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This section of the research paper will explore various scholarly texts that will essentially help the

researchers develop a keen understanding of the variables involved in USAIDs relief and recovery operations in the Philippines. It is sectioned into 4 main parts. The first part will take a look at the impact of USAID and other similar INGOs in the Pacific Region, specifically the Philippines. The next section will present works that explain the prelude to what has been coined as Americas Pacific Century, as well as how this has influenced American foreign aid in the recent years. The third section shall discuss the NeoRealist school of thought and its implications in foreign relations. The fourth and last section will tackle works on Soft Power politics in the context of US-China relations. In the article entitled The U.S. Foreign
Disaster Response Process: How It Works and How It Could Work Better by Charles M. Perry and Marina Travayiakis, USAID is described as the body tasked to coordinate the overall response of the US to any disaster, provided that it has satisfied the following criteria:

the strategic interests of the United States.

1) the disaster must be beyond the ability of the host nation to handle on its own; 2) the host nation must formally request U.S. assistance; 3) such assistance must be in

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