, depending upon selection. - Filled. D-codes used for outlining the closed filled figures. - Empty. D-codes used for outlining the closed empty figures. - StartApt. The smallest aperture used to start the filling.

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1 - 128 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files: Translation Settings

Compensation: - Compensate for etch factor by the given inch amount, shrink or swell, as needed. Output Offset: - The Gerber data coordinates are moved by the amount defined in the X and Y fields. Gerber Output Format: - The standard of the Gerber output: standard RS274D, extended RS274X or MDA with the Autoplot header. Barco DPF is planned for the future.

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Exporting Gerber Files: Translation Settings

When setting these options, consider the following: - Outline vs. Fill - Outline is much more efficient if your vendor accepts it. (Use POEX aperture for polygon fill as needed.) - Compensation - We recommend that you leave the default setting of None. The compensation available in the Gerber translator is not intelligent and does not take butting or overlapping polygons into account. - Gerber Output Format - RS274X is the best choice if your vendor accepts it. This format already contains an embedded aperture list. RS274X and RS274D do not currently support empty polygons.

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Exporting Gerber Files: Edit Apertures

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Exporting Gerber Files: Edit Apertures

To add a setting, change a coordinate, or change an aperture type, click in the section you wish to change and enter the desired value. You can also change the aperture type via the Dcode dialog: 1. Click the D-code number under the heading DCode. A dialog box appears, listing the available aperture types.

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Exporting Gerber Files: Edit Apertures

2. Select the desired type and click OK. The dialog box disappears. - Among the available aperture types are POEX and POIN. These are special apertures for the FIRE 9000 laser plotter. This plotter can take outline data and fill the inside of each polygon. If you are using such a plotter, the D-codes should be defined for POEX and POIN and the translator should be run in outline mode - To scan the mask file for circles and holes, and create a block name for each unique size, click Flash Circles. The created block names can then be assigned to unique apertures. - When you are satisfied with the aperture settings, click Save or Save As, or click Cancel to return to the default settings. The Aperture settings window disappears.
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Exporting Gerber Files: Edit Apertures

Flash is a special aperture used for circles

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Exporting Gerber Files: Drill File

Several steps are needed to generate the drill format: - From the MTOOLS Click Edit Apertures - Click on Flash Circles

- Notice the name(s) and the diameter(s) of the Flash(es) - Click Ok to dismiss this box
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Exporting Gerber Files: Drill File

In the Edit Aperture dialogue box, note the corresponding D-code to each hole.

From the MTOOLS, click Translate Then click View Gerber

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Exporting Gerber Files: Drill File

In the GBRVU, click Aperture and fill the Tool # and the Drill Diameter corresponding to the flash. For the Tool #, type an integer of your choice.

Click Ok and Save the changes

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Exporting Gerber Files: Drill File

Go to Tools>Drill, you will be able to generate the drill file: 2 main formats: - Excellon to create a drill file. - Table to create an X-Y table.

Choose the format you want to generate, then this box appears:

Only the cond layer have 1 flash on it

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Exporting Gerber Files: Drill File

Click on Report to display the Drill Report file:

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Exporting Gerber Files: Export Gerber Options

Units: - You may select from the following options: same, mil, inch, um, mm, cm. - When same is selected, the design is written in the same units that are stored in the design file. Scale X, Scale Y : - Scale factors for shapes in the direction of X and Y. Define Layers - Clicking this button invokes the Layer Editor.

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1 - 134 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files: Export Gerber Options

Layers Include, Layers Exclude: - These buttons enable you to specify layers to either include or exclude. Auto Merge: - If selected, all shapes for every mask layer that intersect or overlap are merged. Arcs As Polygons: - If selected, the design arcs are exported as line segments (or polygons).

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Exporting Gerber Files: Export Gerber Options

Rectangles As Polylines - If selected, all rectangles are translated as open plane figures bounded by straight lines. When this option is deselected, all rectangles are translated as closed plane figures bounded by straight lines. The Hole Format section enables you to define how the translator deals with holes in a design. - Holes As Polygons - Holes As Cutlines: - Preserve Holes:

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1 - 135 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files: Export Gerber Options

- Holes As Polygons: - If selected, holes are converted into polygons. - Holes As Cutlines: - holes are converted into cutlines. - Preserve Holes: - Using the Preserve Holes function will keep the filled empty properties of a polygon with hole during mask export.

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Exporting Gerber Files: Export Gerber Options

Etch Factor: - The etch factor applies a global over/undersize amount to each shape translated. This is meant to compensate for etch effect during processing. We recommend that you retain the default setting of 0. Miter Angle: - This is the angle cutoff used with the etch factor. The miter angle controls acute angle edge over-extension. Any angle below the miter angle amount is mitered. The default value is 90.0.

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1 - 136 2001 Agilent Technologies

Exporting Gerber Files: Types of photo plotters

There are two types of photo plotters: - Vector Photo plotters - those that process each draw and flash
command directly from the Gerber data base. These are normally mechanical plotters with an X-Y table, a light head, and an aperture wheel. Examples of vector plotters includes Gerber Scientifics 3200 and 4000 series flatbed plotters. - Raster Photo plotters - those that rasterize the input Gerber data using a computer and then use the resulting bitmap to modulate a laser that is scanned across the film. What is interesting to us about raster plotters is that many of them can accept polygons in addition to draws and flashes. The ability of a photo plotter to fill a polygon is extremely useful to the microwave and RF designer. Examples of powerful raster plotters that support polygons include the Gerber Crescent family of plotters and the Cymbolic Sciences family of FIRE 9000 plotters.

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Exporting Gerber Files: Consideration

Gerber output for a Vector Photo plotter: - Select Holes As Cutlines as gerber export option and set the MTOOLs Outline/Fill translation setting to FILL with RS274D or RS274X format. Gerber output for a Raster Photo plotter: - Select Preserve Holes in the Gerber export option and set the MTOOLs Outline/Fill translation setting to Outline with the MDA Autoplot format.

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Example of Gerber format

Holes as Cutlines MTOOLs Outline/Fill set to Fill RS274D format

Polygon with a hole Exporting as Gerber

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Example of Gerber format

Preserve Holes MTOOLs Outline/Fill set to Outline MDA Autoplot format

Polygon with a hole Exporting as Gerber

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1 - 138 2001 Agilent Technologies

Example of Gerber format

2 polygons overlapped Exporting as Gerber

Auto Merge MTOOLs Outline/Fill set to Outline MDA Autoplot format

Outline view

Fill view
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Example of Gerber format

Circle Exporting as Gerber

MTOOLs Outline/Fill set to Outline MDA Autoplot format

Arcs As Polygons Selected Arcs As Polygons Unselected

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Example of Gerber format

Rectangle Exporting as Gerber

MTOOLs Outline/Fill set to Outline MDA Autoplot format

Rectangles As Polylines Unselected

Rectangles As Polylines Selected

Fill view
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Fill view
Page 279

ADS Layout Basics

Supplemental Layout Enhancement Info: ADS 2001

1 - 140 2001 Agilent Technologies

Easy Grid Settings Chop Command Extend Command Crop Command Split Command

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Easy Grid Settings

A config variable has been added to ADS with the name LAYOUT_GRID_SPACING_PREF. The values for this variable would contain elements delimited by a colon. Each element would contain a Grid Snap Value, Minor Grid Value, Major Grid Value and an optional MenuName. A menu item would be created for each of these elements in Options->Grid Spacing. The Grid Spacing menu is also located in the context sensitive menus (i.e. right click menus).

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1 - 141 2001 Agilent Technologies

Easy Grid Settings

An example of the proper grammar for this variable set the variable in design_sim.cfg: LAYOUT_GRID_SPACING_PREF=1,2,10,Foo:2,5,20:.5,3,100 These values would create 3 menus with names: "Foo", "<2, 5, 20>", and "<.5, 3, 100>" respectively. Choosing one of this menu results of the changing of grid snap, minor grid and major grid. For the "Foo" menu, the grid spacing (grid snap, minor grid, major grid) would instantly be set to <1,2,10> respectively as define before.

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Easy Grid Settings

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Chop Command
This command, invoked via Edit>Modify>Chop menu in the layout window, prompts a user for a region to chop off from the selected primitive objects. Choppable objects are limited to polygons, circles, rectangles, and paths/traces. Pre-select mode will enable the command to chop multiple instances, on the other hand post select will only chop one instance at a time. Below is an example of the pre-select model. All four instances are selected (circle, rectangle, path, polygon).

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Chop Command
Click Edit->Modify->Chop, chop will prompt you to draw a rectangular area.

The chopped objects are shown.

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1 - 143 2001 Agilent Technologies

Extend Command
This command, invoked via Edit>Modify>Extend menu in the layout window, extends a selected polyline to a reference line segment specified by the user. This command is limited to straight lines only (i.e. a line with exactly 2 vertices). Extend Example: Attempt to extend the green line to its intersecting point on the blue line.

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Extend Command
Click Edit->Modify->Extend, the command will prompt you to select the line to extend (green line) then it will prompt you to select the reference line (blue line).

After clicking of the reference line (blue line), the line to extend will automatically extend up to the reference line.

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Extend Command
An example of Extend used on lines that reside on different layers.

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Crop Command
This command provides the ability to select a data group and keep only a selected region of it by specifying a rectangular area then deleting the rest. This is a common feature among imaging tools in which only a region of a picture is desired. This command is invoked using Edit>Modify>Crop. Croppable objects are limited to polygons, circles, rectangles, and paths/traces. Pre-select mode will enable the command to crop multiple instances while post select will only crop one instance at a time.

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Crop Command
Crop Example:

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Crop Command
Select all then use 'Edit->Modify->Crop', you will be prompted to enter 2 points that specify the opposite corners of a rectangle.

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Crop Command
The cropped objects are shown.

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Split Command
This command provides the ability to select a data group and split the object into multiple objects. This command is invoked using Edit>Modify>Split. Splittable objects are limited to polygons, circles, rectangles, and paths/traces. Pre-select mode will enable the command to split multiple instances while post select will only split one instance at a time. Split Example: Split a circle in half.

Title of Presentation 5 December 2001

Agilent Restricted

Page 294

1 - 147 2001 Agilent Technologies

Split Command
Split will prompt you to specify a rectangular area to indicate the area to split

Title of Presentation 5 December 2001

Agilent Restricted

Page 295

Split Command
After the rectangular area is specified, the result creates two polygons from the one circle.

Title of Presentation 5 December 2001

Agilent Restricted

Page 296

1 - 148 2001 Agilent Technologies

This chapter shows the basics of using layers, and the basicdrawing techniques and operations

Lab 1: Layout Basics

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................3 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Create a new project: layout_lab and a new schematic design with the name: custom . ..................................................................................................................................................3 Creating Custom Layers for a project..................................................................................3 Update the Color & Pattern ..................................................................................................5

Mapping Layers.................................................................................................................................6 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Drawing of shapes and modifying them..........................................................................8 Create a ground plane with clearance.................................................................................9 Cleaning up the Ground Plane............................................................................................11

2-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

This lab shows you how to set up the layout environment with your own definitions of layers , colours, mapping, etc.. You will also learn how to draw shapes and modify them.

2.1. Create a new project: layout_lab and a new schematic design with the name: custom Creating Custom Layers for a project


In the new layout, click Options > Layers to see the layer dialog. Go to the advanced tab. Click on the first layer: default. Next, click on New in the Layer menu. Change the name from layer_39 to tin. Change the ID to 51. The ADS default has 38 layers and you could start with 39 but, to allow room, you will start with 51. Also, the GDSII and IGES numbers should both =1. Notice that you can change the colour and pattern on Basic window To change the name, select the tin layer and then type gold in the name field (instead of tin). To update this layer you just click on Apply or OK button. You can use this method to make changes to the attributes of existing layers.

