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Chapter 15 Transformer Design

Some more advanced design issues, not considered in previous chapter: n1 : n2 Inclusion of core loss + + i ( t ) 1 Selection of operating flux v2(t) v1(t) density to optimize total loss Multiple winding design: as in the coupled-inductor case, allocate the available window area among several windings A transformer design procedure How switching frequency affects transformer size



R2 + vk(t) : nk Rk ik (t)

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Chapter 15 Transformer Design

15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5

Transformer design: Basic constraints A step-by-step transformer design procedure Examples AC inductor design Summary

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

15.1 Transformer Design:

Basic Constraints
Core loss

P fe = K fe(B) A c l m
Typical value of  for ferrite materials: 2.6 or 2.7 B is the peak value of the ac component of B(t), i.e., the peak ac flux density So increasing B causes core loss to increase rapidly This is the first constraint

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Flux density
Constraint #2
Flux density B(t) is related to the applied winding voltage according to Faradays Law. Denote the voltseconds applied to the primary winding during the positive portion of v1(t) as 1:

v1(t) area 1



1 =

v1(t) dt

This causes the flux to change from its negative peak to its positive peak. From Faradays law, the peak value of the ac component of flux density is

To attain a given flux density, the primary turns should be chosen according to

B =

1 2n 1A c

n1 =

1 2 BA c

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Copper loss
Constraint #3
Allocate window area between windings in optimum manner, as described in previous section Total copper loss is then equal to
2 2 1 tot


Pcu =

(MLT ) n I WAK u

I tot =


nj n1 I j

Eliminate n1, using result of previous slide:

2 2 I 1 tot Pcu = 4K u

(MLT ) WA A2 c

1 B

Note that copper loss decreases rapidly as B is increased

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Total power loss

4. Ptot = Pcu + Pfe
There is a value of B that minimizes the total power loss
Power loss
ss P Co re l o
Co ppe r lo ss P c


Ptot = Pfe + Pcu

P fe = K fe(B) A c l m
Optimum B
2 2 I 1 tot Pcu = 4K u


(MLT ) WA A2 c

1 B

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

5. Find optimum flux density B

Given that

Ptot = Pfe + Pcu

Then, at the B that minimizes Ptot, we can write

dP fe dPcu dPtot = + =0 d(B) d(B) d(B)

Note: optimum does not necessarily occur where Pfe = Pcu. Rather, it occurs where

dP fe dPcu = d(B) d(B)

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Take derivatives of core and copper loss

P fe = K fe(B) A c l m

2 2 I 1 tot Pcu = 4K u

(MLT ) WA A2 c

1 B

dP fe = K fe (B) d(B)


2 2 dPcu 1 I tot =2 d(B) 4K u

(MLT ) 3 ( B ) WA A2 c

Now, substitute into

dP fe dPcu = d(B) d(B)

1 +2

and solve for B:

B =

2 2 1 I tot

2K u

(MLT ) 1 3 W A A c l m K fe

Optimum B for a given core and application

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Total loss
Substitute optimum B into expressions for Pcu and Pfe. The total loss is:

Ptot = A c l m K fe

2 +2

2 2 1 I tot

4K u

(MLT ) WA A2 c


2 +2

Rearrange as follows:


2( 1)/

2/ (MLT ) l m


2 +2


2 2 1 I tot K fe


4K u Ptot

+ 2 /

Left side: terms depend on core geometry

Right side: terms depend on specifications of the application

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

The core geometrical constant Kgfe


K gfe =


2( 1)/

2/ (MLT ) l m


2 +2


Design procedure: select a core that satisfies

K gfe

2 2 1 I tot K fe


4K u Ptot

+ 2 /

Appendix D lists the values of Kgfe for common ferrite cores Kgfe is similar to the Kg geometrical constant used in Chapter 14: Kg is used when Bmax is specified Kgfe is used when B is to be chosen to minimize total loss

