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The basic segments of the research project and proposal are briefly described below.

3.2.1. Title

A title for the study must be clear, concise and descriptive, indicating the variables, both dependant and independent, understudy stating the functional relationship. A catchy title which is also informative would attract the reader interest and influence the perceptions of the study positively.
3.2.2. Abstract

It is the brief summary of the whole study describing the main research question, the rationale of the research, the methodological approaches applied and the final findings of the study.
3.2.3. Introduction

The introduction is added to provide a background of the topic that is necessary to understand the research problem under study. Framing the research problem is the biggest issue that is faced during the research proposal writing. The introduction is generally started with the description of the problem and the specific issue is than followed by the study justification.
3.2.4. Literature Review

The current studies in the relevant field are presented after a critical review in this segment and at times it is made as a part of the introduction but it is more appreciated as a separate segment facilitating the reader to thoroughly review it.
3.2.5. Methodology

It is a vital segment of the research proposal as it describes the approach through which the researcher is intending to answer the question. This part provide with the work plan necessary for the successful completion of the research. Sufficient information must be given in this part to prove the selection as a sound approach based on the scope of the study.

3.2.6. Results

This segment is certainly not a part of the proposal as no idea of what the obtained results would be is present at the time but in the final project, a detailed information and presentation of data collected must accompany the final result description.
3.2.7. Discussion

In the proposal, this segment would be useful in compelling the impact of the proposed research in the field and a confidence must be communicated among the researcher and the proposal reader through this segment to ensure the enthusiasm and the interest of the researcher. The limitations and the weakness of the research must be discussed as well.

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