2-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

1. Click here

3. Change the name and the properties

2. Click here

To have the gold layer listed above default, select the gold layer and click Cut. Then select the default layer and click Paste. You should now have a gold drawing layer as shown:

2-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5


Update the Color & Pattern

In the Basic menu, click on the color panel and scroll down to the color of your choice. Do this with the pattern also. For example, use a gold color and a dense pattern

NOTE: Layer priority is determined by a layer's position in the layer list. In the Layout window, layers are drawn from lowest priority to highest priority; higher priority layers are drawn on top of lower priority layers.

2-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

Mapping Layers Mapping means that standard ADS elements like microstrip (MLIN, etc.) will be automatically created on your custom layer rather than the default cond layer. To do this, you edit the substrate definition (for example: MSUB) which is only available in the schematic window as follows: Open the schematic widow of the current layout using the command Window > Schematic from the Layout window. Because a design (network) consists of both a schematic and a layout, this will open the corresponding window. In the Schematic window, go to the Tlines-Microstrip palette and insert an MSUB item. Then change the value for the Cond1 parameter to 51 (the gold layer you created) by selecting the Integer Value in the Parameter Entry Mode field.

All ADS artwork components that by default have Substrate instance name Subst=Msub1 will now be mapped onto your new layer 51 (or gold) instead of cond1 layer as usual.

2-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

Position the layout and schematic windows beside each other. In the schematic, insert an MLIN and then click the command: Layout > Place Component from Schematic to Layout. Now, select the MLIN schematic component and drag it into the layout window. This is how to insert components into layout, directly from the schematic drawing, and place them exactly where you want them on the layout.

2-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5


Drawing of shapes and modifying them

You can spend about 15 minutes to learn how to draw, modify, scale, merge and convert objects. Use the manual for this lab.

2-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5


Create a ground plane with clearance For this step copy the MixerLayout design from the MixerPager_prj example in the Examples/RF_Board your layout_lab project.

Open your MixerLayout design and open its layout window. Then, delete the existing ground plane (3 separate blocks) and you will have this circuit shown below (no ground plane).

To create a new Ground Plane, ensure that the current layer is cond, select the rectangle from the tool bar and draw around the existing circuit layout. This will make the layout very difficult to see because of the use of the same layer.

2-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

To create the Clearance. Click: Edit > Create Clearance. Read the dialog instructions and select the ground plane you just drew on cond. Next, enter the clearance value: 10, but do NOT click OK or Apply yet. Now, select the clearance area by rubber banding everything except the ground plane. This will select the entire layout of the mixer, including pads and other items on all the layers. Finally, click the OK button and then cancel the dialog box. Zoom in to see the result.

Ground Plane Rubber banded or selected

2 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5


Cleaning up the Ground Plane

Change the insert layer to pc1. Turn on edge snap and vertex snap modes only. Turn all other snapping modes off. Zoom in on an area and draw rectangles on pc1 where you want to remove the cond material as shown below: Click Edit > Boolean Logical. When the dialog appears, set it as shown below. You have to select the two shapes (in this case, cond rectangle for the ground plane and pc1 rectangles) Click the OK button and the pc1 area will be subtracted from the cond layer leaving the desired clearance. This is how the clean up is done. You can refer to the ADS video, Introduction to Mixer Simulations (available through the website) for a visual demonstration of this technique.

2 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Layout Basics ADS 1.5

Now, you can undo this step and try to redo it with Apply to all shapes mode instead of Apply to Selected shapes mode in the Boolean dialogue box.

2 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

This chapter demonstrates how to use paths and traces in layout designs.

Lab 2: Layout objects, Paths Traces, etc

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................3 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................3 2.1. Using Paths and Traces.........................................................................................................3

3-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

You will learn how to use Paths, Traces and how to edit and convert them. You will generate a schematic from a layout using Trace and TlinesMicrostrip elements.

2.1. Using Paths and Traces A path is a polygon that is drawn with a specified width like a route or a trace. However, it does not have an electrical equivalent that can be simulated without further steps (see next lab 3). But a trace has electrical representation and can be used to generate a schematic typically with MLINs that have electrical representation and can be simulated. Both are shown in these steps. Open a new layout window (from the Main window) and save it as path_trace. Set the preferences: Option>Preferences > Entry/Edit > Polygon Entry Mode > Orthogonal

Draw a route with 4 90-degree turns as shown on next page. You can use the Path button: or Insert>Path(use your gold layer for example).

3-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

As you draw, the length will appear here.

Try stretching the path and notice the vertex markers that you can grab and move.

Also, try using the dialog box to change the corner type and its attributes (width, curve radius, etc.).

1.Double click or select it then do Edit>Path/Trace>Edit Path/Trace 2. Change the attributes

Delete (Edit>Delete All) the paths in the layout window.

3. click on OK or Apply.

The next steps will show how the trace feature works
3-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

Check that the settings are as shownbelow: Options>Preferences > Grid/Snap

Click on the Path icon. Use this to draw a simple type of routing pattern as shown below (use any layer, e.g. gold). Click on the Trace icon. Use this to draw another simple type of routing pattern (as shown below).



Notice the difference between path and trace (pins)

3-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

Move the drawings to the cond layer which is the default layer for MLIN by selecting the drawings and then using the command: Edit >Move > Move to Layer and select cond in the dialog box that appears.

Convert a Path to a Trace by selecting the Path and using the command: Edit>Path/Trace>Convert Path To Trace. Move one Trace so that one of its pins is on top of one of the other traces pins. The 2 traces will be joined into 1 long trace. If you find it difficult to position the traces to perform this, check that snap to pin is active.

3-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

Place an MLIN on either end .. Make sure they are connected properly by trying to move one component as shown below.

Stretch the TL2 as shown below by using Edit>Transmission Line>Stretch Transmission Line.

Add a Tee into the TL2 as show below by using Edit>Transmission Line>Tap Transmission Line

Notice the two TlINs and the TEE

3-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

This is the complete layout design:

Generate the schematic by : Schematic>Update/Generate Schematic. When the first dialog appears, click on the Trace Control button and check that the setup is as shown hereclick OK to continue the process:

Converting Trace

3-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 2: Layout Object, Path, Traces, etc

The generated schematic should look like the one below where the trace between the MLINs is represented as a sub-circuit. Go ahead and push into the sub-circuit and verify that you have MLINs.

You should see something similar to this:

Push down

At this point, you have covered several of the layout environment capabilities NOTE: You can close this layout design.
3-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

This chapter shows the basics of using Layout for creating physical designs, for generating layouts from schematics, and simulating from schematic.

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. Create a new design with the name: ms_filter ............................................................... 3 Open the layout and set the preferences ........................................................................ 3 In the schematic window, build a simple coupled line filter ....................................... 4 Generate the Layout from the Schematic ....................................................................... 6 Complete the filter in Layout and update the Schematic ............................................. 8 Save the design and open a new schematic window .................................................... 9 Simulate and plot the results.......................................................................................... 10 Adjust the variables to modify the performance (optional)....................................... 10 New Feature: placing schematic components in layout (optional) .......................... 11

2.10. Checking the length of a line (2 methods).................................................................... 12 2.11. Building the ms_filter in dual placement mode: Schematic & Layout (Optional)... 13

4-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

Learn design synchronization and dual placement

2.1. 2.2. Create a new design with the name: ms_filter Open the layout and set the preferences

In the schematic window, click: Window > Layout. This will open the corresponding layout window with the same name. Every .dsn file has a schematic and a layout. In the layout window, click: Options > Preference. Next, go to the Grid/Snap tab and set the following for X and Y: Snap distance: 1, Minor Grid: 20, Major Grid: 200 as shown below. Then click Apply. In mils, the major grid points are now 1 inch apart (1 x 200 = 200 mils or 0.2 inchs). Of course, you could set the grid to any desired values.

NOTE: You can also set the snap to vertex or edge or use the icons.

4-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

Notice the top tool bar of the layout window. It has most of the same icons as these snapping icons which are very useful when drawing or placing objects in layout: SNAP ICONS:

Enable, Pin, Intersection, Vertex, Midpoint, Arc/Circle, Edge and Grid

Before starting to build your circuit, choose you placement mode. First you will start with a Single Representation. Set it in the placement tab.

In the Preferences dialog box, go through the various Tabs and examine the available settings:


In the schematic window, build a simple coupled line filter Follow the steps below to build the partial circuit with one port and a var eqn to specify the microstrip dimensions and spacing:

4-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

Go to the tool bar and insert a port. From the TLines-Microstrip palette, insert two MCFIL microstrip coupled lines or write MCFIL in the Component Palette List Wire the port and coupled lines as shown. Insert a VAR EQN and assign the values as show: W=25, L=250, s1=25 and s2=25. Then assign the MCFIL parameter values to the variables. You can put the units in the component (as shown) or in the variable.

A Msub: Msub1 needs to be define. It will be defined later

4-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization


Generate the Layout from the Schematic

Size and position the Schematic and Layout windows next to each other so that you can see them both. In the layout window, verify the preferences for Trace conversion: Option>Preferences Trace tab

In the schematic menu bar, click Layout > Generate/Update Layout. A dialog box will appear. This dialog shows the starting point for creating the layout - click OK and another dialog will appear.

4-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

Click OK to continue using the variables from the schematic. Another dialog will appear describing the generated items (click OK). Look at the layout window and you will notice the microstrip with pins and an arrow showing the input port.

4-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization


Complete the filter in Layout and update the Schematic Follow these steps to copy the layout, rotate it 180 degrees and connect the copy as a symmetrical half of the final design.

In the layout window, click Select > Select All or <ctrl>A Use the copy command to copy the selected items and then rotate them and connect as shown below where the port 2 arrow is pointing inward.

Save the layout and then click the menu command: Schematic > Generate/Update Schematic and watch as the schematic is updated from the layout, including the port.

4-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization


Save the design and open a new schematic window

After saving the design (ms_filter) open a new schematic window and name it: ex_ms_filter, use the library icon to insert the ms_filter from the browser. Complete the schematic as shown below, including an MSUB from the Microstrip palette, and terminations and an S-parameter simulation controller from the S-parameter palette. The MSUB is the substrate definition and has an Er of 4.6 (FR4), copper conductivity with a 25 mil height, and conductor conductivity: cond=4.1E+7.

Wire the circuit together. Push into the ms_filter and note that your first design is there. Pop back up to the top level.

4-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization


Simulate and plot the results You should see the band pass response as shown.


Adjust the variables to modify the performance (optional)

Push into the lower level schematic and adjust the variables for spacing to see the effects of closer coupling. Try setting s1 and s2 to 10 mils. You can use Layout>Generate/Update Layout to see the physical change of spacing. Go back to the schematic and push up to the top level. A marker will help you to see the difference between the two simulations so you can add some to the data display. Simulate from the schematic and then plot the response Try tuning L smaller and note the change in the response. Reset the layout parameters L, W, s1 and s2 to their original values. You must do this before going on to the next step.

4 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization


New Feature: placing schematic components in layout (optional) This step will show you how to create a layout by placing the components from the schematic.

Go back to the layout and delete the lower symmetrical half of the ms_filter. Go to the schematic ms_filter and click the menu command: Layout > Place Components from Schem to Layout. Immediately, the schematic components that are not placed in the layout representation will be highlighted.