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

15.2 Step-by-step transformer design procedure

The following quantities are specified, using the units noted: Wire effective resistivity  (-cm) Total rms winding current, ref to pri Itot (A) Desired turns ratios n2/n1, n3/n1, etc. Applied pri volt-sec 1 (V-sec) (W) Allowed total power dissipation Ptot Winding fill factor Ku Core loss exponent  Core loss coefficient Kfe (W/cm3T) Other quantities and their dimensions: Core cross-sectional area Ac Core window area WA Mean length per turn MLT Magnetic path length le Wire areas Aw1, Peak ac flux density B
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

(cm2) (cm2) (cm) (cm) (cm2) (T)

Chapter 15: Transformer design

1. Determine core size
2 I 2 1 tot K fe 2/

K gfe

4K u Ptot

+ 2 /

10 8

Select a core from Appendix D that satisfies this inequality. It may be possible to reduce the core size by choosing a core material that has lower loss, i.e., lower Kfe.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design


Evaluate peak ac flux density

1 +2

2 2 1 I tot (MLT ) 1 B = 10 2K u W A A 3 K fe c lm 8

At this point, one should check whether the saturation flux density is exceeded. If the core operates with a flux dc bias Bdc, then B + Bdc should be less than the saturation flux density Bsat. If the core will saturate, then there are two choices: Specify B using the Kg method of Chapter 14, or Choose a core material having greater core loss, then repeat steps 1 and 2

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

3. and 4.
Primary turns:

Evaluate turns

n1 =

1 10 4 2BA c

Choose secondary turns according to desired turns ratios:

n2 = n1 n3 = n1

n2 n1 n3 n1

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

5. and 6.
Fraction of window area assigned to each winding:

Choose wire sizes

Choose wire sizes according to:

n 1I 1 1 = n 1I tot n 2I 2 2 = n 1I tot n kI k k = n 1I tot

1K uWA n1 2K uWA A w2 n2 A w1

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Check: computed transformer model

Predicted magnetizing inductance, referred to primary:

n1 : n2 i1(t) iM (t) LM R1 R2 ik(t) i2(t)

n 2 1 Ac LM = lm
Peak magnetizing current:

1 i M , pk = 2L M
Predicted winding resistances:

n 1(MLT ) A w1 n (MLT ) R2 = 2 A w2 R1 =

: nk


Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design


Example 1: Single-output isolated Cuk converter

+ vC1(t) vC2(t) + + v2(t) i1(t) n:1 i2(t) V

20 A

25 V

v1(t) +

100 W D = 0.5 Ku = 0.5

fs = 200 kHz n=5 Allow Ptot = 0.25 W

Use a ferrite pot core, with Magnetics Inc. P material. Loss parameters at 200 kHz are Kfe = 24.7
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

 = 2.6

Chapter 15: Transformer design

v1(t) VC1 Area 1
D'Ts DTs

Applied primary voltseconds:

1 = DTsVc1 = (0.5) (5 sec ) (25 V) = 62.5 Vsec



Applied primary rms current:

I1 =

I D n

+ D' I g



Applied secondary rms current: I 2 = nI 1 = 20 A Total rms winding current: I tot = I 1 + 1 n I2 = 8 A



Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Choose core size

(1.72410 6)(62.510 6) 2(8) 2(24.7) 2/2.6 8 K gfe 10 4 (0.5) (0.25) 4.6/2.6 = 0.00295
Pot core data of Appendix D lists 2213 pot core with Kgfe = 0.0049 Next smaller pot core is not large enough.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Evaluate peak ac flux density


(1.72410 6 )(62.510 6 ) 2(8) 2 (4.42) 1 B = 10 3 2 (0.5) (0.297)(0.635) (3.15) (2.6)(24.7)


= 0.0858 Tesla

This is much less than the saturation flux density of approximately 0.35 T. Values of B in the vicinity of 0.1 T are typical for ferrite designs that operate at frequencies in the vicinity of 100 kHz.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Evaluate turns
6 (62.5 10 ) n 1 = 10 4 2(0.0858)(0.635) = 5.74 turns

n1 n 2 = n = 1.15 turns
In practice, we might select n1 = 5 and n2 = 1

This would lead to a slightly higher flux density and slightly higher loss.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Determine wire sizes

