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Treatment of CVDs

Include life style changes Medicines

Medical procedures Surgery

Anti hypertensives
Angiotensin receptor blockers ACE inhibitors Diuretics Beta blocking drugs Calcium channel blocking agents

Cholesterol lowering drugs


Anticoagulants&Platelet inhibitory drugs

Heparin Aspirin Warfarin

Angiotensin-Substance produced by the liver

and kidneys.

Bind with receptors on smooth muscles of the arteries Causes vessels to constrict Elevates Blood pressure

Mode of Action
Block angiotensin from binding with receptors on the smooth muscles of the artery

Controlling high BP Treating heart failure Preventing kidney failure in people with diabetes and high BP

Dizziness Headache Drowsiness Diarrhoea Abnormal taste sensation rash

ACE Inhibitors
Angiotensin converting enzyme Produced by the lungs and kidneys Convert Angiotensinogen to angiotensin

Mode of Action
Inhibit or slow down the activity of the enzyme Angiotensin converting enzyme Blood vessel dilate Blood pressure reduced

Controlling high BP Treating heart failure Preventing kidney failure in people with diabetes and high BP

Skin rash Hay-fever like symptoms Sinusitis Dry cough Feeling sick or vomiting Indigestion

Mode of action Act on the kidneys Rid the body of excess water and sodium Lower the BP Benefits Used to treat high BP Congestive heart failure Water retention and swelling Risks Weakness Muscle cramps Skin rash Diarrhoea dizziness

Beta blocking Drugs

Beta adrenergic receptors

receptors found on many cells in the body bind with the hormone adrenaline cause constriction of the arteries increases the heart beat

Mode of Action
Blocks the binding of Adrenaline with beta receptors Slows the nerve impulses that travel through the heart Slow down the heart rate

Used to treat High BP Angina Congestive heart failure Arrhythmias Mitral valve prolapse

Fatigue Depression Memory loss Dizziness Diarrhoea constipation

Calcium channel blocking Agents

Also called Calcium antagonists or Calcium blockers
Mode of Action Benifits Risks

Affects the movement of calcium into the cells of the heart and the blood vessels Relax blood vessels Increase the supply of blood

To treat Angina High BP Irregular heartbeats(arrythe mia)

Slows the heart down Headache Constipation Flushing Fluid retention

1.Beta blockers are used to treat hypertension.Explain how beta blockers reduce hypertension 2.Explain how each of these risk factors can influence the onset of CHD a.High blood cholesterol b.Smoking

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