Size and position the Schematic and Layout windows next to each other so that you can see them both.. Select the first highlighted MCFIL in schematic and move the cursor to the layout window. The cursor will now have the layout item attached. Connect it to the pin as shown:

4 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

This method works best when used separately or in addition to the automatic layout generation, especially when you are concerned about the placement of the components. You can experiment with this feature. You will have to rotate some components with ports. 2.10. Checking the length of a line (2 methods)

On any inserted transmission lines, put the cursor on a pin and click. Then move the cursor to the end of the line and notice the distance in the lower right corner of the layout window.

Check the distance between pins.

4 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 3: Setting preferences, Design synchronization

Another more accurate method is to use the Insert>Measure command. Try this command where you click on points and get both distance and angle in the dialog box as shown:

Ensure snap settings are set appropriately.

2.11. Building the ms_filter in dual placement mode: Schematic & Layout (Optional) Delete the design in both representations using the command: Edit > Delete All. In the schematic window, go to Options > Preferences and select the Placement tab. Select Dual Representation and click Apply and OK. Now, you have set ADS to place components in both schematic and layout at the same time. Dual Placement: Position the Schematic and Layout window near each other. Now, in the Schematic window, build the ms_ filter starting with the first component in schematic. Next, move the cursor into the Layout window and insert it there. Go back to the Schematic window and select the next component and continue. Build the same circuit as you did before (refer to the picture).

4 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

This chapter demonstrates the use of variables in sub-circuits.

Lab 4: Variables

Lab 4: Variables

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE, using Variable................................................................................................... 3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Create a new design, sub01 .............................................................................................. 3 Create another design, sub03 ........................................................................................... 3 Create another design, sub02 ........................................................................................... 4 Create the last design: filter, which is the main circuit .............................................. 5 Generate the layout: .......................................................................................................... 7 Define the variable L_MLIN in different level................................................................ 7 Specify the path to define the variable M_LIN to a specific circuit. ........................... 9


PROCEDURE, using Design Parameters .............................................................................. 11 3.1. 3.2. Define the design parameter in each circuit ................................................................ 11 Generate the layout ......................................................................................................... 14

5-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables

Make an example using subcircuit with Variables and then with Design Parameter.

2. PROCEDURE, using Variable

2.1. Create a new design, sub01

Insert two Ports, Insert, R_Pad1 from the Lumped-With-Artwork library, Insert, MLIN from the Tlines-Microstrip library. Change the length of the MLIN to L_MLIN, which is the variable. Connect these elements as shown below. Finally, save the design.


Create another design, sub03

Insert two Ports and one ground Insert two MLINs and one MTEE from the Tlines-Microstrip library. Change the length of the MLINs to L_MLIN. Connect these elements as shown below and save the design.

5-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables


Create another design, sub02

Insert two Ports and a R_Pad1 Insert one MLIN and change the length to L_MLIN Go to the library, using the library button

And select sub03 from your library

Connect these elements as shown below

Push down into the sub03 component to check the circuit. Push up and save the design.

5-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables


Create the last design: filter, which is the main circuit

Insert two Ports, one ground, Insert one MTEE, one MLIN with length of L_MLIN, one C_Pad1 (from the Lumped-With-Artwork library), Insert the circuit sub01, and the circuit sub02 Add an equation variable VAR with the variable L_MLIN= 100 mil Connect these elements as shown below and save the design. Push down into the components in order to check the circuits. Notice that there are 3 levels in the main circuit. This is shown on the next page

Notice that you dont need to define an MSUB MSUB1 if there is no simulation and if you want the elements to be placed on their default layer (cond).

5-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables

Main circuit: filter

Sub-circuit: sub02

Sub-circuit: sub01

Sub-circuit: sub03

5-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables


Generate the layout:

Layout>Generate/Update Layout. You should have something like this:

You can push down into the different components and verify the length of MLIN using Insert>Measure Also, The variable L_MLIN is defined as a global variable in the top-level design. Therefore L_MLIN has the same value in every levelit is used.


Define the variable L_MLIN in different level.

Define the variable L_MLIN in the sub-circuit sub02 as shown below:

5-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables

Update the layout of the main circuit (filter): Layout>Generate/Update Layout and see the difference:

As the value of L_MLIN is 10 mils in sub02, everywhere a component using this variable in sub02 or in a sub-circuit of sub02 (i.e. sub03), the value will be 10 mils and not 100 mils as in the filter and sub01 designs.

100 mil

30 mil

5-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables


Specify the path to define the variable M_LIN to a specific circuit.

In the schematic design, push down into sub02 and sub03 and go to Options>Variables Click Browse choose filter Write the name of your variable: L_MLIN, and then click OK.

Go another time into Options>Variables, in order to check the path is correct.. Save sub03, generate the layout and check the result. Modify the design if necessary (ports connection) Go to the upper level (sub02) and generate the layout. Check also the design. Finally, push up to filter, generate the layout, you should have something like this:

5-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables



100 mil

100 mil

30 mil


5 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables

3. PROCEDURE, using Design Parameters

Another way to define variables (parameter here) is to create, each time a variable is used, a design parameter. This parameter will appear when the component is inserted, and the value could be changed at any time. 3.1. Define the design parameter in each circuit

Go through all the sub-networks containing variable equation and delete the variable equation: L_MLIN Got to sub03 Create the Design Parameter definition: - File>Design Parameters and choose Parameter tab - Parameter name: L_MLIN - Value Type: Real - Default Value: 100 mil - Parameter Type: Length - Click on Save AEL file - Click OK - Save your design

5 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables

Go to the upper level, you are in sub02 Delete sub03 then re-insert it and see the parameter design with the default value: 100 mil

Define the same Design Parameter for sub02 Go to the upper level: filter Delete sub02 then re-insert it

Go to sub01 and define the same Design Parameter Go to the upper level: filter Delete sub01 then re-insert it

Go to filter and define the same Design Parameter

Open a new design and name it as ex_filter Insert the filter circuit from the library Place a port connected to each pin

5 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables

Main circuit: ex_filter

Sub-circuit: filter

Sub-circuit: sub02

Sub-circuit: sub01

Sub-circuit: sub03
5 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 4: Variables


Generate the layout

Before generating the layout, change the L_MLIN parameter as desired (You could use the same values as in the previous configuration. Go to Layout>Generate/Update Layout and notice the lengths. Change some values and notice the update. You can understand this way is faster because you dont have to generate the layout from the lowest level.

5 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

1. OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 3

2. PROCEDURE, CREATE A COMPONENT ARTWORK ............................... 3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. DEFINITION OF THE ARTWORK ...................................................................................3 CREATE THE ARTWORK ..............................................................................................4 CREATE THE DESIGN DEFINITION OF THE ARTWORK: .................................................9 CREATE THE TRANSISTOR BFP620F .........................................................................10 CREATE THE DESIGN DEFINITION OF THE TRANSISTOR: ...........................................11 CREATE AN EXAMPLE USING THE BFP620F COMPONENT. ........................................12 MAKE IT AVAILABLE FOR ALL OF USERS PROJECTS ...................................................14 ADD IT TO THE USERS DROP-DOWN LIST, WITH USER CUSTOMIZATION ...................17

6-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Create footprints and other artwork for your devices.

2. PROCEDURE, Create a component artwork

2.1. Definition of the artwork

This step will show you how to draw artwork for a transistor but the concepts apply to any component or device. You will create a package: TSFP-4 which is used by the bfp620f BJT transistor of Infineon Technologies AG.

See these addresses for details of the package and the Transistor.

This is the Artwork of the package:

Solder mask rectangle 0.5 mm Port 0.4 mm 0.45 mm 0.4 mm 0.2 mm 0.3 mm Solder stencil rectangle Lead rectangle 0.9 0.8 mm 1 mm Package rectangle Solder pads


0.2 mm

1.4 mm

6-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

The solder mask is a coating material used to mask off or to protect selected areas of a pcb from the attachment of solder. A solder pad is the area where the leads are soldered, thus connecting the component to the board traces. Stencils (also called metal masks) are almost universally used to apply solder paste to the board for mass reflow processes. Lead represents component pins. 2.2. Create the artwork

Create a new design and name it: tsfp_4 Open a layout window Go to Options>Preferences and select in Layout Units tab: mm Change Grid/Snap setting as shown below:

In the Placement tab, change the Port/Ground size to 0.2 To draw the artwork more efficiently, use Insert>Coordinate Entry and keep this dialogue box open whilst drawing.

6-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Draw a package rectangle in packages layer, Click on rectangle icon, In the Coordinate Entry dialogue box, type firstly 0 for X, 0 for Y and click Apply Type secondly 1.4 for X and 0.8 for Y and click Apply. You should have a rectangle in packages layer with two opposites corners at (0,0) and (1.4, -0.8)

Place a Port P4 at the coordinate: (0.25,0.1)

Draw a lead rectangle on the leads layer with corners at (0.15,0.2) and (0.35,0) Draw a solder stencil rectangle on pcvia6 layer with corners at (0.05,0.25) and (0.45,-0.05) Draw a solder pads rectangle on cond layer with corners at (0.025,0.275) and (0.475,-0.075) Draw a solder mask rectangle on solder_mask layer with corners at (0,0.3) and (0.5,-0.1) You should have something like this:

6-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Solder pads rectangle Solder mask rectangle

Solder stencil rectangle Port Package rectangle

Lead rectangle

You also need to build the same structure for the other leads. It can be done by copying the existing one. Edit>Advanced Copy/Paste>Copy Relative Select all the shapes except the package rectangle, make sure the Port is selected.

6-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

In Copy Relative dialogue box, type 0.9 for X and 0 for Y

Change this port to P1. Absolute coordinates: ( 1.15 , 0.1 )

You must change Port name and Port number as desired.

6-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Repeat the process to add the two other leads.

Change this port to P2 Absolute coordinates: ( 0.25 , -0.9 )

Change this port to P3 Absolute coordinates: ( 1.15 , -0.9 )

(In Copy Relative dialogue box, type 0 for X and -1 for Y:) Change names and numbers of Ports to (P2,2) and (P3,3)

6-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Create the design definition of the artwork:

Go to File>Design Parameters and Type in the following: Description: Package: TSFP-4 (the layout name or anything you like). This appears in the Library browser sub-networks when you use the component in a schematic. Component Instance Name: this will be the name that appears on the schematic, but in this case, we dont care about it. Symbol Name: SYM_0Port this is the built-in 0 port symbol. Layout Object: check this box. Simulation Model: Not Simulated to create Layout non-simulated items Artwork Type: None.

Click the Save AEL file button and click the Ok button. Save your design and close it.

6-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Create the transistor bfp620f

Create a new design and name it: bfp620f In the schematic design, insert a S2P component from the library Data Items Edit the S2P parameters and for File, Browse and find 7f1v010m.s2p

Then click OK Insert 4 Ports and a resistance of 0 as shown below: Port number: 1-Collector, 2-Base, 3-Emitter1, 4 Emitter2

6 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Create the design definition of the transistor:

Go to File>Design Parameters and Type in the following: Description: bfp620f:SiGe RF-Bipolar NPN Component Instance Name: leave X or type another name if you prefer. Symbol Name: LIBSYM_EEBJT2A, this is the 4 ports transistor symbol. Simulation Model: Subnetwork Artwork Type: Fixed, to associate the package artwork to a sub-network Artwork Name: tsfp_4 (you have to type it)

Save your design and close it.