Fraction of window area allocated to each winding:

1 = 2 =

4A 8A
1 5

= 0.5 = 0.5

20 A 8A

(Since, in this example, the ratio of winding rms currents is equal to the turns ratio, equal areas are allocated to each winding) From wire table, Appendix D: AWG #16 AWG #9

Wire areas:

(0.5)(0.5)(0.297) = 14.810 3 cm 2 (5) (0.5)(0.5)(0.297) A w2 = = 74.210 3 cm 2 (1) A w1 =

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Wire sizes: discussion

5 turns #16 AWG

1 turn #9 AWG

Very large conductors! One turn of #9 AWG is not a practical solution

Some alternatives
Use foil windings Use Litz wire or parallel strands of wire

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Effect of switching frequency on transformer size

for this P-material Cuk converter example
4226 3622 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 25 kHz 50 kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz 250 kHz 400 kHz 500 kHz 1000 kHz

Pot core size

Bmax , Tesla

2616 2213 1811 1811 2213


Switching frequency

As switching frequency is increased from 25 kHz to 250 kHz, core size is dramatically reduced
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

As switching frequency is increased from 400 kHz to 1 MHz, core size increases
Chapter 15: Transformer design


Example 2
Multiple-Output Full-Bridge Buck Converter
D1 Q3 D3

T1 n1 : +
: n2 D5

I5V i2a(t)
100 A

+ 5V

160 V

i1(t) v1(t)
D2 D4 : n2 : n3 D7 D6

i2b(t) I15V i3a(t)

15 A



+ 15 V

Switching frequency Transformer frequency Turns ratio Optimize transformer at

150 kHz 75 kHz 110:5:15 D = 0.75

: n3 D8


Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Other transformer design details

Use Magnetics, Inc. ferrite P material. Loss parameters at 75 kHz: Kfe = 7.6 W/Tcm3  = 2.6 Use E-E core shape Assume fill factor of Ku = 0.25 (reduced fill factor accounts for added insulation required in multiple-output off-line application)

Allow transformer total power loss of Ptot = 4 W (approximately 0.5% of total output power)

Use copper wire, with  = 1.724106 -cm

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Applied transformer waveforms


T1 n1 : +
: n2 D5




Area 1 = Vg DTs 0 Vg 0

i1(t) v (t) 1
D4 : n2 : n3 D7 D6


n n2 I 5V + 3 I 15V n1 n1



n n2 I 5V + 3 I 15V n1 n1

I5V 0.5I5V 0

D8 : n3



I15V 0.5I15V 0
0 DTs Ts Ts+DTs 2Ts

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Applied primary volt-seconds

v1(t) Vg Area 1 = Vg DTs 0 Vg 0

1 = DTsVg = (0.75) (6.67 sec ) (160 V) = 800 Vsec

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Applied primary rms current

n n2 I 5V + 3 I 15V n1 n1

n n2 I 5V + 3 I 15V n1 n1

n2 n3 I 1 = n I 5V + n I 15V 1 1

D = 5.7 A

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Applied rms current, secondary windings

i2a(t) I5V 0.5I5V 0 i3a(t) I15V 0.5I15V 0
0 DTs Ts Ts+DTs 2Ts

I2 = 1 2 I 5V 1 + D = 66.1 A
I3 = 1 2 I 15V 1 + D = 9.9 A
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

RMS currents, summed over all windings and referred to primary

I tot =

all 5 windings

nj n2 n3 n1 I j = I 1 + 2 n1 I 2 + 2 n1 I 3

= 5.7 A + 5 66.1 A + 15 9.9 A 110 110 = 14.4 A

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Select core size

(1.72410 6)(80010 6) 2(14.4) 2(7.6) 2/2.6 8 K gfe 10 4 (0.25) (4) 4.6/2.6 = 0.00937

From Appendix D

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Evaluate ac flux density B

2 2 8 1I tot (MLT ) 1 Bmax = 10 2K u WAA 3 K fe clm 1 +2

Eq. (15.20):

Plug in values:

