Active 3 CH 10

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Unit 10: Education

1. His noisy neighbors left him very _____ . a. pleased b. reluctant c. embarrassed d. disgruntled 2. They _____ their house to its original color. a. destroyed b. intensified c. restored d. imitated 3. Shes very _____ in sales. a. competent b. ventilated c. external d. eternal 4. Everyone wants a(n) _____ job with lots of benefits and retirement pay. a. radical b. secure c. extinct d. dense 5. The _____ between the two brothers has always been friendly and positive. a. facility b. colony c. demand d. interaction 6. Hes going through a(n) _____ of reading lots of comic books now. a. colony b. phase c. era d. supply 7. She had a number of _____ about attending the new school after her family moved. a. inhibitions b. intonations c. encounters d. affections 8. The young child could _____ poetry from memory. a. recite b. soar c. give rise to d. conduct 9. Her mental and physical _____ was not good after her operation for cancer. a. phase b. era c. state d. cue 10. When you are saying some of the questions in English, your voice _____ rises at the end of the words. a. elaboration b. intonation

c. affection d. gratitude

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