6 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Create an example using the bfp620f component.

Open a new design and name it: ex_transistor From the library, insert the bfp620f component. Push down to verify the component, then push up. Generate the layout: Layout>Generate/Update Layout You should see the package artwork you have just drawn before. Insert a S-Parameter template: Insert>Template > S_Params

6 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Simulate and plot the results and compare values of S-Parameters simulated with those of the file: 7f1v010m..s2p. (You can plot a list of S-Parameters)

6 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Make it available for all of users projects

You will make this artwork available for the users other projects.

1. Create a directory $HOME/hpeesof/ComponentLibs/packages 2. Copy the fixed artwork package design files: tsfp_4.dsn to this directory. 3. Go to $HOME/custom/config 4. Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and check the variable is set as below. HOME_COMPONENTLIBS_PACKAGES= {$HOME}/hpeesof/Componentlibs/packages

The fixed artwork tsfp_4 package files saved in $HOME/hpeesof/Componentlibs/packages are now available for all of the users projects by typing in the correct name in the Fixed Artwork Name field of the Design/Parameters of the design. To verify the artwork is now available in all projects, you will create a new project and then create a design that uses this fixed artwork. In the main window, go to File>New Project: Type in the name: fixed_artwork In a schematic design, create a transistor similar to the previous one and name it with the same name: bpf620f

6 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Go to File>Design Parameters and assign the artwork fields as shown below:

6 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Create another design and name it : ex_transistor Insert in this design the bpf620f using the library list Add ports in order to generate correctly the layout

Generate the artwork: Layout>Generate/Update Layout You see the layout corresponding to the tsfp_4 artwork.

6 - 16 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Add it to the users drop-down list, with USER customization

This last step is needed if you want this fixed artwork to be in the drop down list.

1. 2.

Go to $HOME/hpeesof/circuit/ael Copy the file geminidsndef.ael into $HOME/hpeesof/circuit/ael (You need to create these directories if they do not exist). Open the file with a text editor and go to the header

set_design_sub_choices( 0, 1, "ALMK", 0, "ALMK2", 1, "ATCCAP", 2, "AXIAL_L", 3, "AXIAL_M", 4, "AXRES", 5, "AXRES2", 6, "AXRES3", 7, "C-LL", 8, "C-LR", 9, "C-UL", 10, "SOT353", 99,"SOT363", 100,"SOT37", 101,"SOT89", 102,"SOT89V2", 103,"TO206AA", 104,"TO206AF", 105,"TO226AA", 106,"TO72", 107,"TO72V2", 108,"TO92", 109,"TPLAST", 110);


Add the wanted fixed artwork packages (tsfp_4) available in $HOME/hpeesof/circuit/ComponentLibs/packages to the list.

"SOT223", 94,"SOT23", 95,"SOT323", 96,"SOT343N", 97,"SOT343R", 98,"SOT353", 99,"SOT363", 100,"SOT37", 101,"SOT89", 102,"SOT89V2", 103,"TO206AA", 104,"TO206AF", 105,"TO226AA", 106,"TO72", 107,"TO72V2", 108,"TO92", 109,"TPLAST", 110,"tsfp_4", 111);

The number defines the position in the drop down list.

4. 5.

Go to $HOME/hpeesof/config Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable USER_AEL={$HOME}/hpeesof/circuit/ael

6 - 17 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

6. Restart ADS, the new fixed artwork should be available in the drop-down list, in all of the users projects.

6 - 18 2001 Agilent Technologies


Appendix: Making custom artwork available site-wide, rather than across users projects

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES: ............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE, 2.1. Make component available for site-wide use.................................. 3

Add it to the site-wide drop down list............................................................................. 6

7-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

This is an alternative ending to lab5, steps 2.7 onwards. Instead of making the custom artwork available across a users projects this will make it available site-wide for all users, assuming that all users access the same source code. $HPEESOF_DIR.

2. PROCEDURE, Make component available for site-wide use.

You will make this artwork available for other users projects.

1. Create a directory $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/ComponentLibs/packages 2. Copy the fixed artwork package design files: tsfp_4.dsn in to this directory. 3. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config 4. Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable SYSTEM_COMPONENTLIBS_PACKAGES= {$HPEESOF_DIR}/Componentlibs/packages/: {$HPEESOF_DIR}/custom/Componentlibs/packages/

The fixed artwork tsfp_4 package files saved in $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/Componentlibs/packages are now available sitewide by typing in the correct name in the Fixed Artwork Name field of the Design/Parameters of the design. To verify the artwork is now available in all project directory, you will create a new directory and then create a design that use this fixed artwork. In the main window, go to File>New Project: Type in the name: fixed_artwork In a schematic design, create a transistor design and name it: bpf620f

7-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Go to File>Design Parameters and assign the artwork fields as shown below:

7-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

Create another design and name it : ex_transistor Insert in this design the bpf620f using the library list Add ports in order to generate correctly the layout

Generate the artwork: Layout>Generate/Update Layout You see the layout corresponding to the tsfp_4 artwork.

7-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork


Add it to the site-wide drop down list.

This last step is needed if you want add this fixed artwork in the drop down list. 1. 2. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ael Copy the file geminidsndef.ael into $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/circuit/ael (You have to create these directories if they dont exist). Open the file with a text editor and go to the header

set_design_sub_choices( 0, 1, "ALMK", 0, "ALMK2", 1, "ATCCAP", 2, "AXIAL_L", 3, "AXIAL_M", 4, "AXRES", 5, "AXRES2", 6, "AXRES3", 7, "C-LL", 8, "C-LR", 9, "C-UL", 10, "SOT353", 99,"SOT363", 100,"SOT37", 101,"SOT89", 102,"SOT89V2", 103,"TO206AA", 104,"TO206AF", 105,"TO226AA", 106,"TO72", 107,"TO72V2", 108,"TO92", 109,"TPLAST", 110);


Add the wanted fixed artwork packages (tsfp_4) available in $HPEESOF_DIR/circuit/ComponentLibs/packages to the list.

"SOT223", 94,"SOT23", 95,"SOT323", 96,"SOT343N", 97,"SOT343R", 98,"SOT353", 99,"SOT363", 100,"SOT37", 101,"SOT89", 102,"SOT89V2", 103,"TO206AA", 104,"TO206AF", 105,"TO226AA", 106,"TO72", 107,"TO72V2", 108,"TO92", 109,"TPLAST", 110,"tsfp_4", 111);

The number defines the place in the drop down list. 4. 5. Go to $HPEESOF_DIR/custom/config Edit or create the file de_sim.cfg and set the variable SITE_AEL={$HPEESOF_DIR}/custom/circuit/ael

7-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 5: Creating Component Artwork

6. Restart ADS, the new fixed artwork should be available in the drop down list site wide, in every project.

7-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE: SMT_PAD component..................................................................................... 3 2.1. 2.2. Make an example using the SMT_PAD component ...................................................... 3 Create the layout and see the effects of the SMT_PAD ................................................ 5


PROCEDURE: Using an AEL Macro........................................................................................ 6 3.1. 3.2. What is this AEL macro?................................................................................................... 6 Build the design.................................................................................................................. 8

8-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

You will use a SMT_PAD component, and understand its utility for some artwork. After that, you will make an example using an AEL Macro.

2. PROCEDURE: SMT_PAD component

2.1. Make an example using the SMT_PAD component

Create a new schematic design and name it: smt_1 Open the library browser and select the SMT component library Use the Find icon and search for the 0603 series capacitor. You should see several parts that fit the search criteria as shown below: Select sc_kmt_X7R_06035_K_19960828

8-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

Insert the capacitor in the schematic and notice that the SMT_Pad definition refers to Pad1 which is not yet defined in your design

Insert the SMT_Pad definition by typing the name SMT_Pad in the component history field and inserting it in the schematic. Modify the definition as shown on the right:

At this point, go back to the capacitor and define the SMT_Pad = Pad_0603 (requires quotes). Put MLINs and ports on either side and insert an MSUB to define the substrate (required for simulation).

8-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro


Create the layout and see the effects of the SMT_PAD Layout > Generate/Update Layout

Refer back to the OFFSET parameter from the capacitor (0 mil). For surface mount components, this value is the distance from the component package edge to the electrical port where it will connect to another component (in this case the MLIN). The position of the electrical port is defined in the SMT_Pad definition PO (port offset). This defines the distance from the edge of the pad to the electrical port where zero puts the pin in the center of the pad and a negative value moves the pin away from the pad centre towards the outer edge.

Change the OFFSET value of the capacitor to 10 (mils) and you should see the results:

Try editing PO and OFFSET with different values to see the effects.

8-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

3. PROCEDURE: Using an AEL Macro

Component using the smtart_143A AEL macro with 2 SMT_Pad components 3.1. What is this AEL macro?

In this example a RF transistor (BFG33_8) from the Philips S-Parameter library will be placed in schematic. The various Design/Parameters will be set to use the smtart_SOT143A as artwork macro. To understand how to use this artwork, use the help Go to Help>Topics and Index Choose Manual from the topics available. Go to ADS Documentation, then Physical Design and finally Layout Select chapter 7: Fixed Artwork and find the SOT143 that is shown below:

8-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

To see more details about the artwork SOT143A, Go to the chapter 8: SMT Package Layout Artwork Library Go to Using the SMT Package Artwork as an Artwork Replacement Notice the information about parameters

Click on SOT, DPAK, D2PAK Package, and observe the indication concerning the smtart_SOT143A:

8-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

Now you know that you have to define 2 parameters: 2 SMT_Pad (SMT_Pad1 and SMT_Pad2) and OFFSET. 3.2. Build the design

Select the Component: sp_phl_BFG33_8_19900901 from the S-Parameter library and place in the schematic. Connect four ports to the symbol whereby

Port 1 = Collector Port 2 = Base Port 3 = Emitter1 Port 4 = Emitter2

This to assure that each pin (base, collector,) of the schematic symbol corresponds with the correct pin on the layout package.

The smtart_143A AEL macro needs two SMT_Pad components since the SOT143 package has two different sizes of leads. Whereby the collector lead is the biggest lead and the pad associated to it is defined by the first SMT_Pad.

8-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

Define SMT_Pad1 and SMT_Pad2 as design parameters for the SMT_Pad components. Define Offset as a Real with Default Value 0mil. The design parameter specifies the offset between the connection pin to the component lead.

8-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

Define the General Design/Parameters: An appropriate symbol is the: LIBSYM_EEBJT2A Choose AEL macro: smtart_SOT143A as artwork Choose Subnetwork for Simulation.

8 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 6: Built-in AEL Macro

Open a new schematic design page and place the created subcircuit in the schematic. Place two SMT_Pad components from the Lumped with Artwork palette to define the two SMT pads: Go to Layout>Generate/Update Layout to place the transistor in layout.

By using smtart AEL macro's and SMT_Pad components, different components can use the same artwork macro but have different pad sizes. This avoids making different fixed artwork packages for the different footprint sizes.

8 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: AEL Artwork Macro

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE: Creating AEL macro using de_add() and de_draw() functions......... 3 2.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3

2.2. Programming and loading a simple AEL artwork macro using "de_add_" AEL functions. ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2.3. Associate the AEL artwork macro to a schematic. ....................................................... 5

2.4. Programming and loading a simple AEL artwork macro using "de_draw_( );" AEL functions. ...................................................................................................................................... 11 2.5. 2.6. 3. Associate the AEL artwork to a schematic. ................................................................. 11 Comparison between "de_add...( );" and "de_draw( );" functions ......................... 14

PROCEDURE: Programming of AEL artwork macro for SOT363 package. .................... 15

9-2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

This Lab will explain how to create a custom artwork macro using AEL.

