Title Ownership in Goods

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Title (ownership) in goods..

Who has title when goods are delivered but not paid for.

Client Contractor Supplier

(2) Client pays the Contractor for the goods.

(1) Delivers goods to Contractor

(3) Contractor goes into liquidation and doesnt pay supplier.

The Supplier either wants paying. OR/ wants the goods returned.

Two sides to the dispute:

We have a Retention of Title clause.

We have a Vesting certificate.

Definition of terms:
Retention of Title (ROT) clause: a term in a contract which says that the supplier retains ownership in goods until paid for them. Vesting certificate: a statement to say that ownership vests in the Client.

In our scenario above the supplier would have to make a claim against the Insolvency Practitioner dealing with the insolvency of the Contractor. Otherwise, because it is a legal point, the matter would be referred to litigation rather than arbitration.

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