Oracle Solution For Reusable Loader Program

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Oracle Solution for Reusable-Loader program

Functionality Details Data upload into Oracle tables is an crucial task while conversions/migrations/interface. A host based Concurrent Program is recommended to be used to call the control file to standardize tasks. A control file is created based on the data file and a Host file is developed which accepts the control file and data file as parameters. This generic host file could be used by every individual involved in interface, conversion, service for loading data with archiving facilities. So therefore in one project you can only have on Data Loader program which will be used by ALL CEMLI elements. User needs to enter control file name and data file name with specified path and program will load the data to the staging table mentioned in the control file. Benefits:1. - Reduce the effort of coding lest loader needs to be developed for every conversion and interface. 2. - Less maintainability for DBA, since there would be only one program to maintain for loading data. 3. Sample host file 4. Salient features of the sample HOST file -Invokes Control file -Displays the Bad/Log file if any -Archives data file if upload successful

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