2. PROCEDURE: Creating AEL macro using de_add() and de_draw() functions

2.1. Introduction

In AEL there are two groups of functions that can be used to draw objects in layout: "de_add_();" and "de_draw_();" functions. For more information about those AEL functions, see ADS AEL manual. Both can be used to draw the same object e.g. a rectangle can be drawn using the function de_add_rectangle(); or de_draw_rect(); Although both functions look the same, there are some fundamental differences.


Programming and loading a simple AEL artwork macro using "de_add_" AEL functions.

When running ADS on a PC, start ADS in debug mode, the debug mode provides the capability to have debug messages and internal variables sent to the debug window. Modify the script to have this line (choose an appropriate folder and name the debug file to be created): HPADS -v -d c:\<directory>\<file_name>.txt Create in your project a text file: smtart_rect01.ael, make sure there's no additional .txt extension. Open smtart_rect01.ael in a text-editor and add the following lines.

9-3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

defun rectangle1(L,W) { fputs(stderr,strcat("Parameter L in macro = ",L)); //Send parameter L to debug window fputs(stderr,strcat("Parameter W in macro = ",W)); //Send parameter W to debug window de_set_layer(1); de_add_rectangle(0,0,L,W); units } //set entry layer=layer number 1 //draw rect in current layout

For an introduction into AEL and more information about the AEL syntax, see ADS AEL manual. Once the file smtart_rect01.ael is created and saved it needs to be loaded into ADS. The best way to do this during the test and debug phase is to load the ael file from the ADS command line. In the ADS Main Window, go to Options>Command Line and type in the following command: load("<function>.ael"); In this example: load("smtart_rect01.ael"); When functions are loaded by the program, they are also compiled. This creates a compiled version of the ael file: an atf file. Any file loaded is re-compiled if it has been modified or has not previously been compiled. Compiling increases the speed at which the function is loaded and it also performs a simplified syntax check.

9-4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

When clicking on apply, the ael file will be compiled and loaded providing that there are no errors in the ael file Note that for each session of ADS there's a session file *.dem created which includes a sequential overview of the ael commands for the actions executed within that session. Associate the AEL artwork macro to a schematic.


Once the AEL artwork macro is created and loaded, it can be assigned to a schematic design. In this case a schematic is created containing a resistor with two design parameters: L and W. These two parameters will be parsed into the AEL macro in the order in which they are defined in the Design/Parameter window. Create a new design: resistor01.dsn Insert a resistor Set the following File>Design Parameters: Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: Parameter Type: Parameter Description: Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: Parameter Type: Parameter Description:

L Real 10 mil Length Length parameter to create artwork W Real 10 mil Width Width parameter to create artwork

9-5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Set the appropriate General, Design Parameters. Choose AEL Macro for Artwork Type and fill in the name of the ael macro: rectangle1

Save AEL file in the File/Design Parameters window and open a new layout window.

9-6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

In the new layout design go to the library browser and place the resistor01 component. Watch the debug window.

9-7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

The default value for L and W are 10 mils, those parameters get parsed into the AEL macro in MKS units. Since L and W are specified as Length the MKS unit is meter. In this case, 10 mil => 0.000254 [meter] In the AEL macro, a "de_add_();" function is used to draw the rectangle:

In the AEL macro, L and W = 0.000254 The "de_add_()" functions, draw the shapes in LAYOUT, USER units. In this example the Layout, User units are set to mils. To check the Layout User units go to Options>Preferences>Layout Units The macro will draw a rectangle from 0 mils [x1], 0 mils [y1] to 0.000254 mils [x2], 0.000254 mils [y2] The result will be a rectangle to small to display in Layout !

Conclusion: "de_add_();" functions draw a shape using layout, user units. "de_add_();" functions are dependent on the layout, user units. Switching between the layout, user units means that the size of the macro will change and cause incorrect sizes of the shapes. Design parameters get parsed into the AEL macro in the order they are defined in the Design/Parameter window. There is no verification between the parameter name in the File>Design/Parameter window and the parameter in the AEL macro.

Solution: Use "de_draw_();" functions to draw artwork with AEL macro's. Take a conversion factor in account to make the size of the shape independent from the layout, user units.

9-8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Modify the file: smtart_rect01.ael to take in account the conversion factor

defun rectangle1(L,W) { fputs(stderr,strcat("Parameter L in macro = ",L)); //Sent parameter L to debug window fputs(stderr,strcat("Parameter W in macro = ",W)); //Send parameter W to debug window decl repH; //Declare repH, representation Handle repH=db_get_rep(db_get_design(current_design_name()),REP_LAY); //Take representation handle of current layout window decl convFact; //Declare convFAct, conversion factor convFact=db_factor(repH); //Get conv. factor of rep. Handle fputs(stderr,strcat("Conversion factor = ",convFact)); //Send value of convFact to debug window de_set_layer(1); //set entry layer = layer number 1 de_add_rectangle(0,0,L*convFact,W*convFact); //draw rectangle using current layout units //but take into account the conv. Factor }

Reload the ael file (load("smtart_rect01.ael") Set the layout units to mm with a grid of 0.001mm for x and y

9-9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Place the component from the library browser into the layout again.

By taking the conversion factor in account, the artwork has now a correct size independent of the layout units.

9 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program


Programming and loading a simple AEL artwork macro using "de_draw_( );" AEL functions.

Using the "de_draw_();" functions have the advantage that the artwork is correctly scaled irrespective of the chosen layout units. Create a new text file: smtart_rect02.ael, make sure there's no additional .txt extension. Open smtart_rect02.ael in a texteditor and add the following lines:

defun rectangle2(L,W) { fputs(stderr,strcat("Parameter L //Sent parameter L to debug fputs(stderr,strcat("Parameter W //Sent parameter W to debug de_set_global_db_factor();

in macro = ",L)); window in macro = ",W)); window

de_set_layer(1); //set entry layer = layer number 1 de_draw_rect(0,0,L,W); //draw rectangle in MKS units de_draw_port(0,W/2,-90,FALSE,1); //draw port 1 de_draw_port(L,W/2,+90,FALSE,2); //draw port 2 //add ports to make design synchronization possible //ports are designated as pins }

After the AEL file is created and saved, load it from the command line. Associate the AEL artwork to a schematic.


Once the AEL artwork macro is created and loaded, it can be assigned to a schematic design. In this case a schematic is created containing a resistor with two design parameters: L and W . Those two parameters will be parsed into the AEL macro to construct a rectangle in layout. Create a new design: resistor02.dsn Insert a resistor and two ports Set following Parameter, Design Parameters: - Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: L Real 10 mil

9 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Parameter Type: Parameter Description:

Length Length parameter to create artwork W Real 10 mil Width Width parameter to create artwork

- Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: Parameter Type:

Parameter Description:

Set the appropriate General, Design Parameters as below: Make sure to choose AEL Macro for Artwork Type and fill in the name of the ael macro: rectangle2

Save AEL file in the File>Design Parameters window and open a new schematic window. Place the subcircuit in a new schematic and connect two ports to it.

9 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Layout>Generate/Update layout to create the artwork in the layout. Notice that ports need to be added (de_draw_port(); ) in the AEL macro to make design synchronization possible.

9 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program


The de_draw_...( ); function together with the de_set_global_db_factor( ); function will draw the artwork using the parameter in MKS units independent of the layout units. Ports need to be added (de_draw_port( ); ) in the AEL macro to make design synchronization possible. 2.6. Comparison between "de_add...( );" and "de_draw( );" functions

de_draw_(); - Recommended within AEL artwork macro's together with de_set_global_db_factor(); - Draws artwork using MKS units independent of layout units.

de_add_(); - Draws artwork using layout units. - Take a conversion factor in account (db_factor(repH)) to make the size of the shape independent from the layout, user units. - Use in case there's no "de_draw_();" function available as replacement.

9 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

3. PROCEDURE: Programming of AEL artwork macro for SOT363 package.

In this chapter an AEL artwork macro will be created for a SOT363 package. The macro will use a SMT_Pad component to define the pad properties. The figure below shows the dimensions for the SOT363 package as well as for the recommended footprint. Those dimensions will be used within the AEL macro.

Flowchart of the process, how the design parameters are processed and block diagram of AEL artwork macro.

9 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

defun smtart_sot363(SMTPAD,PO) { Get individual parameters of the SMT pad element: pad_width pad_length pad_layer smo sm_layer pad_offset port_offset

Sent internal values of various parameters to debug window is debug parameter is set.

Define internal variables to specify layer and dimensions of package and leads

Perform Error Checking

Draw package, leads, pads and solder mask with "de_draw_();" functions using MKS }

Create in your project a text file: smtart_sot363.ael, make sure there's no additional .txt extension. Open smtart_sot363.ael in a texteditor and add the following lines.

Remark: Using the same name for the ael file and for the macro is not a problem.

9 - 16 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

defun smtart_sot363(SMTPAD,PO) {
de_set_global_db_factor(); //Ensure to use MKS units

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get individual parameters out of the SMT pad element // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// decl decl decl decl decl decl decl pad_width=get_data_parm(SMTPAD,"W","SMT_PAD"); pad_length=get_data_parm(SMTPAD,"L","SMT_PAD"); pad_layer=get_data_parm(SMTPAD,"PadLayer","SMT_PAD"); smo=get_data_parm(SMTPAD,"SMO","SMT_PAD"); sm_layer=get_data_parm(SMTPAD,"SM_Layer","SMT_PAD"); pad_offset=get_data_parm(SMTPAD,"PO","SMT_PAD"); port_offset=PO;

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fputs internal values of various parameters for debugging // // when sot363_debug = 1 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// decl sot363_debug=1; // set sot363_debug=NULL; to avoid fputs of debug lines if(sot363_debug) { fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of port_offset in AEL macro in MKS units: ", identify_value(port_offset))); fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of pad_width in AEL macro in MKS units: ", identify_value(pad_width))); fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of pad_length in AEL macro in MKS units: ", identify_value(pad_length))); fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of pad_layer in AEL macro: ", identify_value(pad_layer))); fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of smo in AEL macro in MKS units: ", identify_value(smo))); fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of sm_layer in AEL macro: ", identify_value(sm_layer)));

fputs(stderr, strcat("Value of pad_offset in AEL macro in MKS units: ", identify_value(pad_offset))); }

9 - 17 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define internal variables here to specify layer and // // dimensions of package and leads // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// decl package_layer=10; decl leads_layer=9; decl package_width=2.000e-3; decl package_length=1.250e-3; decl lead_width=0.200e-3; decl lead_length=0.426e-3; decl lead_spacing=0.650e-3; //Set to default package layer //Set to default leads layer //Set package width in MKS units //Set package length in MKS units //Set lead width in MKS units //Set lead length in MKS units //Set lead spacing in MKS units

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Error checking // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// decl smt_errmsg1 = "Layout requires SMTPAD Data Item"; decl smt_errmsg2 = "Negative Pad Dimensions Not Allowed"; decl smt_errmsg3 = "Solder Pads Overlap Each Other"; if (pad_width == NULL || pad_length == NULL) //check that SMT pad exists in schematic if not error(smtart_errclass, 1, smt_errmsg1, NULL); if (pad_width < 0 || pad_length < 0) //check that pad_width and path_length are not negative error(smtart_errclass, 2, smt_errmsg2, NULL); if (lead_spacing - pad_width < 0 ) //check that the bond pad do not overlap each other

error(smtart_errclass, 2, smt_errmsg3, NULL);

