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Thomas H.


Lee H. Hamilton WHEREAS the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
States (the "Commission") has been established pursuant to Public Law 107-
Richard Ben-Veniste 306; and
Max Cleland
WHEREAS Section 605(a)(l)(A) of Public Law 107-306 provides that the
Fred F. Fielding Commission or, "on the authority of the Commission," any member thereof,
may, among other powers, administer oaths for the purpose of carrying out
Jamie S. Gorelick the Commission's statutory mandate; NOW THEREFORE IT IS
Slade Gorton
RESOLVED that each individual member of the Commission shall have the
John F. Lehman authority, on behalf of the Commission, to administer an oath to any witness
being interviewed by the Commission or by members of the Commission's
Timothy J. Roemer
staff, upon the request of the Commission's Chair and Vice Chair or upon the
James R. Thompson request of the Commission's Executive Director and General Counsel; AND
Philip D. Zelikow
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESOLVED that any oaths previously administered by individuals members
of the Commission, upon the request of the Commission's Chair and Vice
Chair or upon the request of the Commission's Executive Director and
General Counsel, to witnesses being interviewed by the Commission or by
members of the Commission's staff, were administered on the authority of
the Commission.

ADOPTED BY THE COMMISSION on November 7, 2003, in Washington,


Thomas H. Kean

Lee H. Hamilton
Vice Chair

Philip D.v;eliK*rw
Executive Director

301 7th Street SW, Suite 5125 26 Federal Plaza

Washington, DC 20407 Suite 13400
T 202.331.4060 F 202.296.5545 New York, NY 10278 T 212.264.1505 F 212.264.1595

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