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1. Prove theorem 1.4.8 Let we define { | ( by ( ) { | ) }, we will prove that is denumerable.

First, we prove that

} is denumerable. By the uniqueness of prime factorizations we can define

will assign each positive rational number to a different natural number. Thus, f is one-to-one then we redirect the function as range . Then is bijective, thus is equivalent to range which must be infinite because is infinite. However range is an infinite subset of hence range is denumerable. Therefore is denumerable because it is equivalent to the denumerable set range of It is obvious that the set of negative rational number is equivalent to . Since equivalent to denumerable set then is also denumerable. Thus we can make * + conclusion, that is denumerable, since is union of denumerable sets and a finite set. 2. Use mathematical induction to prove that if the set S has n elements, then P(S) has 2^n elements

For n=1 * +, then subset of S consist of It is obvious that for n=1, set S has one element , means that | ( )| and therefore ( ) has elements (prove for n=1) For n=k Let n=k, { }, then ( ) has elements is true }, or we can write S as the * +. and which is

Given the set of S which has k+1 elements, then { union of the set with k elements and the last element which is

+ is not include to these subsets, then there are more additional subset If | ( )| , where * that we get by adjoining this element to each of those subset. Therefore we get the total subset are ( ) ( ) subsets of S. (Proven by induction)

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