9 - 18 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw package, leads, pads and solder mask with de_draw // // functions using MKS units // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw package with the origin in the middle of the package de_set_layer(package_layer); //Draw package on coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2 de_draw_rect(-package_width/2,-package_length/2, package_width/2, package_length/2); // Draw the leads de_set_layer(leads_layer); de_draw_rect(-(lead_spacing+lead_width/2), -(package_length/2+lead_length), -(lead_spacing-lead_width/2), -package_length/2); de_draw_rect(-lead_width/2, -(package_length/2+lead_length), lead_width/2,-package_length/2); de_draw_rect((lead_spacing-lead_width/2), -(package_length/2+lead_length), (lead_spacing+lead_width/2), -package_length/2); de_draw_rect((lead_spacing-lead_width/2), package_length/2, (lead_spacing+lead_width/2), (package_length/2+lead_length)); de_draw_rect(-lead_width/2, package_length/2, lead_width/2, (package_length/2+lead_length));

de_draw_rect(-(lead_spacing+lead_width/2), package_length/2, -(lead_spacing-lead_width/2),(package_length/2+lead_length)); // Draw the pads de_set_layer(pad_layer); de_draw_rect(-(lead_spacing+pad_width/2), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2), -(lead_spacing-pad_width/2), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2)); de_draw_rect(-pad_width/2, -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2), pad_width/2, -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offsetpad_length/2));

9 - 19 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

de_draw_rect((lead_spacing-pad_width/2), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2), (lead_spacing+pad_width/2), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2)); de_draw_rect((lead_spacing-pad_width/2), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2), (lead_spacing+pad_width/2), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2)); de_draw_rect(-pad_width/2, (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2), pad_width/2, (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2)); de_draw_rect(-(lead_spacing+pad_width/2), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2),(lead_spacing-pad_width/2), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2)); // Draw the ports de_draw_port(-lead_spacing, -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_length/2+port_offset), 0,FALSE,1); de_draw_port(0.0,(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_length/2+port_offset), 0,FALSE,2); de_draw_port(+lead_spacing,(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_length/2+port_offset), 0,FALSE,3);

de_draw_port(+lead_spacing,+(package_length/2+lead_length/2+ pad_length/2+port_offset), 180, FALSE, 4); de_draw_port(0.000,+(package_length/2+lead_length/2+ pad_length/2+port_offset), 180, FALSE, 5); de_draw_port(-lead_spacing, +(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_length/2+port_offset), 180, FALSE, 6);

9 - 20 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

// Draw the solder mask pads // Adding the parameter smo to the code to draw the pads de_set_layer(sm_layer); de_draw_rect(-(lead_spacing+pad_width/2+smo), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2+smo), -(lead_spacing-pad_width/2-smo), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2-smo)); de_draw_rect(-(pad_width/2+smo), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2+smo), (pad_width/2+smo), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2-smo)); de_draw_rect((lead_spacing-pad_width/2-smo), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2+smo), (lead_spacing+pad_width/2+smo), -(package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2-smo)); de_draw_rect((lead_spacing-pad_width/2-smo), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2-smo), (lead_spacing+pad_width/2+smo), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2+smo)); de_draw_rect(-(pad_width/2+smo), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2-smo), (pad_width/2+smo), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2+smo)); de_draw_rect(-(lead_spacing+pad_width/2+smo), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset-pad_length/2-smo), -(lead_spacing-pad_width/2-smo), (package_length/2+lead_length/2+pad_offset+pad_length/2+smo));

9 - 21 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Save the file and load it from the command line. Create a new schematic design: testpackage0 with 3 resistors and 6 ports

Assign the Design Parameters to the sub-circuit. Use the smtart_sot363 AEL macro as Artwork.

Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: Parameter Type: Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: Parameter Type: Parameter Name: Value Type: Default Value: Parameter Type:

SMTPAD String "Pad1" Unitless PO Real 0 mil Length R Real 50 Ohm Resistance

Click on Save AEL file, then OK, and save your design. Keep in mind that the first Design Parameter needs to be the SMTPAD and the second the PO, Port Offset.

9 - 22 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 7: Artwork Macro with AEL program

Create a new schematic design: top_testpackage0 Insert package0 from the library browser, with 6 ports and a SMT_Pad as shown below

Generate the artwork: Layout>Generate/Update Layout You should see something like this:

9 - 23 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Create the artwork graphically ........................................................................................ 3 Define parameters to control the artwork...................................................................... 5 Compile the macro, set the parameter default values, and save the macro .............. 7 Create a new design in order to use taper as a component ....................................... 10 Change the parameter definition to have the real taper ............................................. 11 Reuse the taper as a component .................................................................................... 16

10 - 2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Create a Parameterized Artwork Macro (PAM), using the Graphical Cell Compiler (GCC)

This taper will be used to connect 2 lines with different widths. We need to control the 3 dimenesions: length, w1 and w2.







You will design a taper with these parameters: w1=50 mils, w2=300 mils, length=100 mils 2.1. Create the artwork graphically

Open a new layout window and save it as taper Insert>Coordinate Entry to draw the taper quickly Verify that coordinate are in mil otherwise you need to change them before starting drawing.In Entry Layer List, select cond2 or another layer. Verify this layer is visible and not protected

10 - 3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

To draw the taper, click on the polygon button:

Enter the first vertex of the taper: Type 0 for x and 25 for y, and click Apply, as

shown below

The other vertex are on (x,y) = (100,150) (100,-150) (0,-25)

To complete the taper, you enter the next co-ordinates and click Apply. After typing in the final co-ordinates hit the space bar on the keyboard to closethe polygon. You should have something like this:

10 - 4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Add two Ports on the two sides of the taper: at (0,0) and (100,0) Rotate one of them by selecting it and by clicking on Rotate by 90 button:

The artwork is now complete. 2.2. Define parameters to control the artwork

To understand better how this step function, we will first make a supposition: w2-w1=constante First, some construction lines are needed. One horizontal and one vertical that cross in the center of the taper: Insert>Construction Line

Now, you will define the parameters to control the artworks: the length and width Stretch the width: Select the taper and the horizontal construction line Go to Macro>Stretch Select: - Both for Stretch direction - w: for the Distance (This is the name of the parameter that will appear in the dialogue box of the component taper) - leave 0.0 mil for the offset so that w will be the added dimension of the width - click on OK

Notice that Both direction is used to stretch vertex on each size of construction line, w/2 will be the dimension added on each side, that will made finally a total stretch of w.

10 - 5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Stretch the length: Select the taper, the two ports and the vertical construction line Go to Macro>Stretch Select: - Both for Stretch direction - length: for the Distance - type 100.0 mil for the offset so that length will be the absolute dimension of the length (remember the length of your artwork is 100 mil) - click on OK

Verify your parameter and your design: Macro>View/Edit

This window shows all the controls defined on the artwork One click on a control shows the selected shapes in the layout window Double-click will show the Stretch Control box so you are able to modify your control if necessary. Click on OK to dismiss the boxes.

10 - 6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler


Compile the macro, set the parameter default values, and save the macro

This step is the last one for the building of the PAM Go to Macro>Compile Click on Save Design and watch the compile message box Click on Compile and ensure that there are no errors.

10 - 7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Click on Design/Parameters to define them You can change the Description and the Component Instance Name, but it is not necessary. Leave the Symbol Name: SYM_0Port Simulation Model: Subnetwork Artwork Type: AEL Macro

Artwork Name: pam_taper (must be different from the design name).

10 - 8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Click on Parameters to set their default values

Put the settings as shown below and notice that w and length have default values that make no change of dimension in comparison to the original artwork.

Click on Save AEL File, then OK to dismiss the Design Parameter box Click on OK to dismiss the Graphical Cell Compiler box

10 - 9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler


Create a new design in order to use taper as a component

Open a new layout window and save it as ex_taper Insert a taper by clicking on library button Search the Compiled Artwork Macros library Choose the only component available: taper

When you insert it, you are able to set the dimension as you wish. Insert some tapers with different size and verify that the PAM is correctly defined.

10 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler


Change the parameter definition to have the real taper

Go to the design: taper (Use File and choose taper or push into a taper component inserted in ex_taper) Go to Macro>View/Edit Modify the definition of w which is obsolete now In Control Define: double click on the line that correspond to w Change the name to w1 Change the Offset to 50.0 mil Click OK to dismiss the Stretch Control box

Click OK to dismiss the View Control Box

50.0 mil is the dimension of the smaller width of the artwork you have designed initially. An offset of 50.0 mil means that the value of w1 will be the real value of w1 (if w1 is set to 20, the dimension will be 20 mil and not 70 mil as previously)

10 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Add two new construction lines to stretch the other width You need to stretch the two vertex corresponding to the bigger width:
Vertex 1

Vertex 2

Add a first horizontal construction line just below Vertex 1 And a second one just above Vertex 2 as shown below

10 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Now you can define the parameter Go to Macro>Stretch Select the artwork and the construction line corresponding to the vertex 1 Define the parameter as shown below Stretch direction: Positive, because you want to stretch only Vertex 1 that is on the side of positive direction Distance: w2/2-w1/2. You divide w2 per 2 so that you will enter the real value of w2 when you will insert a taper component. You subtract the contribution of w1 that is w1/2 on each side. Offset: 125.0 mil is the value corresponding to the Distance w2/2-w1/2, according to the original artwork dimension: 300/2-50/2=125

Click OK

10 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Go to Macro>Stretch Select the artwork and the construction line corresponding to the vertex 2 Define the parameter as shown below Stretch direction: Negative, because you want to stretch only Vertex 2 that is on the side of negative direction Distance: w2/2-w1/2. Offset: 125.0 mil

Click OK

10 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler

Go to Macro>Compile Click on Save Design Click on Compile Make sure that there are no errors Click on Design/Parameters In Parameters, select w1 and change the Default value to 50.0 mil Select w2 and change the Default value to 300.0 mil

Click on Save AEL file and then OK Finally, click on OK to dismiss the Graphical Cell Compiler box

10 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 8: Graphical Cell Compiler


Reuse the taper as a component

Go back to ex_taper Delete all the taper you have done Insert MLINs or Traces with different widths and join them using the taper component.

The lab is now finished!

10 - 16 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

1. 2.

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE: Insert results from a Momentum simulation in an example design.......... 3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3 Copy the project................................................................................................................. 6 Create hierarchy for EM simulation................................................................................ 7 Define the substrate .......................................................................................................... 8 Mesh the design................................................................................................................ 11 Run the simulation and convert the results to a file ................................................... 12 Include the momentum simulation results in your design ......................................... 14

11 - 2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

This Lab will explain how to simulate a design containing results from a Momentum simulation.

2. PROCEDURE: Insert results from simulation in an example design.

2.1. Introduction


The circuit "MixerLayout.dsn" called in this design is a layout based on the initial design shown in "LOdrive.dsn" and "MixerCompr.dsn". Ideal components and wires are replaced with surface-mount components and microstrip lines. This design calls the circuit "MixerLayout.dsn" and simulates it using the same conditions as the "LOdrive.dsn" so that the effects of using non-ideal components can be compared directly. (See SimFrom

SimFromLayout design.

You can see on the next page both schematic and layout representations of the MixerLayout design. In this Lab you will create a subnetwork containing all the lines and the ground plane so that you can simulate this part of the circuit with the Momentum Simulator. Then you will include the results of that simulation into the complete design

11 - 3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

(SimFromLayout). Finally, you will compare the results of the two simulations (with and without momentum simulation).

