My Imprisonment and The First Year of Abolition Rule at Washington. Rose O'Neal Greenhow, 1814-1864

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rang Docuenotrg the American South: The Southern Exprience in 19:1h Contry Anorica MY IMPRISONMENT FIRST YEAR OF ABOLITION RULE AT WASHINGTON. MRS. GREENHOW. LONDON: RICHARD B LEY, PUBLISHER IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, 1863. MY IMPRISONMENT AND THE FIRST YEAR OF ABOLITION RULE AT WASHINGTON. BY focsouth ne ooufrgroentowroonow: hint ame rang Docuenotrg the American South: The Southern Exprience in 19:1h Contry Anorica dlocsouth une eoufrgreontow/roontow hint we rang Docuenotrg the American South: The Southern Exprience in 19:1h Contry Anorica MRS. GREENHOW. LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, PUBLISHER IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. 1863. LONDON Printed BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE Page i Dedication. | RESPECTFULLY DEDICATE THESE PAGES TO THE BRAVE SOLDIERS WHO HAVE FOUGHT AND BLED IN THIS OUR GLORIOUS STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM. ROSE GREENHOW. London: Nov. 6, 1863. Pagev CONTENTS. * CHAPTER |. INTRODUCTION... .. PAGE 1 * CHAPTER Il. ON TO RICHMOND! My Arrest - Lincoln's Arival - Scotch Cap and Cloak - His Election an Invasion of Southem Rights - Order for the Advance of the Grand Army into Virginia - Its Departure - Battle of Manassas - Defeat and Rout - Its Retun to Washington - Demoralisation - Quarrels between Executive, Legislative and Miltary - Panic 1" * CHAPTER Ill. PANIC AT WASHINGTON. Attack upon the Prisoners - United States Troops obliged to protect them - My Visit to the Prison - Mr. ‘Commissioner Wood - Charles Sumner - Dismemberment of Virginia - Admission of Senators - Reign of Terror - Determination to remove Scott - Elevation of MClellan. .... 25 Page vi © CHAPTER IV. DAYS OF TRIAL. My Arrest - Search and Occupation of my House - Examination of my Papers - Miss Mackall - Mr. Calhoun - Destruction of my Cipher - Female Detective - Search of my Person - Resolution to fire the House - Arrest of Casual Visitors - Inebriation of the Guard - Outrage - Tactics of my Gaolers - Andrew J, Porter PAGE 52 * CHAPTER V. REIGN OF TERROR. Abolition Effort to poison President Buchanan - Destruction of my Papers - Reward for my Cipher - Intercepting Despatches - Mr. Seward - Personal Danger - Mr. Davis - Effort to bribe me - General Butler - Yankee Publications - Other Prisoners - Spoliation - Detective Police give place to Military Guards - Miss Mackall - lines of my Child - Dr. Stewart - Prison Life - The Spy Applegate - Mr. Stanton - Judge Black and focsouth ne ooufrgroentowroonow: hint ane

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