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Sara Fulham Issue #1

SLO Cru Greek Row!

Hello from

June 27, 2013

The women of Greek Row who attended Womens Retreat this year!!!
The one remaining Panhellenic sorority without a Christian presence, prior to this year, was Alpha #1 Theta sister, Erika Union, introduced me to her cousin Kristi, earlier this year. Omicron Pi ().Issue My little Kristi and I have developed a strong friendship over the last two months and it just so happened that she is in . God has confirmed that we were placed in each others lives for so many reasons! Kristi shared a desire to invest her life teaching and leading younger women to Jesus; however, she wasnt sure exactly where. At Womens Retreat this year, Kristi and her sorority sister, Lisa Vance, met for the first time. After meeting with Kristi and Lisa, it was apparent that God was knitting their hearts together with a similar vision and passion for starting a Bible study in next year! Lisa thought of another sorority sister Kylie, a strong Christian very connected to all the girls in the house, who might be interested in helping start the Bible Study. A week later, after this series of divine interventions, the three of us met Kylie to get to know her and pray over the Bible study! These three ladies are a direct answer to prayer and I am so excited to invest in them next year!!! Our vision is that in years to come every woman who comes through the Greek System at Cal Poly has the opportunity to hear about Jesus from one of her sorority sisters! We are adopting the strategy of discipleship from Jesus to spur each other on to love and good deeds! Three years ago, only two of the seven Panhellenic sororities had a Bible study and next year there is the possibility of a Bible study in all seven houses! Praise God for His Amazing Grace! God is specifically answering our prayer for two missionally-minded believers and a Bible study in every sorority! Thank you for your faith and investment in this place!!!

Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one anotherand all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Prayer Requests: For Kristi, Lisa, and Kylie as well as

leaders in Sigma Kappa and Kappa Kappa Gamma who are praying about starting Bible studies in their houses next year, Gods protection over the men and women of Greek Row this summer, for rest, personal growth, and vision for them, for summer Cru which is student-led and meets every Tuesday of summer, and for the Wednesday Night Bible Study I will be co-leading for women who are in SLO this summer!

Kristi Union
3rd year

Lisa Vance
1st year

Kylie Petty
1st year

Contact me at sara.fulham@cru.org or at (626) 388 8344! Much Love!

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