11 - 4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

MixerLayout design.

11 - 5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator


Copy the project directory/RF_board

Copy the project Mixerpager_prj from example From the main window, go to File>Copy Project

1. File>Copy Project

2. Do to example directory

3. Choose the project: RF_Board\MixerPager_prj 4. click OK

MixerLayout.dsn contains the layout and schematic of the first iteration of the mixer. Simulating this design is done from SimFromLayout.dsn SimFromLayout.dsn contains the symbol for MixerLayout, together with the components needed to simulate it. Results are compared to the ideal simulation, showing the effects of surface-mount component parasitic and losses In the next steps, you will modify the project to include a momentum simulation

11 - 6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Save MixerLayout.dsn as MixerLayout_Mom.dsn Create hierarchy for EM simulation


Select the components you want to simulate with momentum: The 3 Ground planes, manually (click left + <shift>) and then go to Select>Select By Name and select all the microstrip components as shown

3 grounds planes


After the items have been selected, create the hierarchy using Edit>Components>Create Hierarchy... command Save this new design as MixerLayout_Mom_subckt

11 - 7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator



Define the substrate

From the MixerLayout_Mom_subckt design, go to the Momentum menu and Enable the RF Mode.

A full microwave simulation is not needed for this circuit because of the low frequency. To create the substrate definition, take the MSUB information from the schematic window.

11 - 8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Open the SimFromLayout design from the schematic window Select the MSUB item andcopy it: Edit>Copy or <CTRL> C Generate the schematic window of MixerLayout_Mom: from the corresponding layout window, go to Schematic>Generate/Update You should see a 25 ports component named MixerLayout_Mom_subckt, Push down, just an MLIN and two ports are created, but it doesnt matter. As this MLIN is defined with the Substrate FR4, you will import the MSUB FR4 that is needed Paste the MSUB: Edit>Paste or <CTRL> V

11 - 9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Then come back to the layout window of MixerLayout_Mom_subckt and go to Momentum RF>Substrate>Create/Modify to see the default substrate. Then in the same menu, go to Update From Schematic and see the difference:

Pre-compute the substrate:Momentum RF>Substrate> Pre-compute You can also check the type of ports by going to Momentum RF>Ports Editor, and selecting them. Theshould be defined as Single ports.

11 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator


Mesh the design

Go to Momentum RF>Mesh>Setup and then fill the fields as shown below

The mesh frequency is chosen to be the highest frequency simulated. (You will simulate the circuit from 0 to 2 GHz). Then click Ok To generate the mesh, go to Momentum RF>Mesh>Precompute , and the mesh will be pre-computed at 2 GHz

11 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

View the mesh applied to the


Run the simulation and convert the results to a file

Go to Momentum RF>Simulation>S-parameters

1. Select the Sweep Type and the frequency range

2. Click on Add to Frequency Plan List

3. Click on apply then on Simulate

11 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

After the simulation has finished, you need to convert the data provided by momentum to an s25p file: S-Parameters with 25 Ports.

1. Click on Start The Instrument Server button

2. Choose Write 3. Choose Write To File

4. Choose Touchstone for the File Format

5. Click on Browse and select the Data directory, then write a name with a .s25p extension to indicate a 25 Port, S-Parameter file. In this case, you can write MixerLayout_Mom_01.s25p

6. Click on update Dataset List to ensure that you have all the datasetsavailable 7. Choose the simulation results from the list of Datasets, then click on Write to file
11 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator


Include the momentum simulation results in your design

The s25p file will be used to define the component S25P. Before doing that, go to the schematic window of the design MixerLayout_Mom: Select the component MixerLayout_Mom_subkt, and swap this component to a S25P: Edit>Component>Swap Components Type in New Component Name field: S25P, and click OK.

11 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Edit the new component and browse to find the s25p file youve just created. Add a ground.

You should have something similar to this:

Change the design parameter: File>Design Parameters Deselect Simulate From Layout Click on Save AEL File and then on OK

11 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Save your design and then go to the design SimFromLayout Change the component MixerLayout to MixerLayout_Mom Simulate this circuit using another name: SimFromLayout_Mom Go to Simulate>Simulation Setup

Click Apply and Simulate

After the simulation is finished, this box appears, you need to click No

From the Data-display window, you can compare the results from the two simulations

11 - 16 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Copy the ConversionGain_Layout equation and change the new name to ConversionGain_Layout_Mom. Change also the equation to provide a conversion gain from the SimFromLayout_Mom simulation.

New equation

Then add this equation to the graph and notice the difference:

11 - 17 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 9: Using Momentum simulator

Then, to the second graph add the Magnitude SimFromLayout_Mom design. To see the difference





11 - 18 2001 Agilent Technologies


Lab 10: Import and Export of Files

Lab 10: Import and Export File

1 2

OBJECTIVES ..............................................................................................................................3 PROCEDURE: ............................................................................................................................3 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................3 2.2 Basic data structure...............................................................................................................3 2.2.1 Single square...................................................................................................................3 2.2.2 Square with cutout.........................................................................................................4 2.2.3 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................6 2.3 Mask data generation of a ground plane with cut out ......................................................7 2.3.1 Mask Entities ..................................................................................................................7 2.3.2 Holes as polygons ..........................................................................................................7 2.3.3 Holes as cutlines ............................................................................................................9 2.3.4 Preserve Holes..............................................................................................................10 2.4 Gerber file generation of a groundplane with cut out.....................................................12 2.4.1 Types of photo plotters ...............................................................................................12 2.4.2 Vector Photo plotter ....................................................................................................12 Creating a gerber file for a Vector Photo plotter .............................................13 Creating a gerber file for a Raster Photo Plotter .............................................17 2.4.3 Raster Photo plotter ....................................................................................................17 2.4.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................21

12 - 2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

This Lab will explain how to import design using Mask format and then Gerber format.

2.1 Introduction The Advanced Design System contains a robust layout editor that is capable of microwave hybrid, RF integrated circuit (RFIC) and printed circuit board (PCB) design. PCB designers will frequently generate layout mask data using the optional MTOOLs Gerber translator. An understanding of the ADS data structures, features and limitations is crucial to the successful generation of valid Gerber mask data for complex groundplanes. This document attempts to provide this understanding in a succinct fashion through the use of simple examples. The document reviews use of the editing tools, internal data structures, mask data generation and the MTOOLs Gerber translator in creation of groundplanes. 2.2 Basic data structure This section provides a basic data structure overview through the creation of a simple groundplane with a single cutout. This information is the basis for understanding the data structures for more complex groundplanes. After creation and modification of a basic shape (also known as a datagroup), an explanation is given on how the shape is stored in the ADS database. This explanation gives one a definitive method of checking the validity of any design file they may be working on. 2.2.1 Single square A simple 200x200 square is drawn on the cond layer with the lower left corner located at the origin (0,0) as shown overleaf. This is then saved as single_square.dsn You can use the Insert>Coordonate Entry to draw this rectangle: Choose cond layer, Go to Insert>Coordonate Entry, click the rectangle icon, type the coordinates of the two corners.

12 - 3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File



The ADS command Options > Identity reports the information contained in the database. Selecting the rectangle and executing the command will result in the following display:


Square with cutout

To more accurately simulate a simple groundplane, a 100x100 section of the square previously generated will be removed from the center using the following steps. In the layout window: 1. A rectangle starting at x,y (50,50) and stopping at x,y (150,150) is drawn on the cond2 layer. 2. Both rectangles are selected and the command Edit > Boolean Logical is selected. 3. The Boolean Logical Operation Between Layers will show up. 4. Perform cond DIFF cond2 = cond apply to Selected Shapes and Delete Originals on cond and cond2.
12 - 4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

The result is a square (200 x 200) on the cond layer with a square hole (100 x 100) in the center of it Save it as: square_with_cutout.dsn.

It is often beneficial to look at polygons with the outline mode engaged . Option > Layers > Shape Display = Outline

What we see is the outline of the outer and inner square and a line that connects both. This line is a FALSE EDGE, a line drawn by ADS to make the display of this shape possible. In fact it's a virtual line.

12 - 5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

2.2.3 Conclusions 1. A polygon with a hole created by the boolean diff operation is build up by outside segments, inside segments and a non-orthogonal false edge between both, also named as filled & empty complex. When setting the layer visibility to outline a diagonal line between the outer and inter rectangle will show up. This is a virtual line, a false edge only drawn by ADS to make the display of the shape possible. In fact polygons with holes are converted to re entrant polygons prior to being displayed (only for display, not in the database). 2. In ADS every original polygon or polygon resulting from the editing operations, boolean logical or create clearance will always result in a polygon built up from outside segments and inside segments plus a false edge (in cases where the internal shape is completely inside the outer shape).

12 - 6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

2.3 Mask data generation of a ground plane with cut out This section provides an overview of the different mask file entities in ADS together with an overview on the hole format mask export option. A polygon with cutout is exported as a mask file using the three possible hole format mask export options: Holes As Polygons Holes As Cutlines Preserve Holes

The choice of the option will depend on how the mask data will be processed further with the Gerber translator. This will be discussed in each section. 2.3.1 Mask Entities The mask file format is a simple ASCII format that provides a flat geometric representation of a layout. Because of its simplicity, this format offers great flexibility when transferring designs between the Advanced Design System and other design environments. The Mask file contains the following entities: Filled: Empty A closed area flagged as filled so that it shows up dark on the mask. A closed area flagged as empty. It should be completely surrounded by a filled area and should be clear on the film. This is often referred to as a knockout. A series of lines and arcs that are not closed. They may appear on the mask as a line with a pre assigned width or they may be ignored. A closed filled area. A closed empty area.


Circles Hole

2.3.2 Holes as polygons This mask export option converts a hole, empty into a filled polygon. Go to File>Export, choose Mask file holes_as_polygons.msk as New file Name. (.msk) as file type and

In the More Options menu select Holes As Polygons.

12 - 7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

The mask file holes_as_polygons.msk will look as follows when viewed in a plain text editor:
3.000 MASK C:\users\default15\layout_lab_prj\networks\square_with_cutout.dsn (Multiple layers : 1 ) PDE 1.0 Fri Aug 10 17:51:03 2001 1 0.0000 200.0000 0.0000 200.0000 Layer_Name="cond" n=1 gds=2 Filled Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt End_CC Filled Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt End_CC x x x x x x x x = = = = = = = = 0.0000 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 50.0000 150.0000 150.0000 50.0000 y y y y y y y y = = = = = = = = 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.0000 50.0000 150.0000 150.0000

The first paragraph is the header. The description of the mask data for each used layer starts after the layer name and number. With holes as polygons, all holes are translated into polygons on the same layer.

12 - 8 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

The option to export as mask is not recommended but is implemented as a special user request (for further mask postprocessing by third party tools). 2.3.3 Holes as cutlines Go to File>Export, choose Mask file holes_as_cutlines.msk as New file Name. (.msk) as file type and

In the More Options menu select Holes As Cutlines

As described before in Basic data structure> Conclusions, every polygon resulting from the editing operations, boolean logical or create clearance will always result in a polygon with a hole, also known as a filled empty complex (in cases where the internal shape is completely inside the outer shape). Holes as cutlines option during mask export merges filled and empty polygons to form a single filled polygon. This creates what we call a re-entrant polygon. This is necessary when using the mask file to export to a vector photo plotter (3.2, Vector Photo plotter).

