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Dubai to host Peruvian food festival

READING ACTIVITY Choose the correct definition for host according to the reading: 1. Host a. to arrange a special event and provide the area, buildings, equipment, or services needed for it. b. to introduce and talk to the people taking part in a television or radio program. c. to organize and be in charge of a meal or party for guests, especially an official one. 2. Take place a. To happen b. Ta take a position c. Be in some place 3. Feature a. a newspaper or magazine article that concentrates on a particular subject. b. to include someone or something as an important part. c. a part of your face such as your eyes, nose, or mouth 4. As well as a. besides. b. very well. c. Except. Answer the following questions: 1. Where will the Taste of Per festival take place? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What will they offer at the festival? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who hosts the event? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Which music group will take part? _________________________________________________________________________ Add a comment on our facebook site giving you opinion about the article previously read.

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______________________________ Mr. Angel Pimentel ______________________________

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