Examine The Following and Answer The Questions That Follow

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Examine the following and answer the questions that follow.


News Article


Feature Film

Above are three text of different genres talking about the same thing: the Titanic. How should they be dealt with? One should rst discover the nature of the text, in respect for the news article one should perceive it objectively as these are facts, in respect for the documentary one should differentiate the sources of the documentary, and in respect for the feature lm one should view it as more of a ctional work with the purpose of entertainment and transferring of emotion. What questions will you ask when you read each text? News Article: How did they acquire the information? Is the work biased? Documentary: In whose point of view is this perceived in? Why focus on the titanic? What is the purpose of the documentary? Feature Film: What is the basis for the production of titanic?

How accurate are the events of the lm from the actual event? What is the point of each text?


What questions will you ask when you read comics, cartoons, animation? Where did they get the inspiration? How does it reect the society? What is the main characters weaknesses? What is the main characters drive for justice? What is the point of this genre? How is this genre different from other genres? It is ultimately a form of entertainment, an activity for leisure.

What questions will you ask when you read ction? Is there a connection to the actuality of the event? What is the basis of the novel? What is the overall theme? What is the point of this genre? How is this genre different from other genres? It is fabricated by imagination, and interests of the writer.

What questions will you ask when you see this picture? Who is in the painting? When was this made? What was the message the painter was trying to portray? What is the meaning behind the facial expression? What is the point of this photo? Maybe to show an image of Christianity and familiarizes the image of Christ.

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