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July 30, 2013 Hon. Speaker Christine C.

Quinn 250 Broadway New York, NY 10007 Dear Speaker Quinn, I am deeply troubled by reports today that Mayor Bloomberg is seeking to back City Council Member Erik Dilan as Executive Director of the Board of Elections, thereby stripping the council of the 34th vote required to overturn his veto of the Racial Profiling bill. This is an appalling end-run around democracy, and if successful, it would cost the city a desperately needed tool to reform the NYPDs stop-and-frisk practice. The Racial Profiling bill has come too far, is too important, and enjoys too much support to see it undercut at the eleventh hour. A supermajority of the Council backs the measure. Against difficult odds, it made it to the floor. New Yorkers deserve to see this effort borne out and this bill passed into law. We need the Racial Profiling bill to rebuild trust between police and communities they serve. I urge you to join me in opposing this underhanded maneuver. Send a clear message that you will not allow the integrity of the Councils legislative process to be disrupted and this bill to be undercut. Prior to these latest revelations, the City Council was required to hold its override vote at or before its August 22 Stated Meeting. I urge you to hold a vote in the most expeditious way possible in order to prevent further attempts to overturn the will of the people, and the Council. Sincerely,

Bill de Blasio Public Advocate for the City of New York

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