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Constitutional Law Mr. Moore Spring, 2013 Course Syllabus I.

INTRODUCTION: THE SUPREME COURTS ROLE IN AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 1. 2. Judicial Review Restrictions on Judicial Power a. No advisory opinions b. Standing c. Mootness d. Ripeless e. Political Questions 1-30

30-59, Supp. 1-4


DIVISIONS OF THE POWERS OF GOVERNMENT A. Vertical Division of Powers in a Federal Union 1. The Basic Structure of Federalism 2. Enumerated Powers of the Federal Government a. The Commerce Power i. Historical Background ii. Contemporary Standards iii. External Limits b. Other Powers i. Taxing ii. Spending iii. War iv. Treaty v. Foreign Affairs 3. Restriction on the Powers of State Governments a. The Negative (or Dormant) Commerce Clause i. Historical background ii. Facial discrimination against Interstate Commerce iii. Protectionist Purposes iv. Adverse Impact on Interstate Commerce b. Article IV Privileges and Immunities Clause c. Congressional Power over State Regulation i. Federal Pre-emption of State Regulation ii. Federal Authorization of State Regulation Horizontal Division of Powers Between Branches of the Federal Government 1. Presidential Power Generally 2. The President and the War on Terrorism 3. Executive Privilege 4. Matching Function and Structure


82-106 106-126, Supp. 5-14 127-150

151-174, Supp. 15-25


209-225 225-232



248-264 264-300 329-347 300-329, Supp. 26-28


RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS AGAINST FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS A. B. Historical Background The Right to Liberty 1. Pre-Griswold 2. Post-Griswold a. Contraception b. Abortion c. Marriage and living arrangements d. Sexual intimacy e. Medical treatment f. Suicide The Right to Property The Right to Equality 1. Suspect Classifications a. Race b. Gender c. Sexual orientation 2. Fundamental Interests [omitted] 348-374, Supp. 29-35 375-397


C. D.


500-538 586-620 630-641

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