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The Great Complacency

Our critical spirit is not dead! It has simply metabolized into the irony of our financial regulations In those econometric artifices of a second degree wherein we can enjoy our own incredulity with complacency It is the true bug of the financial markets the mental impossibility to rewind their CPUs back to .000, of entering a new era That the multiplication of all our exchanges is an equation with sum zero The idea of what is nil, it is exactly what has forgotten about nothing In the intraday exposure of our trading in the geodesic latency, the interclick exposure lurks this nothing, and what do we squint for a spatial resolution But one day the ciphers will intermingle in a prophetic confusion, nothing will show itself for what it is, the absence of any exchange will resurface in our routs in our flash crashes, and in our crises The ciphers, they will become things.

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