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From many years USA is using chimps in medical research and experiments supporting that cimps are the best choice as theyre look like us especially at the genetic level. Frankly I think that use these poor animal for experiments is barbaric and obscene. Ive always been against any kind of animals abuse. Abuse of these poor creatures is unecessary and immature. Whit which courage can we exploit animals that cant even defend themself? Chimps inspires intense sympathy because they look like us, they seem relatives behind bars. How could you think to hurt someone that looks like you? Moreover experiments on animals are cruel because chimps suffer pain an isolation. I can assure that animal are often treated in an inhuman manner and thats unfair. Then we had to say that invasive researches on chimps are also expensive, so it result unecessary spend so much money for these researches. Against all these points there are many scientist that believe in research on chimps. They think that is important make experiments on monkey because they are the best chance to cure desease because theyre valuable for researches. Precisely because they are so similar to us is important to use them in experiments. But above all they support that stop research with chimps would be a threat to human lives. For example Dr.Vandeberg said that any reduction in the toreate of development of drugs for these desease will mean hundreds of thousands of people dying because it would it would be years of delay. We cant in fact deny that chimps era resulted very usefull when they contributed to produce a vaccin for hepatits B. Actually this is a good point, we cant afford that someone die despite we had the chance to save him. What is the right thing to do? Abuse of poor monkeys or not and let people die because we havent exploited the means that we had? Like said before Im against these type of use of chimps. I think we should instead find a new way that doesnt include them and maybe a cheaper one. We could use criminals and assassins in prision. They woulndt be forced, but for exlample those who dont have a reason for living or maybe a reduction of them sentece can undergo this research.

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