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Press Release

KFA MBA in Banking & Insurance inaugurated

January 17, 2010 KFA a leading Institute in the country, has launched a 2-Year MBA in Banking & Insurance for the first time in Nepal. With the batch of 60 students, KFAs MBA program was inaugurated today by Prof. Dr. Devraj Adhikari, Academic Director of KFA Graduate School. After the successful completion of the program, participants will obtain an MBA degree from Vinayaka Missions University (VMU) of India. County has witnessed tremendous growth in the financial sector. Both Banking and Insurance companies have grown in numbers and business transactions. They have evolved as the most attractive and transparent segment for the job seekers. The basic objective for KFA to launch this course is to produce world-class human resources for their contribution in helping Nepalese Financial Sector grow. This course has an ideal blend of academic and professional subjects. Therefore, KFA has a good mix of academic professors, professional bankers and insurance managers as faculty members of the program. The program is divided in 3 segments a: Academic, b: Professional and c: Entrepreneurial KFA has been running various Banking and Insurance related courses for last 9 years.

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