Chrysler's Letter

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@curyvster May 14,2008 ‘Dear Chrysler Company Furnished Vehicle Driver: {As you are aware, Conse LL. has fled a veluntary potion fora structured bankrupt Under Chapter 11 ofthe US. Bankrupioy Gade. Under the current circumstances the Company i no longer able to continue providing former executves and Diecore uit usa ofa Company Fumished Vehicle, Untorunatty, the proposed now Company doesnot contempiat reinstating the program in the futro. Ae 8 ru, wo woul ke to offer you the felawing options, which two ask you fo expove as soon as possible Dut ot ater than May 31, 2008: 1 You may purchase the voici that you ae curently driving a far market vate by securing personal noncng and completing paperwork io assume te othe vehicle: 2. You may tum in your vohicie tothe Lapeer Road Mashing Cantar orto a local deaiershp I you donot resi in Southeast Michigan Inthe meantime, you shoul be aware that Chrysier continues to ofr favorable terms for purchase of new vehicles under the Employee Advantage Plan. Also, in cooperation ‘wah Greyter, Mot Lite andthe Storing Insurance Agoncy offer compete group Insuranea rates for auto and other coverage. More information about ths may be blained tthe Cheer Retree webiste. For fre information onthe turn process {and other questions, esse contact Maiyn Simoscn at 248-044-7196 or via eral at Gooarseachystarcom. In ight he many contbutons you have made to Chrysler over th yoars, we regret ‘a noed to tke is felt action. However, tis ssontal tal the Company comply with the requirements of bankruptcy aw sot we can Soon emerge 9s strong, viable ‘oly hat can support he many empioyees,reroes, dealer, suppliers and others who ‘epend on us Sincerely, Nancy A. Rae Micha! J. Keogan Executive Vee Prasident Vice President Haman Resources & Communications lume Planing & Sak Operations

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