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Successfully Setting U S Up Succession i Planning

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Lisa Laine

Introduction What is Succession Planning Before You Begin g Set Up Steps Q&A

Lisa Laine
o o o

VP HCM Solutions, Solution Beacon 13 Years Oracle HR Experience (10.7 to R12) Have multiple perspectives on HCM: practitioner practitioner, functional, technical, management & strategic perspective User Group Volunteer


Succession Planning
A process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the company. Succession planning increases the availability y of experienced p and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available.

A Module with in Oracle Talent Management Suite


Incentive Compensation Compensation Workbench Total Comp Statement

Performance Management

iLearning Learning Management Tutor/UPK Succession Planning

Quick Demo of Succession Planning


Before you begin

How far down in the organization will succession planning l i (SP) reach? h? Is SP position or person based How is SP integrated with other HR processes? What criteria will be used for identifying & selecting leadership talent (competencies (competencies, experiences, results) What criteria will be used for identifying and selecting talent?

Before you begin

Are succession plans based on positions, jobs, or people l i in organization i ti What constitutes risk? What constitutes potential? How do you want to identify potential successor pools? How will you evaluate the successor pool?

Compare Talent Profile: SSHR and Succession Planning

Talent Profile Feature View Talent Profiles of workers View a selected workers Performance Matrix (9-Box) on potential and retention Print talent profile of a selected worker Launch and perform self-service actions (ie change manager, change worker status, and manage absences ) Use the Performance Matrices: Potential and Retention to compare and evaluate talent Generate a profile comparison report that includes details such as qualifications, competency profile, and appraisal ratings of workers SSHR X X X X SP X x X X X x

Compare Succession Planning: SSHR and Succession Planning

Succession Planning Feature Identify critical roles (jobs and positions) and people for business continuity Create Succession Plans Maintain Succession Plans View talent profile of workers when creating succession plans Use competency p y based Show Suitable Successors feature to search for suitable successors for succession planning Use Performance Matrix (Potential) to assess performance and potential of workers in a managers hierarchy for SP Launch the Suitability Analyzer tool to compare worker competencies. SSHR SP X X X X x X X X x x

Succession Planning Approach Comparison

Talent Profile Approach Review Talent Profiles Review Performance M t i (9 Matrix (9-Box) B ) Compare Talent p Profile Reports Analyze Profile Reports Competency Based Approach Define Competencies Search & Probe successors Use Suitability Analyzer y Analyze Competency Ratings

Succession Plan Capabilities

Create Plans by Person, Job, Position Compare profiles* 9-Box Matrix* Suitability analyzer*

*Requires succession planning license


Implementation Skills Required

Analyst or Super User Self Service Skills (SSHR must be installed) Functional SME

Succession Plan Suitability Plan

Pre-requisites for 9-Box

In order to have a 9-Box icon, you must have d t related data l t dt to performance f and d succession i readiness:
o o

Performance data: Core HR or completed p Performance Appraisal. Succession information: EIT Employee Succession Information or a completed Performance Appraisal.

Pre-Requisites for Suitability Matching and Suitability Analyzer

Add competencies to Core HR or in Self Service. Note suitability matching within talent profile is run off of a successor for. Therefore you will want to make sure that the competencies on the successor for match to some extent the competencies you add to your person.

Profile Options
System Administrator > Profile > System Set the HR: Succession Planning Licensed Profile Option

Profile Options
System Administrator > Profile > System Set the HR: Enable Talent profile Option

Succession Planning: Extra Information Types

US Super HRMS Manager > Security > Information Types Security Add: Employee Succession Planning Job Career Management Position Career Management

Succession Planning: g Readiness Level

US Super HRMS Manager > Security > Information Types Security Manually add the lookup codes available in : PER_SUCC_PLAN_POTENTIAL lookup type to the READINESS_LEVEL lookup type. PER_SUCC_PLAN_RISK_LEVEL to the PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL PER RETENTION POTENTIAL lookup type.

Succession Planning y Functionality Retention Potential

US Super HRMS Manager > Security > Information Types Security Manually add the lookup codes available in: PER_SUCC_PLAN_RISK_LEVEL to the PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL lookup type.

Succession Planning: Job & Position Succession Items

Job & Position Career Management - Turnover Rate: PER SUCC PLAN RISK LEVEL PER_SUCC_PLAN_RISK_LEVEL

Succession Planning: g Workers Potential

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Lookup Tables Add PER_SUCC_PLAN_POTENTIAL

Talent Profile: Performance 9-Box

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Lookup Tables PER_9_BOX_LEVEL

Talent Profile: Potential 9-Box

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Lookup Tables PER_POTENTIAL_9_BOX_LEVEL

Talent Profile: Retention 9-Box

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Lookup Tables PER_RETENTION_9_BOX_LEVEL

Map p Codes to 9 Box for Performance

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Person Types and Statuses Name: Performance Rating

Map p Codes to 9 Box for Readiness

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Person Types and Statuses Readiness Level

Map p Codes to 9 Box for Retention

US Super HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Person Types and Statuses Readiness Level

Configure Actions Performance Matrix (Retention and ( Potential) (1 of 2)

Add the SSHR function to the Action List of Talent Profile: i) Find the menu from which the SSHR actions ti are coming. i Th The menu name is the value of the following profiles:
a) HR_PERSONAL_ACTIONS_MENU (for Personal Actions) b) HR__ACTIONS_MENU (for Manager Actions) c) HR_CWK_ACTIONS_MENU (for Contingent Worker Personal Actions) d) HR CWK MANAGER ACTIONS MENU HR_CWK_MANAGER_ACTIONS_MENU (for Contingent Worker Manager Actions) ** For talent profile submenu is called (HR_TP_ MGR_MENU)

Configure Actions Performance Matrix (Retention and ( Potential) (2 of 2)

Add the new required function to the required menu. The same function also needs to be attached to the following menu: HR_GLOBAL_SS_FUNCTIONS_C USTOM Compile all the changed menus and clear the cache. The Action Th A ti will ill appear i in th the A Action ti List in Talent Profile

If you skip previous step, you get this error

New in 12.1.3

This is an extensible lookup. The predefined values are: Draft, Active, Inactive, and Completed. You can change the d description i ti of f th the l lookup k values or add your own lookup values to this lookup type.


Complete p Extra Information

Succession Planning > Employee Succession Information Indicated if this is a key person Enter Succession Potential Retention Potential Start Date of evaluation Appraisal Completion Date

Employee Succession Information: Review

Review Entered Information

Configuring g g the Region g Icons

Hierarchy y list & q quick Search


Oracle Succession Planning Talent Profile and Succession Planning in Oracle Self-Service HR and Oracle Succession Planning A Comparative Note [ID 861499 861499.1] 1]

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