(1.72410 6 )(80010 6 ) 2(14.4) 2 (8.5) 1 B = 10 3 2(0.25) (1.1)(1.27) (7.7) (2.6)(7.6)


= 0.23 Tesla
This is less than the saturation flux density of approximately 0.35 T

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Evaluate turns
Choose n1 according to Eq. (15.21):

n1 =

1 10 4 2BA c

Rounding the number of turns

To obtain desired turns ratio of 110:5:15 we might round the actual turns to 22:1:3 Increased n1 would lead to Less core loss More copper loss Increased total loss

(80010 6) n 1 = 10 2(0.23)(1.27) = 13.7 turns

Choose secondary turns according to desired turns ratios:

5 n2 = n = 0.62 turns 110 1 15 n = 1.87 turns n3 = 110 1

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Loss calculation
with rounded turns
With n1 = 22, the flux density will be reduced to

(80010 6 ) B = 10 4 = 0.143 Tesla 2(22)(1.27)

The resulting losses will be

Pfe = (7.6)(0.143) 2.6(1.27)(7.7) = 0.47 W

(8.5) (1.72410 6)(80010 6) 2(14.4) 2 8 1 Pcu = 10 4 (0.25) (1.1)(1.27) 2 (0.143) 2 = 5.4 W
Ptot = Pfe + Pcu = 5.9 W
Which exceeds design goal of 4 W by 50%. So use next larger core size: EE50.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

Calculations with EE50

Repeat previous calculations for EE50 core size. Results: B = 0.14 T, n1 = 12, Ptot = 2.3 W Again round n1 to 22. Then B = 0.08 T, Pcu = 3.89 W, Pfe = 0.23 W, Ptot = 4.12 W Which is close enough to 4 W.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Wire sizes for EE50 design

Window allocations Wire gauges
1K uWA (0.396)(0.25)(1.78) = = 8.010 3 cm 2 (22) n1 AWG #19 KW (0.209)(0.25)(1.78) = 93.010 3 cm 2 A w2 = 2 u A = (1) n2 A w1 = AWG #8 KW (0.094)(0.25)(1.78) = 13.910 3 cm 2 A w3 = 3 u A = (3) n3 AWG #16

1 =

I1 = 5.7 = 0.396 I tot 14.4

n 2I 2 = 5 66.1 = 0.209 n 1I tot 110 14.4

2 =

3 =

n 3I 3 = 15 9.9 = 0.094 n 1I tot 110 14.4

Might actually use foil or Litz wire for secondary windings

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Discussion: Transformer design

Process is iterative because of round-off of physical number of turns and, to a lesser extent, other quantities Effect of proximity loss
Not included in design process yet Requires additional iterations

Can modify procedure as follows:

After a design has been calculated, determine number of layers in each winding and then compute proximity loss Alter effective resistivity of wire to compensate: define
eff =   Pcu/Pdc where Pcu is the total copper loss (including proximity effects) and Pdc is the copper loss predicted by the dc resistance.

Apply transformer design procedure using this effective wire resistivity, and compute proximity loss in the resulting design. Further iterations may be necessary if the specifications are not met.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Chapter 15: Transformer design

15.4 AC Inductor Design

i(t) + v(t)
v(t) Area

Window area WA Core mean length per turn (MLT )

Core Core area Ac Air gap lg

n turns Wire resistivity Fill factor Ku





Design a single-winding inductor, having an air gap, accounting for core loss
(note that the previous design procedure of this chapter did not employ an air gap, and inductance was not a specification)

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Chapter 15: Transformer design

Outline of key equations

Obtain specified inductance: Total loss is minimized when

0 Acn2 L= lg
Relationship between applied volt-seconds and peak ac flux density:

B =

I 2K u

2 2

(MLT ) 1 3 W A A c l m K fe

1 +2

Must select core that satisfies

B =

2nA c

K gfe

2I 2K fe 2K u Ptot


+ 2 /

Copper loss (using dc resistance):

n 2(MLT ) 2 Pcu = I K uW A
Fundamentals of Power Electronics

See Section 15.4.2 for step-by-step design equations

Chapter 15: Transformer design

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