Jillian Oliver Statement of Purpose

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So Jillian, what did you decide to major in for your undergrad? History. Oh, so you want to teach?

Why does everyone think all you can do with a history degree is teach? I have nothing against teachers, mind you, but an undergraduate degree in history can be the foundation of many stimulating and fulfilling careers. While taking my Historical Research Methods class, I became a frequent visitor of my schools Special Collections Library. I also adopted Carol Waggoner-Angleton, our Special Collections and Institutional Archives Librarian, as my mentor. Through her counseling and bearing witness to her own passion, I decided to explore the path of an archivist as my potential career goal. With the help of Mrs. Carol, I was able to secure an internship at the Augusta Genealogical Society as their archivist intern. I was treated like no amateur. They entrusted me with the responsibility to process my own collection. It came to me in a cardboard box with the name Barney Whitaker written in black sharpie on the lid. Just the sight of this box ignited an anxiety within me, the type you feel before a first date. There I was on a date with the deceased. As I opened the box I saw the summary of a man. Methodically I peeled back layer by layer to discover the essence of my date. I requested many answers of him. Who are you? Whos your family? Whats your legacy? Confident and bold with his answers, Barney did not disappoint. Having such a positive experience at the Augusta Genealogical Society reinforced my ambitions to pursue archiving as a profession. While my first love is history, a career in archiving would allow me to feed my passion for historical knowledge while also preserving and making available documents and artifacts of importance for future generations. After acquiring this education, I ultimately plan to align myself with an institution such as the United States National Archives or the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum which have made education a part of their institutions agenda. I have chosen to pursue my masters degree at Clayton State University as it came highly recommended from friends and family. The University also offers my degree as an online program and I find this to be a highly desirable option. Reviewing the courses, I found several of the topics intriguing including Digital Preservation and Law, Ethics, and Archives. I was also drawn to the apprenticeship opportunities the University has been able to provide by linking up with other institutions. However, my personal goals do not stop at acquiring a Master of Archival Studies. I have set a personal goal for myself to earn my doctoral degree in history before I turn thirty.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my application. I would be happy to provide you with other material upon request. Cordially, Jillian Oliver

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