12 - 9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

Looking at the data part of the holes_as_cutlines.msk file

Filled Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt End_CC x x x x x x x x x x = = = = = = = = = = 0.0000 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.0000 50.0000 150.0000 150.0000 50.0000 y y y y y y y y y y = = = = = = = = = = 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 200.0000 150.0000 50.0000 50.0000 150.0000 150.0000

The mask data describes one single filled polygon. 2.3.4 Preserve Holes Go to File>Export, choose Mask file (.msk) as file type and preserve_holes.msk as New file Name. In the More Options menu select Preserve Holes.

Using the preserve holes function will keep the filled empty properties of a polygon with hole during mask export.

12 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

Looking at the data part of the preserve_holes.msk file:

Layer_Name="cond" n=1 gds=2 Filled Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt End_CC Empty Conn_Pnt Conn_Pnt End_CC x x x x x x x x = = = = = = = = 0.0000 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 50.0000 150.0000 150.0000 50.0000 y y y y y y y y = = = = = = = = 200.0000 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.0000 50.0000 150.0000 150.0000

There are two datagroups: The first paragraph describes the filled polygon with the filled mask entity and second paragraph describes the hole, empty polygon using the empty mask entity. The holes are preserved. Notice that both are on the same layer. This will have an impact on the format you choose to translate the mask file into gerber.

12 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

2.4 Gerber file generation of a groundplane with cut out This section gives an overview of the different types of photoplotters and how this is related to the gerber file export in ADS and the translation within Mtools. 2.4.1 Types of photo plotters There are two types of photo plotters: Vector Photo plotters - those that process each draw and flash command directly from the Gerber data base. These are normally mechanical plotters with an X-Y table, a light head, and an aperture wheel. Examples of vector plotters includes Gerber Scientifics 3200 and 4000 series flatbed plotters. Raster Photo plotters - those that rasterize the input Gerber data using a computer and then use the resulting bitmap to modulate a laser that is scanned across the film. What is interesting to us about raster plotters is that many of them can accept polygons in addition to draws and flashes. The ability of a photo plotter to fill a polygon is extremely useful to the microwave and RF designer. Examples of powerful raster plotters that support polygons include the Gerber Crescent family of plotters and the Cymbolic Sciences family of FIRE 9000 plotters. 2.4.2 Vector Photo plotter As described before, every polygon resulting from the editing operations, boolean logical or create clearance will always result in a polygon with a hole, also know as a filled empty complex (in cases where the internal shape is completely inside the outer shape). Because MTOOLs in the RS274D and RS27X mode fills each polygon as it encounters it in the data stream, it is NOT capable of clearing away areas already filled when it encounters an empty polygon. Therefore, for vector photo plotters, you should NOT use the Preserve Holes Mask export function because this will keep the holes as empty entities. If you have used empty polygons in your design, choose the option Holes As Cutlines. This function merges filled and empty polygons to form a single filled polygon. This creates what we call a re-entrant polygon and is supported by MTOOLs RS274D and RS274X. However this function, Holes As Cutlines is only recommend for relatively simple structures. Its not recommended that one use such a function where hundreds of drill holes must appear in a power plane.

12 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File Creating a gerber file for a Vector Photo plotter Go to File>Export, choose Gerber as file type and holes_as_cutlines.gbr as New file Name. In the More Options menu select Holes As Cutlines.

Click Ok in the Export GERBER Options box and then in the Export box to start the export process.

MTOOLs will start up with the MTOOLs dialog box. Now since you are generating a gerber file for a vector photoplotter you need to select the option FILL and choose either the format RS274D (standard gerber, aperture file needed) or RS274X (aperture file embedded in gerber file). This can be done in the Translation Settings Menu. Click Translation Settings in the MTOOLS window.
12 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

Click on OK and select Translate and the appropriate layer. Select View Gerber from the MTOOLs dialog box.

12 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

Set the display mode to Outline.

Looking at the gerber output in the outline mode you can see that the false edge is converted into a cutline prior to translation. Then the re entrant polygon is filled starting with aperture D10. (See Info>Highlight Aperture) How the shape is filled depends on how the aperture file is built up. Looking at the content of the gerber file you will find about 100 lines of code for the relatively simple shape. (Its not the intention of this lab to go into detail about the gerber file and the different commands).

12 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

The gerber file (cond.gbr) will look as follows when viewed in a plain text editor.
G75* G54D10* X12Y1995D02* X1995D01* Y5D01* X5D01* Y1988D01* X495Y1498D01* Y495D01* X1505D01* Y1505D01* X502D01* X1650D02* X1850D01* X350Y573D02* X150D01* X1650D02* X1850D01* X350Y430D02* X150D01* X1650D02* X1850D01* Y288D02* X150D01* M02*

When translating complex boards with a lot of cutouts or holes, this translation method is not recommended. The polygon with cutlines can exceed the maximum number of vertices, this can lead to errors in the gerber file. Another disadvantage of this method is the size of the gerber file. One polygon with a holeresults in about 100 lines of gerber data ! The way to avoid those problems is to use a Raster Photo Plotter with the Gerber MDA format. This will be described in the next section.

12 - 16 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

2.4.3 Raster Photo plotter The FIRE 9000 photoplotter is a raster laser plotter that is ideal for creating microwave and RF artwork. Not only does this photoplotter have a very high resolution (typically 1/8 mil), but its front end supports two very important extensions to standard Gerber (RS274D) data: POEX POIN external polygons (filled areas) internal polygons (empty areas)

Because of these high level commands, the Gerber translator can translate a mask file with empty polygons directly into a stream of POEX and POIN commands. Configuring the translator for MDA output is the only mode that supports empty figures in the mask file. Not only does configuring the translator for MDA output eliminate the need to stroke out the interior of each polygon, but the resulting artwork is limited only by the precision of the photoplotter. The FIRE 9000 MDA autoplot format also embeds all Gerber format, unit, and data mode information into its header so that a separate aperture and information list is not needed. We highly recommend (if possible) that you send your data to a photoplot or board shop equipped with a raster photoplotter such as the FIRE 9000. The Gerber Viewer can properly view both POEX and POIN data so that you can verify the correctness of the output. Creating a gerber file for a Raster Photo Plotter As described before, every polygon resulting from the editing operations, boolean logical or create clearance will always result in a polygon with a hole, also know as a filled empty complex (in cases where the internal shape is completely inside the outer shape). This data consisting of filled and empty shapes is suited for gerber MDA export. Go to File>Export, choose Gerber as file type and preserve_holes.gbr as New file Name. In the More Options menu select Preserve Holes.

12 - 17 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

Click Ok in the Export GERBER Options box and then in the Export box to start the export process.

Using the preserve holes function will keep the filled empty properties of a polygon with hole during mask export. Since you are generating a gerber file for a raster photo plotter you need to select the MDA Autoplot output format . Set Outline/Fill to OUTLINE with the standard D20 and D21, POEX apertures for the filled mask entities and the D22 and D23, POIN apertures for the empty mask entities. Any open mask entities are sent to D10 which is a standard round aperture. This can be done in the Translation Settings Menu.

12 - 18 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

Click on OK and select Translate and select the appropriate layer. Select View Gerber from the MTOOLs dialog box. Set the display mode to Outline.

12 - 19 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

The hole is preserved. Check that the display mode is set to Fire 9000 (View>Display Mode> Fire 9000). Looking at the gerber file you will notice that is less complex than the gerber file for the vector plotter (35 lines compared to more than 100 lines for the vector plotter).

12 - 20 2001 Agilent Technologies

Lab 10: Import and Export File

The gerber file will look as follows when viewed in a plain text editor:
G04%PAR.%* G04%ADRS=QUARTER;%* G04%MODE=A;%* G04%UNIT=I;%* G04%ZERO=L;%* G04%FORM=4.4;%* G04%MRGE=P;%* G04%IMTP=P;%* G04%POEX=20/0,21/0;%* G04%POIN=22/0,23/0;%* G04%EOP.%* G04%APR.%* G04%A10:CIR,1.%* G04%A11:CIR,2.%* G04%A12:CIR,4.%* G04%A13:CIR,8.%* G04%A14:CIR,15.%* G04%A15:CIR,25.%* G04%A16:CIR,40.%* G04%A24:CIR,93.%* G04%A25:CIR,1.%* G04%EOA.%* G75* G54D20* X0Y2000D02* X2000D01* Y0D01* X0D01* Y2000D01* G54D22* X500Y500D02* X1500D01* Y1500D01* X500D01* Y500D01* M02*

2.4.4 Conclusions Gerber output for a Vector Photo plotter: Select Holes As Cutlines as gerber export option and set the MTOOLs Outline/Fill translation setting to FILL with RS274D or RS274X mode. Gerber output for a Raster Photo plotter: Select Preserve Holes in the Gerber export option and set the MTOOLs Outline/Fill translation setting to Outline with the MDA Autoplot format.

12 - 21 2001 Agilent Technologies

ADS Momentum Basics

Appendix A - Theory and Other Topics

List of Topics

Current Modeling Method of Moments AFS Calibration Edge Mesh

Page 2

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 1 2001 Agilent Technologies

Basis Function - Concept of Numerical Solutions

Students Guide A-3

Page 3

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Alternative Description

Students Guide A-3

Page 4

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 2 2001 Agilent Technologies

Triangular Basis Function

Students Guide A-3

Page 5

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Current Modeling - Strips and Slots

Students Guide A-4

Page 6

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 3 2001 Agilent Technologies

Momentum Current Expansion

Students Guide A-5

Page 7

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted


Students Guide A-6

Page 8

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 4 2001 Agilent Technologies

Method of Moments

Students Guide A-7

Page 9

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Capacitive Coupling

Students Guide A-8

Page 10

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 5 2001 Agilent Technologies

Inductive Coupling

Students Guide A-9

Page 11

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Self Equivalent Circuit

Students Guide A-10

Page 12

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 6 2001 Agilent Technologies

Mutual Equivalent Circuit

Students Guide A-11

Page 13

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Equivalent Circuit

Students Guide A-12

Page 14

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 7 2001 Agilent Technologies

Summary of Method of Moments

Students Guide A-13

Page 15

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Adaptive Frequency Sampling

Students Guide A-14

Page 16

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 8 2001 Agilent Technologies

AFS Convergence Illustration

Students Guide A-16

Page 17 Theory and Other Topics Agilent Restricted

AFS Convergence

Students Guide A-18

Page 18

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 9 2001 Agilent Technologies

Calibration Problem

Students Guide A-19

Page 19

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

High Frequency Calibration

Students Guide A-30

Page 20

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 10 2001 Agilent Technologies

Low Frequency Calibration

Students Guide A-31

Page 21

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Internal Ports - Interior

direct excitation point feed

Students Guide A-32

Page 22

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 11 2001 Agilent Technologies

Internal Ports - Edge

direct excitation
line feed

Students Guide A-32

Page 23

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Differential Ports


direct excitationn
line feed


line feed ground reference

Students Guide A-32

Page 24

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 12 2001 Agilent Technologies

Edge Mesh

Students Guide A-23

Page 25

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Edge Mesh Accuracy

Students Guide A-24

Page 26

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 13 2001 Agilent Technologies

Discretization Errors - Cross Section

Students Guide A-25

Page 27

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

Discretion Error - Longitudinal

Students Guide A-25

Page 28

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 14 2001 Agilent Technologies

Greens Function Substrate Calculation Time

Students Guide A-36

Page 29

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

MoM vs FEM

Students Guide A-27

Page 30

Theory and Other Topics

Agilent Restricted

13 - 15 2001 Agilent Technologies

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