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Sutton Elementary

2780 Sutton Rd Adrian, MI 49221 517-423-2367 Office phone 517-424-6505 Ext 4307 Voice Mail Kristina C. Leightner, Teacher

To Whom It May Concern: This letter is written with reference to Kayla Bosse. Ms. Bosse was my student teacher from September - December 2011 in my fourth grade classroom at Sutton Elementary School in Tecumseh, Michigan. We use a team teaching approach with the other fourth grade classroom, so I teach reading and social studies to 3 fourth grade classes. Ms. Bosse spent fourteen weeks in my classroom. She enthusiastically took over planning and teaching one subject at a time until she was planning for all subjects. During the weeks that she took over all responsibilities as teacher, she created and implemented lessons and units that were aligned with the Grade Level Content Expectations. The lessons and units were well organized, fun, and interesting for the students. Ms. Bosse has a natural ability to formulate a well-planned lesson. She used creative openers and detailed activities that were age appropriate. She also taught reading groups in our Response To Intervention (Suttons plan to use differentiated teaching methods to help all students read at grade level). She did a great job using assessments to help guide her future teaching. I also felt comfortable letting her teach while I assessed children out in the hallway. I have never felt so comfortable handing my classroom over to a student teacher as I did while working with Ms. Bosse. Classroom management was always one of Ms. Bosses strengths. Her background work with children really helped to shape her beliefs, and she implemented her strategies right away with little guidance. She used

behavioral objectives clearly and incorporated incentives and rewards for positive behavior. Ms. Bosse encouraged and praised students consistently, which inspired and motivated students to do their best. She built a wonderful relationship with the children during her time here. Ms. Bosse displayed a commitment to the profession of teaching by participating in parent-teacher conferences, attending some faculty meetings (they were held on the day of her college class for student teaching so she could not make all of them), in-service programs, and having excellent attendance. She also spent many extra hours planning, organizing, and implementing activities and projects that were displayed around school. She showed her commitment also by attending after school activities where she participated and helped out along with the staff. Throughout her student teaching Ms. Bosse shared her lessons and ideas with me on a daily basis. She sought suggestions from others and worked well with teachers at the same grade level to enhance student learning. She is knowledgeable of subject material and the GLCEs and the upcoming Common Core. She is very comfortable using, and teaching, with technology in the classroom and integrates it into lessons and student activities whenever possible. The staff used her many times to help them with the technology. In conclusion, Kayla Bosse will undoubtedly contribute positively to the teaching profession. She is energetic, outgoing, and professional. I cant praise her enough; she just has a natural ability to teach. Her love for children, dedication to them, and commitment to the insurance of success for each one, is apparent in all she does. These, among many other qualities, are reasons that Ms. Bosse has been, and will be, an outstanding educator. She would be a great asset to any school, staff, and community. If you have any further questions feel free to call me at school (517)4232367 or at home at (517)605-0526. Sincerely, Kristina C. Leightner Fourth Grade Teacher-Sutton Elementary

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